Advanced Accounting 12th Edition Fischer Test Bank

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Advanced Accounting 12th Edition Fischer Test Bank.

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Advanced Accounting 12th Edition Fischer Test Bank

Product details:

  • ISBN-10:  130546480X
  • ISBN-13: 9780357671221
  • Author: Paul M. Fischer

This leading text offers your students the most authoritative, comprehensive coverage of advanced accounting topics available. This edition explores the latest FASB statements and their impact on consolidations. The authors combine sound theoretical foundations with a hands-on approach using numerous actual examples common in today’s accounting. The text’s proven focus on conceptual understanding and clear presentation style make even the most complex topics approachable.

Advanced Accounting 12th Edition Fischer Solutions Manual

Table contents:

1. Business Combinations: New Rules for a Long-Standing Business Practice.
2. Consolidated Statements: Date of Acquisition.
3. Consolidated Statements: Subsequent to Acquisition.
4. Intercompany Transactions: Merchandise, Plant Assets, and Notes.
5. Intercompany Transactions: Bonds and Leases.
6. Cash Flows, EPS, and Taxation.
7. Special Issues in Accounting for an Investment in a Subsidiary.
8. Subsidiary Equity Transactions; Indirect Subsidiary Ownership and Subsidiary Ownership of Parent Shares.
Appendix 1: Accounting for Influential Investments.
Appendix 2: Variable Interest Entities
9. The International Accounting Environment.
Module: Derivatives and Related Accounting Issues.
10. Foreign Currency Transactions.
11. Translation of Foreign Financial Statements.
12. Interim Reporting and Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise.
13. Partnerships: Characteristics, Formation, and Accounting for Activities.
14. Partnerships: Ownership Changes and Liquidations.
15. Governmental Accounting: The General Fund and the Account Groups.
16. Governmental Accounting: Other Governmental Funds, Proprietary Funds, and Fiduciary Funds.
17. Financial Reporting Issues.
18. Accounting for Private Not-for-Profit Organizations.
19. Accounting for Not-for-Profit Colleges and Universities and Health Care Organizations.
20. Estates and Trusts: Their Nature and the Accountant’s Role.
21. Debt Restructuring, Corporate Reorganizations, and Liquidations.

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