Absolute Java 6th Edition Savitch Test Bank

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Absolute Java 6th Edition Savitch Test Bank.

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Absolute Java 6th Edition Savitch Test Bank

Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0134041674
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0134041674
  • Author: Java

Absolute Java provides a comprehensive reference to programming in the Java language. Accessible to both beginner and intermediate programmers, the text focuses around specifically using the Java language to practice programming techniques.

The Sixth Edition is extremely flexible and easily applicable to a wide range of users. Standalone and optional chapters allow instructors to adapt the text to a variety of curse content. Highly up-to-date with new content and information regarding the use of Java, this text introduces readers to the world of programming through a widely used and relevant language.

Table contents:

  1. 1 Getting Started
  2. Introduction
  3. Prerequisites
  4. 1.1 Introduction to Java
  5. Origins of the Java Language ★
  6. Objects and Methods
  7. Applets ★
  8. A Sample Java Application Program
  9. Self-Test Exercises
  10. Byte-Code and the Java Virtual Machine
  11. Class Loader ★
  12. Compiling a Java Program or Class
  13. Running a Java Program
  14. Self-Test Exercises
  15. 1.2 Expressions and Assignment Statements
  16. Identifiers
  17. Variables
  18. Assignment Statements
  19. More Assignment Statements ★
  20. Self-Test Exercises
  21. Assignment Compatibility
  22. Constants
  23. Arithmetic Operators and Expressions
  24. Parentheses and Precedence Rules ★
  25. Integer and Floating-Point Division
  26. Self-Test Exercises
  27. Type Casting
  28. Increment and Decrement Operators
  29. Self-Test Exercises
  30. 1.3 The Class String
  31. String Constants and Variables
  32. Concatenation of Strings
  33. Classes
  34. String Methods
  35. Escape Sequences
  36. String Processing
  37. The Unicode Character Set ★
  38. Self-Test Exercises
  39. 1.4 Program Style
  40. Naming Constants
  41. Java Spelling Conventions
  43. Indenting
  44. Self-Test Exercises
  45. Chapter Summary
  46. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  47. Programming Projects
  48. 2 Console Input and Output
  49. Introduction
  50. Prerequisites
  51. 2.1 Screen Output
  52. System.out println
  53. Self-Test Exercises
  54. Formatting Output with printf
  55. Self-Test Exercises
  56. Money Formats Using NumberFormat ★
  57. Importing Packages and Classes
  58. Self-Test Exercises
  59. The DecimalFormat Class ★
  60. 2.2 Console Input Using the Scanner Class
  61. The Scanner Class
  62. The Empty String
  63. Self-Test Exercises
  64. Other Input Delimiters
  65. Self-Test Exercises
  66. 2.3 Introduction to File Input
  67. The Scanner Class for Text File Input
  68. Self-Test Exercises
  69. Chapter Summary
  70. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  71. Programming Projects
  72. 3 Flow of Control
  73. Introduction
  74. Prerequisites
  75. 3.1 Branching Mechanism
  76. if-else Statements
  77. Omitting the else
  78. Compound Statements
  79. Nested Statements
  80. Self-Test Exercises
  81. Multiway if-else Statement
  82. Self-Test Exercises
  83. The switch Statement
  84. Self-Test Exercises
  85. The Conditional Operator ★
  86. 3.2 Boolean Expressions
  87. Simple Boolean Expressions
  88. Lexicographic and Alphabetic Order
  89. Self-Test Exercises
  90. Building Boolean Expressions
  91. Self-Test Exercises
  92. Evaluating Boolean Expressions
  93. Short-Circuit and Complete Evaluation
  94. Precedence and Associativity Rules
  95. Self-Test Exercises
  96. 3.3 Loops
  97. while Statement and do-while Statement
  98. Algorithms and Pseudocode
  99. Self-Test Exercises
  100. The for Statement
  101. The Comma in for Statements
  102. Nested Loops
  103. Self-Test Exercises
  104. The break and continue Statements ★
  105. The exit Statement
  106. 3.4 Debugging
  107. Loop Bugs
  108. Tracing Variables
  109. General Debugging Techniques
  110. Preventive Coding
  111. Assertion Checks ★
  112. Self-Test Exercises
  113. 3.5 Random Number Generation ★
  114. The Random Object
  115. The Math.random() Method
  116. Self-Test Exercises
