About Philosophy 11th Edition Wolff Test Bank

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About Philosophy 11th Edition Wolff Test Bank.

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Product Details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0205194125
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0205194124
  • Author:  Robert Wolff

About Philosophy is an introductory text that covers all the major fields of philosophy in an easy-to-read language, interspersed with short selections from the major philosophers. It has been a best-selling leader in the field for more than forty years and it is written by an internationally recognized author of more than twenty books.


Table of Content:

  2. What Do Philosophers Do? The Study of Human Nature
  3. Republic The Nature of Justice
  4. What Do Philosophers Do? The Study of the Universe
  5. On the Nature of Things
  6. What Do Philosophers Do? Human Nature and the Universe
  7. Meditations
  8. A Treatise of Human Nature
  9. Critique of Pure Reason
  10. The Limitations of the Western Philosophical Tradition
  11. The Problem of the Twentieth Century Is the Problem of the Color Line
  12. The Souls of Black Folk
  13. Philosophy and the Philosopher
  14. 2 Theory of Knowledge
  16. Descartes’ Method Of Doubt
  17. Discourse on Method
  18. Meditations on First Philosophy
  19. Meditation I
  20. Meditation II
  21. Rationalism and Empiricism: Two Responses to Cartesian Doubt
  22. Meditations on First Philosophy
  23. Leibniz and Rationalism
  24. The Monadology
  25. Hume and Empiricism
  26. A Treatise of Human Nature
  27. A Treatise of Human Nature
  28. Kant’s Resolution of the Rationalism/ Empiricism Debate
  29. New Turns in Epistemology
  30. Coherentism
  31. A Return to Pragmatism
  32. The Impact of Cognitive Science
  33. The Main Points in Chapter Two
  34. Questions for Discussion and Review
  35. The Primary Source: Philosophical Readings and Commentary
  36. Contemporary Application
  37. The Epistemological Status of Plagiarism
  38. Our Copy-Paste Culture and Why Plagiarism Isn’t Such a Problem Anymore
  39. Plagiarism 2.0
  40. Plagiarism Is Not a Big Moral Deal
  41. Four Reasons to Be Happy About Internet Plagiarism
  42. 3 Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind
  44. What Is Metaphysics?
  45. Hobbes’ Materialism
  46. Leviathan
  47. Free Will and Determinism
  48. Leviathan
  49. Critique of Pure Reason
  50. The Mind and the Body
  51. The Main Points in Chapter Three
  52. Questions for Discussion and Review
  53. The Primary Source: Philosophical Readings and Commentary
  54. Contemporary Application How Virtual Is Virtual Reality?
  55. Is This Man Cheating On His Wife?
  56. Real Discrimination against Digital People
  57. 4 Philosophy of Science
  59. The Place of Science in the Modern World
  60. Francis Bacon and the Foundations of Scientific Method
  61. The Relation Between Theory and Observation
  62. Karl Popper and Falsifiability
  63. Thomas Kuhn’s Theory of Scientific Revolutions
  64. The Structure of Scientific RevolutionsThe Structure of Scientific Revolutions
  65. The Structure of Scientific RevolutionsThe Structure of Scientific Revolutions
  66. Anomaly and the Emergence of Scientific Discoveries
  67. The Response to Crisis
  68. Science as a Social Institution
  69. The Main Points in Chapter Four
  70. Questions for Discussion and Review
  72. Contemporary Application Evolution versus Creationism
  73. Creationists, Now They’re Coming for Your Children
  74. Evolution is Religion
  75. 5 Ethical Theory
  77. The Varieties of Ethical Theory
  78. Kant and the Commands of Duty
  79. Three Reasons to Think About Ethics
  80. Ethical Disagreement and the Categorical Imperative
  81. Anthropology and the Abnormal
  82. Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals
  83. Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals
  84. Utilitarianism and the Calculation of Pleasures and Pains
  85. An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation
  86. Virtue Ethics
  87. The Feminist Critique of Ethical Theory
  88. Feminism in Ethics: Moral Justification
  89. Pornography, Civil Rights, and Speech
  90. The Main Points in Chapter Five, Part One
  91. Questions for Discussion and Review
  92. Contemporary Application Same-Sex Marriage
  93. Pew Forum Debate on Same-Sex Marriage
  95. 6 Social and Political Philosophy
  97. Mill and Classical Laissez-Faire Liberalism
  98. The Wealth of Nations
  99. UtilitarianismHigher and Lower Pleasures
  100. Principles of Political Economy
  101. Principles of Political Economy
  102. The Socialist Attack on Capitalism
  103. Economic-Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844
  104. Rousseau and the Theory of the Social Contract
  105. Of the Social Contract
  106. Second Treatise of Government
  107. The Pluralist Theory of the State
  108. The Group Basis of Politics
  109. The Racial Critique of the Social Contract Theory of the State
  110. The Racial Contract
  111. The Main Points in Chapter Six
  112. Questions for Discussion and Review
  113. The Primary Source: Philosophical Readings and Commentary
  114. Contemporary Application Is Health Care a Right?
  115. Health Care Is a Right, Not a Privilege
  116. It’s About Human Rights, Not the Money
  117. Health Care Is a Good, Not a Right
  118. Health Care Is Not a Right
  119. 7 Philosophy of Art
  121. Plato’s Attack on the Poets
  122. RepublicPlato’s Philosophy of Art
  123. Aristotle’s Defense of the Poets
  124. Poetics Aristotle’s Philosophy of Art
  125. Marcuse and the Uses of Negation
  126. One-Dimensional ManThe Negative Function of Art
  127. Arthur C. Danto’s Theory of Artistic Identification
  128. “The Artworld”
  129. Questions for Discussion and Review
  130. The Primary Source: Philosophical Readings and Commentary
  131. Contemporary Application Fakes, Forgeries, and Animal Paintings: What Is Art?
  132. Art Forgeries: Does It Matter If You Can’t Spot an Original?
  133. Mind over Splatter
  134. The Art Factory and the Death of the Connoisseur
  135. Dog Painting and Modern Art
  136. Zoo Animals Monkey Around with Art
  137. 8 Philosophy of Religion
  139. Kierkegaard’s Encounter with Faith
  140. Concluding Unscientific Postscript to the Philosophical FragmentsFaith and One’s Relationship to Others and to God
  141. Can We Prove that God Exists?
  142. William Paley: The Argument from Design
  143. Natural Theology
  144. Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
  145. St. Thomas Aquinas: The Cosmological Argument
  146. Summa Theologica
  147. Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
  148. St. Anselm: The Ontological Argument
  149. Proslogion
  150. Critique of Pure ReasonKant’s Critique of the Ontological Argument
  151. The Problem of Evil
  152. The Main Points in Chapter Eight
  153. Questions for Discussion and Review
  154. AppendixHow to Write a Philosophy Paper
  155. Introduction
  156. A Simple, Foolproof Method for Writing Philosophy Papers
  157. A Few Tips, Hints, and Warnings
  158. A Student Paper
  159. Student Paper
  160. Reconstructed Student Paper
  161. Glossary
  162. Suggestions for Further Reading
  163. Chapter 1
  164. Chapter 2
  165. Chapter 3
  166. Chapter 4
  167. Chapter 5
  168. Chapter 6
  169. Chapter 7
  170. Chapter 8
  171. Index
  172. A
  173. B
  174. C
  175. D
  176. E
  177. F
  178. G
  179. H
  180. I
  181. J
  182. K
  183. L
  184. M
  185. N
  186. O
  187. P
  188. Q
  189. R
  190. S
  191. T
  192. U
  193. V
  194. W
  195. Z


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