Introduction to Teaching Interactive eBook Making a Difference in Student Learning 2nd Edition Hall Test Bank
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Introduction to Teaching Interactive eBook Making a Difference in Student Learning 2nd Edition Hall Test Bank.
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1452206384
- ISBN-13 : 978-1452206387
- Author:
This dynamic new Interactive eBook version of Gene E. Hall′s new text, Introduction to Teaching is ideal for students in online and traditional courses who prefer a more contemporary, multimedia-integrated presentation for learning. It provides students with integrated links to engaging video and audio as well as access to complete academic and professional articles, all from the same pages found in the printed text. Students will also have immediate access to study tools such as highlighting, bookmarking, note-taking, and more!
Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Becoming a Teacher
Chapter 2. Today’s Students
Chapter 3. Exceptional Learners
Chapter 4. The Social Context of Schools
Chapter 5. Families and Communities
Chapter 6. History of Schools in the United States
Chapter 7. Developing a Philosophy of Teaching and Learning
Chapter 8. Organizing and Financing Schools for Learning
Chapter 9. The Law as It Relates to Teaching and Learning
Chapter 10. Standards, Curriculum, and Accountability
Chapter 11. Managing the Classroom and Student Behavior
Chapter 12. Teaching Strategies
Chapter 13. Assessing Student Learning and Using the Results
Chapter 14. Succeeding in Your Teacher Education Program, and Beyond
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