American Government 14th Edition Ansolabehere Test Bank
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American Government 14th Edition Ansolabehere Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0393283755
- ISBN-13 : 978-0393283754
- Author: Stephen Ansolabehere (Author), Benjamin Ginsberg (Author), Theodore J. Lowi (Author), Kenneth A. Shepsle (Author)
The text that professors trust to get students thinking analytically about American government now does more than any other text to help students understand the quantitative data they encounter in the course and in political news. The tightened and streamlined Fourteenth Edition also applies an analytical perspective to current policy issues in new “Policy Principle” sections.
Table contents:
Part One: Foundations
Chapter 1: Introduction: Making Sense of Government and Politics
Chapter 2: The Founding and the Constitution
Chapter 3: Federalism and the Separation of Powers
Chapter 4: Civil LibertiesChapter 5: Civil Rights
Part Two: InstitutionsChapter 6: Congress: The First Branch
Chapter 7: The Presidency as an Institution
Chapter 8: The Executive Branch: Bureaucracy in a Democracy
Chapter 9: The Federal CourtsPart Three: Democratic Politics
Chapter 10: Public Opinion
Chapter 11: Elections
Chapter 12: Political Parties
Chapter 13: Groups and Interests
Chapter 14: The MediaPart Four: Governance
Chapter 15: Economic Policy
Chapter 16: Social Policy
Chapter 17: Foreign Policy
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