Acquiring Medical Language 1st Edition Jones Test Bank

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Acquiring Medical Language 1st Edition Jones Test Bank.

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Product Details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0073402311
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0073402314
  • Author;  Steven L. Jones

Most medical terminology texts present the roots on one page, body system on one page, and a list of related anatomical terms on the next. The result is students fail to make connections and end up approaching the course as a never-ending series of lists to be memorized. Acquiring Medical Language is language focused. It introduces students to roots with illustrations of body systems and surrounds that information with term blocks that include specific word roots, examples containing that root, and some interesting facts to make the information more memorable. This exposes students to all the relevant information (the root, its meaning, its use), so they see how it relates to the other roots in the context of the body system. Each chapter of AML also is structured around the S.O.A.P framework. S.O.A.P stands for the four general parts of a medical note: Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan. After introducing the student to the important roots and the medical terms relevant to the body system, the roots are presented using the SOAP note as an organizational framework. Terms are presented to students under the following learning objectives: S – Subjective – Patient History, Problems, Complaints O – Objective – Observation and Discovery A – Assessment – Diagnosis and Pathology P – Plan – Treatments and Therapies


Table of Content:

Preface1 Introduction to Medical Language
2 Introduction to Health Records
3 The Integumentary System—Dermatology
4 The Musculoskeletal System—Orthopedics
5 The Nervous System—Neurology and Psychiatry
6 The Sensory System—Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology
7 The Endocrine System—Endocrinology
8 The Blood and Lymphatic Systems—Hematology and Immunology
9 The Cardiovascular System—Cardiology
10 The Respiratory System—Pulmonology
11 The Gastrointestinal System—Gastroenterology
12 The Urinary and Male Reproductive Systems—Urology
13 The Female Reproductive System—Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Neonatology
Appendix A Prefixes
Appendix B Suffixes
Appendix C Roots Only Mentioned in Word Analysis


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