Living Democracy Brief National Edition 1st Edition Shea Solutions Manual

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Living Democracy Brief National Edition 1st Edition Shea Solutions Manual.

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Living Democracy gets students to participate in learning, in the classroom, and in change. The book’s young and energetic author team cares deeply about student learning and student engagement. Lead author Dan Shea founded the Center for Political Participation and his experiences working with students in the classroom and in the center inspired him to team up with co-authors Joanne Connor Green (Texas Christian University) and Christopher E. Smith (Michigan State) to write an American Government text that truly inspires students and helps them experience the impact of government in their daily lives. Everything about the book–the writing, design, examples, photos, activities, and every page of the text–is designed to get students to participate in their class and in American politics.


Table of Content:

Chapter 1	American Government: Democracy in Action
American Democracy and the Individual Citizen
The Unique Democracy of the United States
Themes of This Book
	Citizen Participation in Democratic Government
	Pathways of Action
	Diversity in American Society
Citizen Participation and Pathways: The Example of Abortion
Change and Stability in American Government
	Sources of Stability
Chapter 2	Early Governance and the Constitutional Framework
The Cry for Liberty, Equality, . . . and Slavery?
The Nature of Government and Politics
	Types of Governments
	Economic Systems
Early Governance in America
The American Revolution
	The Declaration of Independence
	The Colonial Experience and the Pathways of Change
The Articles of Confederation
	Limitations of the Articles of Confederation
	Shays's Rebellion: An Alternative Look
The Constitutional Convention
	The Great Compromise
	The Three-Fifths Compromise
	The Sectional Compromise
The U.S. Constitution
The Struggle over Ratification
	The Federalist Papers
	The Anti-Federalists' Response
Other Challenges Faced by the New Nation
	A Second Revolution
	Jacksonian Democracy
Chapter 3	Federalism
No Child Left Behind and the Ongoing Debate over Authority
Why Divide Authority in the First Place?
The Evolution of Federalism in the United States
	Before the Civil War
	Federalism after the Civil War
	Federal Power: The Supreme Court and the New Deal
Recent Trends in Federalism
	The New Deal and Cooperative Federalism
	The Great Society and Creative Federalism
	The Changing Nature of Federal Grants
	New Federalism
	The Supreme Court's Shift in Perspective
Chapter 4	The Judiciary
Controversy over Same-Sex Marriage
Court Structure and Processes
	The Adversarial System
	Trial Courts
	Appellate Courts
	The United States Supreme Court
The Power of American Judges
	Constitutional and Statutory Interpretation
	Judicial Review
	Federal Judges' Protected Tenure
Judicial Selection and Judges' Decision Making
	Judicial Selection in the Federal System
	Judicial Selection in the States
	Judges' Decision Making
	Political Science and Judicial Decision Making
Action in the Court-Centered Pathway
	Interest Group Litigation
	Elements of Strategy
	Implementation and Impact
Judicial Policymaking and Democracy
Chapter 5	Civil Liberties
Restrictions on Freedom of Speech
The Bill of Rights in History
	Early Interpretation of the Bill of Rights
	The Incorporation Process and the Nationalization of Constitutional Rights
First Amendment Rights
	Freedom of Speech
	Freedom of the Press
	Freedom of Religion
Civil Liberties and Criminal Justice
	The Right to Bear Arms
	Search and Seizure
	Trial Rights
	Right to Counsel
	Capital Punishment
	Private Sexual Conduct
Chapter 6	Congress
Health, Human Services, . . . and Less Restrictive Gun Laws?
The Nature and Style of Representation
Congress and the Constitution
	The Details of Article 1
Organizing the Legislative Process
	Standing Committees: The Workhorses of the Legislature
	Political Parties in the Legislature
	Legislative Leadership
	Legislative Rules and Norms
How a Bill Becomes Law
	Making Laws: A Summary
Who Sits in Congress?
	Race and Ethnicity
	Income and Occupation
Congressional Ethics 
Chapter 7	The Presidency
From Pet Goat to Commander in Chief-in Seven Minutes! [may change]
Early Concerns about Executive Power
The President and the Constitution
	The Constitutional Convention
	Article 2 and Ratification of the Constitution
The Evolution of the Presidency
	Models of Presidential Power
	Institutional Changes
	The Changing Role of the Vice President
	Informal Powers of the President
	First Ladies
The Many Roles of Modern Presidents
	The President as Chief of State
	The President as Chief Legislator
	The President as Chief Diplomat
	The President as Commander in Chief
	The President as Chief Executive
Presidential Greatness
Chapter 8	Bureaucracy
Government and Natural Disasters
