Modern Systems Analysis and Design 7th Edition Hoffer Solutions Manual
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Modern Systems Analysis and Design 7th Edition Hoffer Solutions Manual.
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0132991306
- ISBN-13 : 978-0132991308
- Author:
Intended primarily toward undergraduate and graduate systems analysis and design courses, this text also provides practical content to current and aspiring industry professionals.
Modern Systems Analysis and Design uses a practical, rather than technical, approach to help students learn the methods and principles of systems development. This text covers the concepts, skills, methodologies, techniques, tools, and perspectives essential for systems analysts to successfully develop information systems.
Table of contents:
PART I Foundations for Object-Oriented Systems Development
CHAPTER 1: The Object-Oriented Systems Development Environment
CHAPTER 2: Introduction to Object Orientation
PART II Project Management and Planning
CHAPTER 3: Managing the Object-Oriented Information Systems Project
CHAPTER 4: Selecting and Planning Projects
PART III Systems Analysis
CHAPTER 5: Determining Object-Oriented Systems Requirements
CHAPTER 6: Structuring System Requirements: Use Case Description and Diagrams
CHAPTER 7: Conceptual Data Modeling
CHAPTER 8: Object-Relational Modeling
CHAPTER 9: Analysis Classes
CHAPTER 10: Selecting the Best Alternative Design Strategy
PART IV Systems Design
Chapter 11: Physical Database Design
Chapter 12: Design Elements
Chapter 13: Designing the Human Interface
PART V Systems Implementation and Operation
Chapter 14: OOSAD Implementation and Operation
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