  117. Chapter Summary
  118. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  119. Programming Projects
  120. 4 Defining Classes I
  121. Introduction
  122. Prerequisites
  123. 4.1 Class Definitions
  124. Instance Variables and Methods
  125. Self-Test Exercises
  126. More about Methods
  127. Self-Test Exercises
  128. Local Variables
  129. Blocks
  130. Self-Test Exercises
  131. Parameters of a Primitive Type
  132. Self-Test Exercises
  133. Simple Cases with Class Parameters
  134. The this Parameter
  135. Self-Test Exercises
  136. Methods That Return a Boolean Value
  137. The Methods equals and toString
  138. Recursive Methods
  139. Self-Test Exercises
  140. 4.2 Information Hiding and Encapsulation
  141. public and private Modifiers
  142. Self-Test Exercises
  143. Accessor and Mutator Methods
  144. Preconditions and Postconditions
  145. Self-Test Exercises
  146. 4.3 Overloading
  147. Rules for Overloading
  148. Self-Test Exercises
  149. 4.4 Constructors
  150. Constructor Definitions
  151. Self-Test Exercises
  152. Default Variable Initializations
  153. An Alternative Way to Initialize Instance Variables
  154. The StringTokenizer Class ✶
  155. Self-Test Exercises
  156. Chapter Summary
  157. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  158. Programming Projects
  159. 5 Defining Classes II
  160. Introduction
  161. Prerequisites
  162. 5.1 Static Methods and Static Variables
  163. Static Methods
  164. Self-Test Exercises
  165. Static Variables
  166. Self-Test Exercises
  167. The Math Class
  168. Self-Test Exercises
  169. Wrapper Classes
  170. Automatic Boxing and Unboxing
  171. Self-Test Exercises
  172. Static Methods in Wrapper Classes
  173. Self-Test Exercises
  174. 5.2 References and Class Parameters
  175. Variables and Memory
  176. References
  177. Class Parameters
  178. Display 5.16 Comparing Parameters of a Class Type and a Primitive Type
  179. Self-Test Exercises
  180. The Constant null
  181. The new Operator and Anonymous Objects
  182. Self-Test Exercises
  183. 5.3 Using and Misusing References
  184. Self-Test Exercises
  185. Copy Constructors
  186. Self Test Exercises
  187. Mutable and Immutable Classes
  188. Self-Test Exercises
  189. 5.4 Packages and javadoc
  190. Packages and import Statements
  191. The Package java.lang
  192. Package Names and Directories
  193. The Default Package
  194. Specifying a Class Path When You Compile ★
  195. Name Clashes ★
  196. Self-Test Exercises
  197. Introduction to javadoc ★
  198. Commenting Classes for javadoc ★
  199. Running javadoc ★
  200. Self-Test Exercises
  201. Chapter Summary
  202. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  203. Programming Projects
  204. 6 Arrays
  205. Introduction
  206. Prerequisites
  207. 6.1 Introduction to Arrays
  208. Creating and Accessing Arrays
  209. The length Instance Variable
  210. Initializing Arrays
  211. Self-Test Exercises
  212. 6.2 Arrays and References
  213. Arrays Are Objects
  214. Array Parameters
  215. Self-Test Exercises
  216. Arguments for the Method main ★
  217. Methods That Return an Array
  218. Self-Test Exercises
  219. 6.3 Programming with Arrays
  220. Partially Filled Arrays
  221. Self-Test Exercises
  222. The “for-each” Loop ★
  223. Methods with a Variable Number of Parameters ★
  224. Self-Test Exercises
  225. Privacy Leaks with Array Instance Variables
  226. Self-Test Exercises
  227. Self-Test Exercises
  228. Enumerated Types ★
  229. Self-Test Exercise
  230. 6.4 Multidimensional Arrays
  231. Multidimensional Array Basics
  232. Using the length Instance Variable
  233. Self-Test Exercise
  234. Ragged Arrays ★
  235. Multidimensional Array Parameters and Returned Values
  236. Self-Test Exercises
  237. Chapter Summary
  238. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  239. Programming Projects
  240. 7 Inheritance
  241. Introduction
  242. Prerequisites
  243. 7.1 Inheritance Basics
  244. Derived Classes
  245. Overriding a Method Definition
  246. Changing the Return Type of an Overridden Method
  247. Changing the Access Permission of an Overridden Method
  248. The super Constructor
  249. Self-Test Exercises
  250. The this Constructor
  251. Self-Test Exercises
  252. 7.2 Encapsulation and Inheritance
  253. Self-Test Exercises
