21st Century Astronomy 5th Edition Kay Test Bank
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0393603326
- ISBN-13 : 978-0393603323
- Author: Laura Kay
Influenced by astronomy education research, 21st Century Astronomy offers a complete pedagogical and media package that facilitates learning by doing, while the new one-column design makes the Fifth Edition the most accessible introductory text available today.
Table of contents:
- Chapter 1: Thinking Like an Astronomer
- Chapter 2: Patterns in the Sky—Motions of Earth and the Moon
- Chapter 3: Motion of Astronomical Bodies
- Chapter 4: Gravity
- Chapter 5: Light
- Chapter 6: The Tools of the Astronomer
- Chapter 7: The Formation of Planetary Systems
- Chapter 8: The Terrestrial Planets and Earth’s Moon
- Chapter 9: Atmospheres of the Terrestrial Planets
- Chapter 10: Worlds of Gas and Liquid—The Giant Planets
- Chapter 11: Planetary Moons and Rings
- Chapter 12: Dwarf Planets and Small Solar System Bodies
- Chapter 13: Taking the Measure of Stars
- Chapter 14: Our Star — The Sun
- Chapter 15: The Interstellar Medium and Star Formation
- Chapter 16: Evolution of Low-Mass Stars
- Chapter 17: Evolution of High-Mass Stars
- Chapter 18: Relativity and Black Holes
- Chapter 19: Galaxies
- Chapter 20: The Milky Way—A Normal Spiral Galaxy
- Chapter 21: The Expanding Universe
- Chapter 22: Cosmology
- Chapter 23: Large-Scale Structure in the Universe
- Chapter 24: Life
- Appendix 1: Mathematical Tools
- Appendix 2: Physical Constants and Units
- Appendix 3: Periodic Table of the Elements
- Appendix 4: Properties of Planets, Dwarf Planets, and Moons
- Appendix 5: Space Missions
- Appendix 6: Brightest Stars
- Appendix 7: Observing the Sky
- Appendix 8: Uniform Circular Motion and Circular Orbits
- Glossary
- Selected Answers
- Credits
- Index
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