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Basic Business Statistics Concepts and Applications 5th Edition Berenson Solutions Manual
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Basic Business Statistics Concepts and Applications 5th Edition Berenson Solutions Manual.
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- ISBN-10 : 1488617244
- ISBN-13 : 978-1488617249
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Table of Content:
- Part 1 Presenting and describing information
- Chapter 1 Defining and collecting data
- Learning objectives
- 1.1 Basic concepts of data and statistics
- The meaning of ‘data’
- The meaning of ‘statistics’
- Other important definitions
- 1.2 Types of variables
- Levels of measurement and types of measurement scales
- Learning objective 1
- Nominal and ordinal scales
- Interval and ratio scales
- 1.3 Collecting data
- Learning objective 2
- Identifying sources of data
- Learning objective 3
- ‘Big data’
- Data formatting
- Data cleaning
- Recoding variables
- 1.4 Types of survey sampling methods
- Learning objective 4
- Simple random sample
- Systematic sample
- Stratified sample
- Cluster sample
- 1.5 Evaluating survey worthiness
- Learning objective 5
- Survey errors
- Coverage error
- Non-response error
- Sampling error
- Measurement error
- Ethical issues
- 1.6 The growth of statistics and information technology
- 1 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- References
- Chapter 1 Excel guide
- EG1.1 Getting started with microsoft excel
- EG1.2 Opening and saving workbooks
- EG1.3 Entering data
- EG1.4 Using formulas in excel worksheets
- EG1.5 Creating charts
- EG1.6 Printing workbooks
- EG1.7 How using excel for mac differs
- EG1.8 Defining data
- Establishing the variable type
- Recoding variables
- Key technique
- Example
- Excel how-to
- EG1.10 Types of sampling methods
- Simple random sample
- Key technique
- Example
- Excel how-to
- Analysis Toolpak
- Example
- PHStat
- Excel how-to
- Chapter 2 Organising and visualising data
- Learning objectives
- 2.1 Organising and visualising categorical data
- Learning objective 1
- Organising categorical data: Summary table
- Visualising categorical data: Bar charts
- Pie charts
- 2.2 Organising numerical data
- Learning objective 2
- Ordered arrays
- Stem-and-leaf displays
- 2.3 Summarising and visualising numerical data
- Learning objective 2
- Summarising numerical data: Frequency distributions
- Relative frequency and percentage distributions
- Cumulative distributions
- Histograms
- Polygons
- Cumulative percentage polygons (ogives)
- 2.4 Organising and visualising two categorical variables
- Learning objective 3
- Organising two categorical variables: Contingency tables
- Visualising two categorical variables: Side-by-side bar charts
- 2.5 Visualising two numerical variables
- Learning objective 4
- Scatter diagrams
- Time-series plots
- 2.6 Business analytics applications – descriptive analytics
- Learning objective 5
- Dashboards
- Data discovery
- 2.7 Misusing graphs and ethical issues
- Learning objective 6
- Ethical concerns
- 2 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- References
- Chapter 2 Excel guide
- EG2.1 Organising and visualising categorical data
- Organising categorical data
- The summary table
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel (untallied data)
- In-depth excel (tallied data)
- Visualising categorical variables
- The bar chart and the pie chart
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- EG2.2 Organising numerical data
- EG2.3 Summarising and visualising numerical data
- Summarising numerical data
- The frequency distribution
- Key technique
- Example
- Defining classes using bins
- PHStat (untallied data)
- In-depth excel (untallied data)
- Analysis toolpak (untallied data)
- The relative frequency, percentage and cumulative distributions
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat (untallied data)
- In-depth excel (untallied data)
- Analysis toolpak
- Visualising numerical data
- The histogram
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- PHStat defining classes bins and mid-points
- In-depth excel
- Analysis toolpak
- The percentage polygon and the cumulative percentage polygon (ogive)
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- EG2.4 Organising and visualising two categorical variables
- Organising two categorical variables
- The contingency table
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat (untallied data)
- In-depth excel (untallied data)
- In-depth excel (tallied data)
- Visualising two categorical variables
- The side-by-side chart
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- EG2.5 Visualising two numerical variables
- EG2.6 Descriptive analytics
- Chapter 3 Numerical descriptive measures
- Learning objectives
- 3.1 Measures of central tendency, variation and shape
- Learning objective 1
- Measures of central tendency
- Mean
- Median
- Mode
- Quartiles