  254. Protected and Package Access
  255. Self-Test Exercises
  256. 7.3 Programming with Inheritance
  257. Access to a Redefined Base Method
  258. Self-Test Exercises
  259. The Class Object
  260. The Right Way to Define equals
  261. Self-Test Exercises
  262. Chapter Summary
  263. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  264. Programming Projects
  265. 8 Polymorphism and Abstract Classes
  266. Introduction
  267. Prerequisites
  268. 8.1 Polymorphism
  269. Late Binding
  270. The final Modifier
  271. Self-Test Exercises
  272. Late Binding with toString
  273. Downcasting and Upcasting
  274. Self-Test Exercises
  275. A First Look at the clone Method
  276. 8.2 Abstract Classes
  277. Abstract Classes
  278. Self-Test Exercises
  279. Chapter Summary
  280. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  281. Programming Projects
  282. 9 Exception Handling
  283. Introduction
  284. Prerequisites
  285. 9.1 Exception Handling Basics
  286. try-catch Mechanism
  287. Exception Handling with the Scanner Class
  288. Self-Test Exercises
  289. Throwing Exceptions
  290. Exception Classes
  291. Exception Classes from Standard Packages
  292. Self-Test Exercises
  293. Defining Exception Classes
  294. Self-Test Exercises
  295. Multiple catch Blocks
  296. Self-Test Exercises
  297. 9.2 Throwing Exceptions in Methods
  298. Throwing an Exception in a Method
  299. Declaring Exceptions in a throws Clause
  300. Exceptions to the Catch or Declare Rule
  301. throws Clause in Derived Classes
  302. When to Use Exceptions
  303. Event-Driven Programming ★
  304. Self-Test Exercises
  305. 9.3 More Programming Techniques for Exception Handling
  306. The finally Block ★
  307. Self-Test Exercises
  308. Rethrowing an Exception ★
  309. The AssertionError Class ★
  310. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  311. Chapter Summary
  312. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  313. Programming Projects
  314. 10 File I/O
  315. Introduction
  316. Prerequisites
  317. 10.1 Introduction to File I/O
  318. Streams
  319. Text Files and Binary Files
  320. Self-Test Exercises
  321. 10.2 Text Files
  322. Writing to a Text File
  323. Appending to a Text File
  324. Self-Test Exercises
  325. Reading from a Text File
  326. Reading a Text File Using Scanner
  327. Testing for the End of a Text File with Scanner
  328. Self-Test Exercises
  329. Reading a Text File Using BufferedReader
  330. Self-Test Exercises
  331. Testing for the End of a Text File with BufferedReader
  332. Self-Test Exercises
  333. Path Names
  334. Nested Constructor Invocations
  335. Self-Test Exercises
  336. System.in, System.out, and System.err
  337. Self-Test Exercises
  338. 10.3 The File Class
  339. Programming with the File Class
  340. Self-Test Exercises
  341. 10.4 Binary Files ★
  342. Writing Simple Data to a Binary File
  343. UTF and writeUTF
  344. Reading Simple Data from a Binary File
  345. Self-Test Exercises
  346. Self-Test Exercises
  347. Checking for the End of a Binary File
  348. Self-Test Exercises
  349. Binary I/O of Objects
  350. The Serializable Interface
  351. Array Objects in Binary Files
  352. Self-Test Exercises
  353. 10.5 Random Access to Binary Files ★
  354. Reading and Writing to the Same File
  355. Self-Test Exercises
  356. Chapter Summary
  357. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  358. Programming Projects
  359. Projects Involving Only Text Files
  360. Projects Involving Binary Files
  361. 11 Recursion
  362. Introduction
  363. Prerequisites
  364. 11.1 Recursive void Methods
  365. Tracing a Recursive Call
  366. A Closer Look at Recursion
  367. Self-Test Exercises
  368. Stacks for Recursion ★
  369. Recursion versus Iteration
  370. Self-Test Exercises
  371. 11.2 Recursive Methods That Return a Value
  372. General Form for a Recursive Method That Returns a Value
  373. Self-Test Exercises
  374. 11.3 Thinking Recursively
  375. Recursive Design Techniques
  376. Binary Search ★
  377. Efficiency of Binary Search ★
  378. Self-Test Exercise
  379. Self-Test Exercises
  380. Chapter Summary
  381. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  382. Programming Projects
  383. 12 UML and Patterns
  384. Introduction
  385. Prerequisites
  386. 12.1 UML
  387. History of UML
