Accounting Information Systems The Processes Controls 2nd Edition Turner Solutions Manual

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Accounting Information Systems The Processes Controls 2nd Edition Turner Solutions Manual.

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Product Details:

This new edition continues to organize key AIS course content (e.g. ERP and relational databases, REA, controls) around four major themes: simplicity of writing and presentation (lower level), business processes, accounting and IT controls, and ethics as it relates to accounting systems. This text offers real-world focus that impacts the chapter exposition, discussion questions, and end-of-chapter exercises and cases. It includes an emphasis on readability that extends beyond the narrative to the flowcharts and illustrations.


Table of Content:


CHAPTER 1 Introduction to AIS 1

CHAPTER 2 Foundational Concepts of the AIS 39
(Including an REA Appendix)


CHAPTER 3 Fraud, Ethics, and Internal Control 83
(Including appendices for the history of internal control standards and control objectives for information technology (COBIT))

CHAPTER 4 Internal Controls and Risks in IT Systems 127

CHAPTER 5 Corporate Governance and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act 179

CHAPTER 6 IT Governance 211

CHAPTER 7 Auditing Information Technology–Based Processes 253


CHAPTER 8 Revenue and Cash Collection Processes and Controls 299

CHAPTER 9 Expenditures Processes and Controls—Purchases 363

CHAPTER 10 Expenditures Processes and Controls—Payroll and Fixed Assets 425

CHAPTER 11 Conversion Processes and Controls 473

CHAPTER 12 Administrative Processes and Controls 509


CHAPTER 13 Data and Databases 541

CHAPTER 14 E-Commerce and E-Business 577

CHAPTER 15 IT Infrastructure for E-Business 615

Index 649


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