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Astronomy Today 9th Edition Chaisson Test Bank
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Astronomy Today 9th Edition Chaisson Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0134580559
- ISBN-13 : 978-0134580555
Connects introductory astronomy to a broad understanding of the universe In this Ninth Edition of Astronomy Today, authors Eric Chaisson and Steve McMillan communicate their excitement about astronomy, combining up-to-date science with insightful pedagogy. The text emphasizes visualization, focusing on the process of scientific discovery in order to teach readers “how we know what we know.” Updated features in the 9th Edition, Big Pictures and Big Questions, help readers connect the content of each chapter with a broader understanding of the universe while piquing interest in current research. New features within Mastering ™ Astronomy bring these features together and allow readers to interact with astronomy outside of the classroom. The 9th Edition has also been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect recent discoveries in the field of astronomy. Also available with Mastering Astronomy Mastering ™ Astronomy is the leading online homework, tutorial, and assessment system, designed to improve results by engaging students with powerful, interactive content.
Table contents:
1 Charting the Heavens The Foundations of Astronomy
2 The Copernican Revolution The Birth of Modern Science
3 Radiation Information from the Cosmos
4 Spectroscopy The Inner Workings of Atoms
5 Telescopes The Tools of Astronomy
6 The Solar System Comparative Planetology and Formation Models
7 Earth Our Home in Space
8 The Moon and Mercury Scorched and Battered Worlds
9 Venus Earth’s Sister Planet
10 Mars A Near Miss for Life?
11 Jupiter Giant of the Solar System
12 Saturn Spectacular Rings and Mysterious Moons
13 Uranus and Neptune The Outer Worlds of the Solar System
14 Solar System Debris Keys to Our Origin
15 Exoplanets Planetary Systems Beyond Our Own
16 The Sun Our Parent Star
17 The Stars Giants, Dwarfs, and the Main Sequence
18 The Interstellar Medium Gas and Dust Among the Stars
19 Star Formation A Traumatic Birth
20 Stellar Evolution The Life and Death of a Star
21 Stellar Explosions Novae, Supernovae, and the Formation of the Elements
22 Neutron Stars and Black Holes Strange States of Matter
23 The Milky Way Galaxy A Spiral in Space
24 Galaxies Building Blocks of the Universe
25 Galaxies and Dark Matter The Large-Scale Structure of the Cosmos
26 Cosmology The Big Bang and the Fate of the Universe
27 The Early Universe Toward the Beginning of Time
28 Life in the Universe Are We Alone?
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