  388. UML Class Diagrams
  389. Class Interactions
  390. Inheritance Diagrams
  391. More UML
  392. Self-Test Exercises
  393. 12.2 Patterns ★
  394. Adaptor Pattern ★
  395. The Model-View-Controller Pattern ★
  396. Restrictions on the Sorting Pattern
  397. Efficiency of the Sorting Pattern ★
  398. Pattern Formalism
  399. Self-Test Exercises
  400. Chapter Summary
  401. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  402. Programming Projects
  403. 13 Interfaces and Inner Classes
  404. Introduction
  405. Prerequisites
  406. 13.1 Interfaces
  407. Interfaces
  408. Abstract Classes Implementing Interfaces
  409. Derived Interfaces
  410. Self-Test Exercises
  411. The Comparable Interface
  412. Self-Test Exercises
  413. Defined Constants in Interfaces
  414. Self-Test Exercises
  415. The Serializable Interface ★
  416. The Cloneable Interface
  417. Self-Test Exercises
  418. 13.2 Simple Uses of Inner Classes
  419. Helping Classes
  420. Self-Test Exercises
  421. The .class File for an Inner Class
  422. 13.3 More about Inner Classes
  423. Static Inner Classes
  424. Self-Test Exercises
  425. Public Inner Classes
  426. Self-Test Exercises
  427. Nesting Inner Classes
  428. Inner Classes and Inheritance
  429. Anonymous Classes
  430. Self-Test Exercise
  431. Chapter Summary
  432. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  433. Programming Projects
  434. 14 Generics and the ArrayList Class
  435. Introduction
  436. Prerequisites
  437. 14.1 The ArrayList Class
  438. Using the ArrayList Class
  439. Self-Test Exercises
  440. Methods in the Class ArrayList
  441. The “for-each” Loop
  442. Self-Test Exercises
  443. Self-Test Exercises
  444. The Vector Class
  445. Parameterized Classes and Generics
  446. 14.2 Generics
  447. Generic Basics
  448. Bounds for Type Parameters
  449. Generic Methods ★
  450. Inheritance with Generic Classes ★
  451. Self-Test Exercises
  452. Chapter Summary
  453. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  454. Programming Projects
  455. 15 Linked Data Structures
  456. Introduction
  457. Prerequisites
  458. 15.1 Java Linked Lists
  459. Working with Linked Lists
  460. Self-Test Exercises
  461. Node Inner Classes
  462. Self-Test Exercises
  463. The equals Method for Linked Lists
  464. 15.2 Copy Constructors and the clone Method ★
  465. Simple Copy Constructors and clone Methods ★
  466. Exceptions ★
  467. Self-Test Exercises
  468. 15.3 Iterators
  469. Defining an Iterator Class
  470. Adding and Deleting Nodes
  471. Self-Test Exercises
  472. 15.4 Variations on a Linked List
  473. Doubly Linked List
  474. Self-Test Exercises
  475. The Stack Data Structure
  476. Self-Test Exercise
  477. The Queue Data Structure
  478. Self-Test Exercise
  479. Running Times and Big-O Notation
  480. Self-Test Exercises
  481. Efficiency of Linked Lists
  482. 15.5 Hash Tables with Chaining
  483. A Hash Function for Strings
  484. Efficiency of Hash Tables
  485. Self-Test Exercises
  486. 15.6 Sets
  487. Fundamental Set Operations
  488. Efficiency of Sets Using Linked Lists
  489. Self-Test Exercises
  490. 15.7 Trees
  491. Tree Properties
  492. Preorder Processing
  493. Inorder Processing
  494. Postorder Processing
  495. Efficiency of Binary Search Trees ★
  496. Self-Test Exercises
  497. Chapter Summary
  498. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  499. Programming Projects
  500. 16 Collections, Maps, and Iterators
  501. Introduction
  502. Prerequisites
  503. 16.1 Collections
  504. Wildcards
  505. The Collection Framework
  506. Self-Test Exercises
  507. Concrete Collection Classes
  508. Self-Test Exercises
  509. Differences between ArrayList<T> and Vector<T>
  510. Nonparameterized Version of the Collection Framework ★
  511. 16.2 Maps
  512. Concrete Map Classes
  513. Self-Test Exercises
  514. 16.3 Iterators
  515. The Iterator Concept
  516. The Iterator<T> Interface
  517. List Iterators
  518. Self-Test Exercises
  519. Chapter Summary
  520. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  521. Programming Projects
  522. 17 Swing I
  523. Introduction
  524. Prerequisites
  525. 17.1 Event-Driven Programming
  526. Events and Listeners
  527. 17.2 Buttons, Events, and Other Swing Basics
  528. Self-Test Exercises
  529. Buttons