- Geometric mean
- Measures of variation
- Range
- Interquartile range
- Variance and standard deviation
- Coefficient of variation
- Z scores
- Shape
- Microsoft excel descriptive statistics output
- 3.2 Numerical descriptive measures for a population
- Learning objective 2
- Population mean
- Population variance and standard deviation
- The empirical rule
- The chebyshev rule
- 3.3 Calculating numerical descriptive measures from a frequency distribution
- Learning objective 1
- 3.4 Five-number summary and box-and-whisker plots
- Learning objective 3
- Five-number summary
- Box-and-whisker plots
- 3.5 Covariance and the coefficient of correlation
- Learning objective 4
- Covariance
- Coefficient of Correlation
- 3.6 Pitfalls in numerical descriptive measures and ethical issues
- Ethical issues
- 3 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Key formulas
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- Report writing exercise
- Chapter 3 Excel guide
- EG3.1 Measures of central tendency, variation and shape
- Central tendency
- The mean, median and mode
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- Analysis Toolpak
- Quartiles
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- The geometric mean
- Key technique
- Example
- In-depth excel
- Variation and shape
- The range
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- Analysis Toolpak
- The interquartile range
- Key technique
- Example
- In-depth excel
- The variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation and Z scores
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- Analysis toolpak
- Shape: skewness and kurtosis
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- Analysis toolpak
- EG3.2 Numerical descriptive measures for a population
- The population mean, population variance and population standard deviation
- Key technique
- Example
- In-depth excel
- The empirical rule and the chebyshev rule
- EG3.3 Five-number summary and box-and-whisker plots
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- EG3.4 The covariance and the coefficient of correlation
- The covariance
- Key technique
- Example
- In-depth excel
- The coefficient of correlation
- Key technique
- Example
- In-depth excel
- End of part 1 problems
- Part 2 Measuring uncertainty
- Chapter 4 Basic probability
- Learning objective
- 4.1 Basic probability concepts
- Learning objective 1
- Events and sample spaces
- Contingency tables and venn diagrams
- Marginal probability
- Learning objective 2
- Joint probability
- General addition rule
- 4.2 Conditional probability
- Learning objective 3
- Calculating conditional probabilities
- Decision trees
- Statistical independence
- Multiplication rules
- Marginal probability using the general multiplication rule
- 4.3 Bayes’ theorem
- Learning objective 4
- 4.4 Counting rules
- Learning Objective 5
- 4.5 Ethical issues and probability
- 4 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Key formulas
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- Chapter 4 Excel guide
- EG4.1 Basic probability concepts
- Simple and Joint Probability and the General Addition Rule
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth Excel
- EG4.2 Conditional Probability
- In-depth Excel
- EG4.3 Bayes’ theorem
- Key technique
- Example
- In-depth Excel
- EG4.4 Counting Rules
- Counting Rule 1
- In-depth Excel
- Counting Rule 2
- In-depth Excel
- Counting Rule 3
- In-depth Excel
- Counting Rule 4
- In-depth Excel
- Counting Rule 5
- In-depth Excel
- Chapter 5 Some important discrete probability distributions
- Learning objectives
- 5.1 Probability distribution for a discrete random variable
- Learning objectives 1
- Expected Value of a Discrete Random Variable
- Learning objectives 2
- Variance and Standard Deviation of a Discrete Random Variable
- 5.2 Covariance and its application in finance
- Learning objectives 3
- Covariance
- Expected Value, Variance and Standard Deviation of the Sum of Two Random Variables
- Portfolio Expected Return and Portfolio Risk
- 5.3 Binomial distribution
- Learning objectives 4
- 5.4 Poisson distribution
- Learning objectives 5
- 5.5 Hypergeometric distribution
- Learning objectives 6
- 5 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Key formulas
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- Chapter 5 Excel guide
- EG5.1 The probability distribution for a discrete variable
- Key technique
- Example
- In-depth excel
- EG5.2 Covariance of a probability distribution and its application in finance
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- EG5.3 Binomial distribution
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth Excel
- EG5.4 Poisson distribution
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth Excel
- EG5.5 Hypgeometric distribution
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth Excel
- Chapter 6 The normal distribution and other continuous distributions
- Learning objectives
- 6.1 Continuous probability distributions
