Psychology Around Us 2nd Edition Comer Test Bank
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Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 9781118012079
- ISBN-13 : 978-1118012079
- Author:
Comer and Gould’s Psychology Around Us demonstrates the many-often surprising, always fascinating-intersections of psychology with students’ day-to-day lives. Every chapter includes sections on human development, brain function, individual differences and abnormal psychology that occur in that area. These “cut-across” sections highlight how the different fields of psychology are connected to each other and how they connect to everyday life.
Every chapter begins with a vignette that shows the power of psychology in understanding a whole range of human behavior. This theme is reinforced throughout the chapter in boxed readings and margin notes that celebrate the extraordinary processes that make the everyday possible and make psychology both meaningful and relevant. The text presents psychology as a unified field the understanding of which flows from connecting its multiple subfields and reinforces the fact that psychology is a science with all that this implies (research methodology, cutting edge studies, the application of critical thinking).
Table of contents:
CHAPTER 1 Psychology: Yesterday and Today 3
CHAPTER 2 Psychology as a Science 35
CHAPTER 3 Human Development 61
CHAPTER 4 Neuroscience 113
CHAPTER 5 Sensation and Perception 149
CHAPTER 6 Consciousness 189
CHAPTER 7 Learning 229
CHAPTER 8 Memory 269
CHAPTER 9 Language and Thought 313
CHAPTER 10 Intelligence 349
CHAPTER 11 Motivation 391
CHAPTER 12 Emotion, Stress, and Health 427
CHAPTER 13 Personality 483
CHAPTER 14 Social Psychology 523
CHAPTER 15 Psychological Disorders 567
CHAPTER 16 Treatment of Psychological Disorders 615
Appendix A-1
Glossary G-1
References R-1
Text and Illustration Credits T-1
Photo Credits P-1
Name Index NI-1
Subject Index SI-1
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