  530. Action Listeners and Action Events
  531. Self-Test Exercises
  532. Self-Test Exercises
  533. Labels
  534. Color
  535. Self-Test Exercises
  536. 17.3 Containers and Layout Managers
  537. Border Layout Managers
  538. Flow Layout Managers
  539. Grid Layout Managers
  540. Self-Test Exercises
  541. Panels
  542. The Container Class
  543. Self-Test Exercises
  544. The Model-View-Controller Pattern ★
  545. Self-Test Exercises
  546. 17.4 Menus and Buttons
  547. Menus, Menu Items, and Menu Bars
  548. Nested Menus ★
  549. The AbstractButton Class
  550. The setActionCommand Method
  551. Listeners as Inner Classes ★
  552. Self-Test Exercises
  553. 17.5 Text Fields and Text Areas
  554. Text Fields and Text Areas
  555. Self-Test Exercises
  556. A Swing Calculator
  557. Self-Test Exercises
  558. Chapter Summary
  559. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  560. Programming Projects
  561. 18 Swing II
  562. Introduction
  563. Prerequisites
  564. 18.1 Window Listeners
  565. The dispose Method
  566. The WindowAdapter Class
  567. Self-Test Exercises
  568. 18.2 Icons and Scroll Bars
  569. Icons
  570. Self-Test Exercises
  571. Scroll Bars
  572. Self-Test Exercises
  573. 18.3 The Graphics Class
  574. Coordinate System for Graphics Objects
  575. The Method paint and the Class Graphics
  576. Drawing Ovals
  577. Drawing Arcs
  578. Self-Test Exercises
  579. Rounded Rectangles ★
  580. paintComponent for Panels
  581. Action Drawings and repaint
  582. Some More Details on Updating a GUI ★
  583. 18.4 Colors
  584. Specifying a Drawing Color
  585. Defining Colors
  586. The JColorChooser Dialog Window
  587. Self-Test Exercises
  588. 18.5 Fonts and the drawString Method
  589. The drawString Method
  590. Fonts
  591. Self-Test Exercises
  592. Chapter Summary
  593. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  594. Programming Projects
  595. 19 Java Never Ends
  596. Introduction
  597. Prerequisites
  598. 19.1 Multithreading
  599. Thread.sleep
  600. The getGraphics Method
  601. Fixing a Nonresponsive Program Using Threads
  602. The Class Thread
  603. The Runnable Interface ★
  604. Self-Test Exercises
  605. Race Conditions and Thread Synchronization ★
  606. Self-Test Exercises
  607. 19.2 Networking with Stream Sockets
  608. Sockets
  609. Sockets and Threading
  610. The URL Class
  611. Self-Test Exercises
  612. 19.3 JavaBeans
  613. The Component Model
  614. The JavaBeans Model
  615. Self-Test Exercises
  616. 19.4 Java and Database Connections
  617. Relational Databases
  618. Java DB and JDBC
  619. SQL
  620. Self-Test Exercises
  621. 19.5 Web Programming with Java Server Pages
  622. Applets, Servlets, and Java Server Pages
  623. Oracle GlassFish Enterprise Server
  624. HTML Forms—the Common Gateway Interface
  625. JSP Declarations, Expressions, Scriptlets, and Directives
  626. Self-Test Exercises
  627. 19.6 Introduction to Functional Programming in Java 8
  628. Self-Test Exercises
  629. 19.7 Introduction to JavaFX
  630. Self-Test Exercises
  631. Chapter Summary
  632. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  633. Programming Projects
  634. 20 Applets and HTML
  635. Introduction
  636. Prerequisites
  637. 20.1 A Brief Introduction to HTML
  638. HTML Formatting Commands
  639. Outline of an HTML Document
  640. Hyperlinks
  641. Inserting a Picture
  642. Self-Test Exercises
  643. 20.2 Programming Applets
  644. Defining an Applet
  645. Running an Applet
  646. Menus in a JApplet
  647. Self-Test Exercises
  648. Adding Icons to an Applet ★
  649. Self-Test Exercises
  650. 20.3 Applets in HTML Documents
  651. Inserting an Applet in an HTML Document
  652. Running an Applet over the Internet ★
  653. Self-Test Exercises
  654. Applets and Security ★
  655. Self-Test Exercises
  656. Chapter Summary
  657. Answers to Self-Test Exercises
  658. Programming Projects
  659. 1 Keywords
  660. 2 Precedence and Associativity Rules
  661. 3 ASCII Character Set
  662. 4 Format Specifications for printf
  663. Syntax
  664. 5 Summary of Classes and Interfaces
  665. Abstract Button
  666. ArrayList<T>
  667. Boolean
  668. BufferedReader
  669. Byte
  670. Character
  671. Collection<T> Interface
  672. Color
  673. Comparable Interface

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