Organization of the Federal Bureaucracy
	Development of the Federal Bureaucracy
	Presidential Appointees
	Independent Agencies, Independent Regulatory Commissions, and Government Corporations
The Nature of Bureaucracy
	The Image of Bureaucracy
	The Advantages of Bureaucracy
	The Problems of Government Bureaucracy
	Reform of the Bureaucracy
The Lobbying Pathway and Policymaking
	The Bureaucracy and Legislation
	The Bureaucracy and Information
	Quasi-Judicial Processes
	Oversight and Accountability
Chapter 9	Political Socialization and Public Opinion
Change in Action: Views of Homosexuality
Public Opinion
	Public Opinion and Public Policy
	Fundamental Values
	The Stability of Political Beliefs
	The Impact of Popular Culture on Political Opinions and Values
	The Power of Popular Culture
From Values to Ideology
	Political Socialization
	Peers and Community
	The Media
	Events [[may be deleted]]
Social Groups and Political Values
	Economic Bases of Partisanship and Public Opinion	Education
	Race and Ethnicity
Measuring Public Opinion
	Use of Polls
	History of Polling
	Modern Polling Techniques
	Survey Research
	Controversies surrounding Polling
Chapter 10	The Politics of the Media
Media and Cultural Change
Mass Media
History of Mass Media
	Print Media
	Electronic Media
Functions of the Media
	Social Effects of the Media
Political Use of Media
	How Politicians Make the News
	How Journalists Report the News
	How Groups Use the Media
The Media and the Public in the Political Arena
	Media in Campaigns
	Global Issues
	Concentration and Centralization of Ownership
Governmental Regulations
	The Right to Privacy
	Rules regarding Content and Ownership
	Challenges Related to the New Media
Chapter 11	Civic and Political Engagement
Citizens in Action, Rocking the Vote
Activism and Protest in the United States: A Brief History
	Protest in Colonial America
	The Right to Revolt
Influencing the Government through Mobilization and Participation
	Constitutional Guarantees for Citizen Activism and Mobilization
Early Social Movements: The First National Groups Emerge, 1830s-1890
	The Abolitionist Movement
	The Women's Rights Movement: The First Wave
	The Prohibition Movement
Progressive Era Movements, 1890s-1920
	The Rise of Labor Unions
	Business Groups and Trade Associations
New Politics: Mass Movements of the Modern Era
	Vietnam and the Antiwar Movement
	The Civil Rights Movement
	The Women's Rights Movement: The Second Wave
	The Gay Rights Movement
	Conservative Christian Groups
	Older and Newer Mobilization Tactics
Theory versus Practice
	Free Association and Expression versus National Security
	9/11 and the Patriot Act
	Freedom, Activism, and Public Opinion
The Age of Apathy?
Chapter 12	Elections and Political Participation in America
How Much for That Senate Seat?
Elections and Democratic Theory
	Republicanism and Different Ways to Select Leaders
	Elections as an Expression of Popular Will
	Stability and Legitimacy
	Civic Education
	Fulfilling One's Civic Duty
	A Safety Valve
The Limitations of Elections
	Elections as a Placebo
	A Poor Measure of Public Sentiment
	The Atomization of Politics
	Constricting the Pool of Public Officials
	A Broken Process?
Elections and the Law
	The Electoral College
	Amendments to the Constitution
	Voting and Legislative Acts
Referendums, Initiatives, and Recalls
	The Future of the Ballot Initiative as a Pathway of Change
The Role of Money in Elections
	The Rage for Reform
	Political Action Committees
	The Incumbent Fundraising Advantage
	Reforming the Reforms: BCRA
	The Ironies of Money and Politics
Levels of Political Participation
	The Shrinking Electorate
	Why Has Turnout Declined?
	Voting and Demographic Characteristics
	Are Young Voters Tuning Out?
	Are They Getting the Message? Young Voters in the 2004 Election
Chapter 13	Political Parties
Religion, Party Politics, and Stealth Candidates
What Is a Political Party?
Party Functions
The Components Of Political Parties
	Realignment Theory
Party Eras in American History
	Phase 1: The Arrival of Parties in America (1790s-1828) [[may change]]
	Phase 2: The Heyday of Parties (1828-1900)
	Phase 3: Party Decline (1900-1970s)
	Phase 4. Organizational Resurgence (1970s-Present)
Minor Parties in American Politics
	Barriers to Minor-Party Success
	Minor Parties in American History
	Minor Parties in the Twenty-First Century
Political Parties and Ideology
The Nomination Process
	Different Primary Systems
	Presidential Nominations
	A More Democratic Process?
Chapter 14	Public Policy: An Introduction[[AUTHOR: Change subtitle?]]
Hooters and Polluters: The Politics of Public Policy
The Nature of Public Policy 
Ideas and Values in Public Policy
	Political Ideology
Types of Public Policy
The Public Policy Process
	Identifying the Problem
	Setting an Agenda
	Formulating and Legitimizing Policy
	Implementing Policy
Alternative Views of the Policy Process Model[[AUTHOR: Delete Model?]]

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