Theories of Personality 7th Edition Feist Test Bank
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Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 0073382701
- ISBN-13 : 978-0073382708
- Author: Gregory J. Feist
The 7th edition of this trusted introduction to personality centers on the premise that personality theories are a reflection of the unique cultural background, family experiences, personalities, and professional training of their originators. The book begins by acquainting students with the meaning of personality and providing them with a solid foundation for understanding the nature of theory, as well as its crucial contributions to science. The chapters that follow present twenty-three major theories: coverage of each theory also encompasses a biographical sketch of each theorist, related research, and applications to real life. The primary focus of this revision was updating the theory chapters to reflect the most recent research.
Table of Content:
Chapter 1: Introduction to Personality
Chapter 2: Freud: Psychoanalysis
Chapter 3: Alder: Individual Psychology
Chapter 4: Jung: Analytical Psychology
Chapter 5: Klein: Object Relations Theory
Chapter 6: Hornet: Psychoanalytic Social Theory
Chapter 7: Fromm: Humanistic Psychoanalysis
Chapter 8: Sullivan: Interpersonal Theory
Chapter 9: Erikson: Post-Freudian Theory
Chapter 10: Maslow: Holistic-Dynamic Theory
Chapter 11: Rogers: Person-Centered Theory
Chapter 12: May: Existential Psychology
Chapter 13: Allport: Psychology of the Individual
Chapter 14: Eysenck, McCrae, and Costa’s Trait and Factor Theories
Chapter 15: Skinner: Behavioral Analysis
Chapter 16: Bandura: Social Cognitive Theory
Chapter 17: Rotter and Mischel: Cognitive Social Learning Theory
Chapter 18: Kelly: Psychology of Personal Constructs
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