Canadian Business Law Today Canadian 1st Edition Breen Solutions Manual
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Canadian Business Law Today Canadian 1st Edition Breen Solutions Manual.
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0070310068
- ISBN-13 : 978-0070310063
- Author: Nancy Breen, Shane Ellis
Canadian Business Law Today, Second Edition, is an exciting, updated and long-awaited ground up product specifically designed for one semester courses, or for instructors that want concise business law coverage. This concise coverage aims to expose students to the areas of law that are commonly encountered, for not just business graduates but everyone as they negotiate their way through everyday life. Fundamental topics of Canadian business law such as the court and legal system, tort law, contract law, employment law, property law, and business organization are introduced and discussed.
With an emphasis on active learning to engage students in the 21st century, Canadian Business Law Today contains current Canadian examples, legal scenarios, and case studies, along with comprehensive instructor resources to suit a variety of teaching and learning styles. An accessible writing style combined with engaging pedagogical elements motivates students to actively participate in their learning.
Canadian Business Law Today Canadian 1st Edition Breen Test Bank
Table of contents:
CHAPTER 1: Business Law
CHAPTER 2: Resolution of Disputes
CHAPTER 3: Tort Law
CHAPTER 4: Specific Issues in Tort Law
CHAPTER 5: Elements of Contracts, E-Commerce, and Technology
CHAPTER 6: Contracts: Problems with Formation
CHAPTER 7: Contracts: Ending Contracts
CHAPTER 8: Employment Law and Labour Law
CHAPTER 9: Property Law
CHAPTER 10: Business Organization
CHAPTER 11: Banking, Creditors’ Rights, and Bankruptcy
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