- 6.2 The normal distribution
- Learning objective 1
- 6.3 Evaluating normality
- Learning objective 2
- Evaluating the properties
- Constructing a normal probability plot
- 6.4 The uniform distribution
- Learning objective 3
- 6.5 The exponential distribution
- Learning objective 4
- 6.6 The normal approximation to the binomial distribution
- Learning objective 5
- Need for a continuity correction
- Approximating the binomial distribution
- Calculating a probability approximation for an individual value
- 6 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Key formulas
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- Chapter 6 Excel guide
- EG6.1 Continuous probability distributions
- EG6.2 The Normal Distribution
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- EG6.3 Evaluating normality
- Comparing Data Characteristics to Theoretical Properties
- Constructing the normal probability plot
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- EG6.4 The uniform distribution
- EG6.5 The exponential distribution
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- Chapter 7 Sampling distributions
- Learning objectives
- 7.1 Sampling distributions
- Learning objective 1
- 7.2 Sampling distribution of the mean
- The unbiased property of the sample mean
- Standard Error of the Mean
- Sampling from normally distributed populations
- Learning objective 2
- Sampling from non-normally distributed populations – the central limit theorem
- Learning objective 3
- 7.3 Sampling distribution of the proportion
- Learning objective 4
- 7 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Key formulas
- References
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- Chapter 7 Excel guide
- EG7.1 Sampling distribution of the mean
- Key technique
- Example
- Analysis ToolPak
- EG7.2 Central limit theorem
- End of part 2 problems
- Part 3 Drawing conclusions about populations based only on sample information
- Chapter 8 Confidence interval estimation
- Learning objectives
- 8.1 Confidence interval estimation for the mean (σ known)
- Learning objective 1
- 8.2 Confidence interval estimation for the mean (σ unknown)
- Student’s t distribution
- Properties of the t distribution
- The concept of degrees of freedom
- The confidence interval statement
- Learning objective 1
- 8.3 Confidence interval estimation for the proportion
- Learning objective 2
- 8.4 Determining sample size
- Learning objective 3
- Sample size determination for the mean
- Sample size determination for the proportion
- Learning objective 3
- 8.5 Applications of confidence interval estimation in auditing
- Estimating the population total amount
- Learning objective 4
- Difference estimation
- One-Sided confidence interval estimation of the rate of non-compliance with internal controls
- Learning objective 4
- 8.6 More on confidence interval estimation and ethical issues
- 8 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Key formulas
- References
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- Report writing exercise
- Chapter 8 Excel guide
- EG8.1 Confidence interval estimate for the mean (σ known)
- EG8.2 Confidence interval estimate for the mean (σ unknown)
- EG8.3 Confidence interval estimate for the proportion
- EG8.4 Sample size determination for the mean
- EG8.5 Sample size determination for the proportion
- EG8.6 Confidence interval estimate for the population total
- EG8.7 Confidence interval estimate for the total difference
- Chapter 9 Fundamentals of hypothesis testing: One-sample tests
- Learning objectives
- 9.1 Hypothesis-testing methodology
- The null and alternative hypotheses
- Learning objective 1
- Determining the test statistic
- Regions of rejection and non-rejection
- Risks in decision making using hypothesis testing
- The level of significance (α)
- The confidence coefficient
- The risk of type II error (β)
- Learning objective 2
- The power of a test
- Risks in decision making: A delicate balance
- 9.2 Z test of hypothesis for the mean (σ known)
- Learning objective 2
- Learning objective 3
- The critical value approach to hypothesis testing
- The p-value approach to hypothesis testing
- A connection between confidence interval estimation and hypothesis testing
- 9.3 One-tail tests
- Learning objective 2
- The critical value approach
- The p-value approach
- Learning objective 1
- 9.4 t Test of hypothesis for the mean (σ unknown)
- The critical value approach
- Learning objective 2
- The p-value approach
- Checking assumptions
- Learning objective 2
- 9.5 Z test of hypothesis for the proportion
- Learning objective 3
- The critical value approach
- The p-value approach
- 9.6 The power of a test
- Learning objective 2
- 9.7 Potential hypothesis-testing pitfalls and ethical issues
- Learning objective 4
- Data-collection method – randomisation
- Learning objective 5
- Informed consent from human respondents
- Type of test: Two-tail or one-tail
- Choice of level of significance, ?
