About Philosophy 11th Edition Wolff Test Bank
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This is completed downloadable of About Philosophy 11th Edition Wolff Test Bank
Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 0205194125
- ISBN-13 : 978-0205194124
- Author: Robert Wolff
About Philosophy is an introductory text that covers all the major fields of philosophy in an easy-to-read language, interspersed with short selections from the major philosophers. It has been a best-selling leader in the field for more than forty years and it is written by an internationally recognized author of more than twenty books.
Table of Content:
- What Do Philosophers Do? The Study of Human Nature
- Republic The Nature of Justice
- What Do Philosophers Do? The Study of the Universe
- On the Nature of Things
- What Do Philosophers Do? Human Nature and the Universe
- Meditations
- A Treatise of Human Nature
- Critique of Pure Reason
- The Limitations of the Western Philosophical Tradition
- The Problem of the Twentieth Century Is the Problem of the Color Line
- The Souls of Black Folk
- Philosophy and the Philosopher
- 2 Theory of Knowledge
- Descartes’ Method Of Doubt
- Discourse on Method
- Meditations on First Philosophy
- Meditation I
- Meditation II
- Rationalism and Empiricism: Two Responses to Cartesian Doubt
- Meditations on First Philosophy
- Leibniz and Rationalism
- The Monadology
- Hume and Empiricism
- A Treatise of Human Nature
- A Treatise of Human Nature
- Kant’s Resolution of the Rationalism/ Empiricism Debate
- New Turns in Epistemology
- Coherentism
- A Return to Pragmatism
- The Impact of Cognitive Science
- The Main Points in Chapter Two
- Questions for Discussion and Review
- The Primary Source: Philosophical Readings and Commentary
- Contemporary Application
- The Epistemological Status of Plagiarism
- Our Copy-Paste Culture and Why Plagiarism Isn’t Such a Problem Anymore
- Plagiarism 2.0
- Plagiarism Is Not a Big Moral Deal
- Four Reasons to Be Happy About Internet Plagiarism
- 3 Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind
- What Is Metaphysics?
- Hobbes’ Materialism
- Leviathan
- Free Will and Determinism
- Leviathan
- Critique of Pure Reason
- The Mind and the Body
- The Main Points in Chapter Three
- Questions for Discussion and Review
- The Primary Source: Philosophical Readings and Commentary
- Contemporary Application How Virtual Is Virtual Reality?
- Is This Man Cheating On His Wife?
- Real Discrimination against Digital People
- 4 Philosophy of Science
- The Place of Science in the Modern World
- Francis Bacon and the Foundations of Scientific Method
- The Relation Between Theory and Observation
- Karl Popper and Falsifiability
- Thomas Kuhn’s Theory of Scientific Revolutions
- The Structure of Scientific RevolutionsThe Structure of Scientific Revolutions
- The Structure of Scientific RevolutionsThe Structure of Scientific Revolutions
- Anomaly and the Emergence of Scientific Discoveries
- The Response to Crisis
- Science as a Social Institution
- The Main Points in Chapter Four
- Questions for Discussion and Review
- Contemporary Application Evolution versus Creationism
- Creationists, Now They’re Coming for Your Children
- Evolution is Religion
- 5 Ethical Theory
- The Varieties of Ethical Theory
- Kant and the Commands of Duty
- Three Reasons to Think About Ethics
- Ethical Disagreement and the Categorical Imperative
- Anthropology and the Abnormal
- Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals
- Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals
- Utilitarianism and the Calculation of Pleasures and Pains
- An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation
- Virtue Ethics
- The Feminist Critique of Ethical Theory
- Feminism in Ethics: Moral Justification
- Pornography, Civil Rights, and Speech
- The Main Points in Chapter Five, Part One
- Questions for Discussion and Review
- Contemporary Application Same-Sex Marriage
- Pew Forum Debate on Same-Sex Marriage
- 6 Social and Political Philosophy
- Mill and Classical Laissez-Faire Liberalism
- The Wealth of Nations
- UtilitarianismHigher and Lower Pleasures
- Principles of Political Economy
- Principles of Political Economy
- The Socialist Attack on Capitalism
- Economic-Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844
- Rousseau and the Theory of the Social Contract
- Of the Social Contract
- Second Treatise of Government
- The Pluralist Theory of the State
- The Group Basis of Politics
- The Racial Critique of the Social Contract Theory of the State
- The Racial Contract
- The Main Points in Chapter Six
- Questions for Discussion and Review
- The Primary Source: Philosophical Readings and Commentary
- Contemporary Application Is Health Care a Right?
- Health Care Is a Right, Not a Privilege
- It’s About Human Rights, Not the Money
- Health Care Is a Good, Not a Right
- Health Care Is Not a Right
- 7 Philosophy of Art
- Plato’s Attack on the Poets
- RepublicPlato’s Philosophy of Art
- Aristotle’s Defense of the Poets
- Poetics Aristotle’s Philosophy of Art
- Marcuse and the Uses of Negation
- One-Dimensional ManThe Negative Function of Art
- Arthur C. Danto’s Theory of Artistic Identification
- “The Artworld”
- Questions for Discussion and Review
- The Primary Source: Philosophical Readings and Commentary
- Contemporary Application Fakes, Forgeries, and Animal Paintings: What Is Art?
- Art Forgeries: Does It Matter If You Can’t Spot an Original?
- Mind over Splatter
- The Art Factory and the Death of the Connoisseur
- Dog Painting and Modern Art
- Zoo Animals Monkey Around with Art
- 8 Philosophy of Religion
- Kierkegaard’s Encounter with Faith
- Concluding Unscientific Postscript to the Philosophical FragmentsFaith and One’s Relationship to Others and to God
- Can We Prove that God Exists?
- William Paley: The Argument from Design
- Natural Theology
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
- St. Thomas Aquinas: The Cosmological Argument
- Summa Theologica
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
- St. Anselm: The Ontological Argument
- Proslogion
- Critique of Pure ReasonKant’s Critique of the Ontological Argument
- The Problem of Evil
- The Main Points in Chapter Eight
- Questions for Discussion and Review
- AppendixHow to Write a Philosophy Paper
- Introduction
- A Simple, Foolproof Method for Writing Philosophy Papers
- A Few Tips, Hints, and Warnings
- A Student Paper
- Student Paper
- Reconstructed Student Paper
- Glossary
- Suggestions for Further Reading
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Index
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- Z
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