- Data snooping
- Cleansing and discarding of data
- Reporting of findings
- Statistical significance versus practical significance
- Statistical insignificance versus importance
- 9 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Key formulas
- References
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- Report writing exercise
- Chapter 9 Excel guide
- EG9.1 Z test for the mean, σ known
- EG9.2 t test for the mean, σ unknown
- EG9.3 Z test for the proportion
- Chapter 10 Hypothesis testing: two-sample tests
- Learning objectives
- 10.1 Comparing the means of two independent populations
- Learning objective 1
- Z test for the difference between two means
- Pooled-variance t test for the difference between two means
- Confidence interval estimate for the difference between the means of two independent populations
- Separate-variance t test for the difference between two means
- 10.2 Comparing the means of two related populations
- Learning objective 2
- Paired t test
- Confidence interval estimate for the mean difference
- 10.3 F test for the difference between two variances
- Learning objective 3
- Finding lower-tail critical values
- 10.4 Comparing two population proportions
- Learning objective 4
- Z test for the difference between two proportions
- Confidence interval estimate for the difference between two proportions
- 10 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Key formulas
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- Report writing exercise
- References
- Chapter 10 Excel guide
- EG10.1 Comparing the means of two independent populations
- Pooled-variance t test for the difference between two means
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- Analysis ToolPak
- Confidence interval estimate for the difference between two means
- PHStat
- t test for the difference between two means, assuming unequal variances
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- Analysis ToolPak
- EG10.2 Comparing the means of two related populations
- Paired t test
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- Analysis ToolPak
- EG10.3 f test for the difference between two variances
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- Analysis ToolPak
- EG10.4 Comparing the proportions of two independent populations
- Z test for the difference between two proportions
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- Confidence interval estimate for the difference between two proportions
- PHStat
- Chapter 11 Analysis of variance
- Learning objectives
- 11.1 The completely randomised design: One-way analysis of variance
- Learning objective 1
- Learning objective 2
- F test for differences between more than two means
- Multiple comparisons: the tukey–kramer procedure
- ANOVA Assumptions
- The levene test for homogeneity of variance
- 11.2 The randomised block design
- Learning objective 3
- Tests for the treatment and block effects
- Multiple comparisons: The tukey procedure
- 11.3 The factorial design: Two-way analysis of variance
- Learning objective 4
- Testing for factor and interaction effects
- Interpreting interaction effects
- Multiple comparisons: The tukey procedure
- 11 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Key formulas
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- Report writing exercise
- References
- Chapter 11 Excel guide
- EG11.1 The completely randomised design: One-way ANOVA
- Analysing variation in one-way ANOVA
- Key technique
- F test for differences among more than two means
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- Analysis ToolPak
- Multiple comparisons: The tukey–kramer procedure
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- Analysis ToolPak
- Levene test for homogeneity of variance
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- Analysis ToolPak
- EG11.2 The randomised block design
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- Analysis ToolPak
- EG11.3 The factorial design: Two-way ANOVA
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- Analysis ToolPak
- Visualising interaction effects: The cell means plot
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- End of part 3 problems
- Part 4 Determining cause and making reliable forecasts
- Chapter 12 Simple linear regression
- Learning objectives
- 12.1 Types of regression models
- Learning objective 1
- 12.2 Determining the simple linear regression equation
- The least-squares method
- 12.3 Measures of variation
- Calculating the sum of squares
- The coefficient of determination
- Learning objective 3
- Standard error of the estimate
- 12.4 Assumptions
- Learning objective 4
- 12.5 Residual analysis
- Evaluating the assumptions
- Linearity
- Independence
- Normality
- Equal variance
- 12.6 Measuring autocorrelation – The Durbin–Watson statistic
- Learning objective 4
- Residual plots to detect autocorrelation
- The durbin-watson statistic
- 12.7 Inferences about the slope and correlation coefficient
- t test for the slope
- Learning objective 5
- F Test for the slope
- Confidence interval estimate of the slope (β1)
- t test for the correlation coefficient
- Learning objective 6
- 12.8 Estimation of mean values and prediction of individual values
- Learning objectives 7
- The confidence interval estimate
- The prediction interval
- 12.9 Pitfalls in regression and ethical issues
- Learning objective 8
- 12 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Key formulas
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- References
- Chapter 12 Excel guide
- EG12.1 Types of regression models
- EG12.2 Determining the simple linear regression equation
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- Analysis ToolPak
- EG12.3 Measures of variation
- EG12.4 Assumptions of regression
- EG12.5 Residual analysis
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- Analysis ToolPak
- EG12.6 Measuring autocorrelation: The durbin-watson statistic
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- EG12.7 Inferences about the slope and correlation coefficient
- EG12.8 Estimation of mean values and prediction of individual values
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- Chapter 13 Introduction to multiple regression
- Learning objectives
- 13.1 Developing the multiple regression model
- Learning objective 1
- Interpreting the regression coefficients
- Predicting the dependent variable, Y
- 13.2 R2, adjusted R2 and the overall F test
- Coefficients of multiple determination
- Test for the significance of the overall multiple regression model
- 13.3 Residual analysis for the multiple regression model
- Learning objective 1
- 13.4 Inferences concerning the population regression coefficients
- Learning objective 2
- Tests of hypothesis
- Confidence interval estimation
- 13.5 Testing portions of the multiple regression model
- Learning objective 2
- Coefficients of partial determination
- 13.6 Using dummy variables and interaction terms in regression models
- Learning objectives 3
- Interactions
- 13.7 Collinearity
- Learning objective 4
- 13 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Key formulas
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- References
- Chapter 13 Excel guide
- EG13.1 Developing a multiple regression model
- Interpreting the regression coefficients
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- Analysis toolpak
- Predicting the dependent variable Y
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- EG13.2 r2, adjusted r2 and the overall F test
- EG13.3 Residual analysis for the multiple regression model
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- Analysis toolpak
- EG13.4 Inferences concerning the population regression coefficients
- EG13.5 Testing portions of the multiple regression model
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- Chapter 14 Time-series forecasting and index numbers
- Learning objectives
- 14.1 The importance of business forecasting
- Learning objective 1
- 14.2 Component factors of the classical multiplicative time-series model
- Learning objective 2
- 14.3 Smoothing the annual time series
- Learning objective 3
- Moving averages
- Exponential smoothing
- 14.4 Least-squares trend fitting and forecasting
- Learning objective 4
- Linear trend model
- Quadratic trend model
- Exponential trend model
- Model selection using first, second and percentage differences
- Applying the concepts
- 14.5 The holt–winters method for trend fitting and forecasting
- Learning objective 5
- Applying the concepts
- 14.6 Autoregressive modelling for trend fitting and forecasting
- Learning objective 6
- Second-order autoregressive model
- 14.7 Choosing an appropriate forecasting model
- Learning objective 7
- Performing a residual analysis
- Measuring the magnitude of the residual error with squared or absolute differences
- Principle of parsimony
- Comparison of five forecasting methods
- 14.8 Time-series forecasting of seasonal data
- Learning objective 8
- Least-squares forecasting with monthly or quarterly data
- 14.9 Index numbers
- Learning objective 9
- The price index
- Aggregate price indices
- Weighted aggregate price indices
- Laspeyres price index
- Paasche price index
- Some common price indices
- 14.10 Pitfalls in Time-series Forecasting
- 14 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Key formulas
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- References
- Chapter 14 Excel guide
- EG14.1 The importance of business forecasting
- EG14.2 Component factors of time-series models
- EG14.3 Smoothing an annual time series
- Moving averages
- Key technique
- Example
- Exponential smoothing
- Key technique
- Example
- Analysis ToolPak
- EG14.4 Least-squares trend fitting and forecasting
- The linear trend model
- The quadratic trend model
- The exponential trend model
- Key technique
- Model selection using first, second, and percentage differences
- EG14.5 Autoregressive modelling for trend fitting and forecasting
- Creating lagged predictor variables
- Autoregressive modelling
- EG14.6 Choosing an appropriate forecasting model
- Performing a residual analysis
- Measuring the magnitude of the residuals through squared or absolute differences
- A comparison of five forecasting methods
- EG14.7 Time-series forecasting of seasonal data
- Least-squares forecasting with monthly or quarterly data
- Chapter 15 Chi-square tests
- Learning objectives
- 15.1 Chi-square test for the difference between two proportions (independent samples)
- Learning objective 1
- 15.2 Chi-Square test for differences between more than two proportions
- The marascuilo procedure
- Learning objective 2
- 15.3 Chi-Square test of independence
- Learning objective 3
- 15.4 Chi-Square goodness-of-fit tests
- Learning objective 4
- Chi-Square goodness-of-fit test for a poisson distribution
- Chi-Square goodness-of-fit test for a normal distribution
- 15.5 Chi-Square test for a variance or standard deviation
- Learning objective 5
- 15 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Key formulas
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- Team project
- References
- Chapter 15 Excel guide
- EG15.1 For χ2 test for the difference between two proportions
- EG15.2 For χ2 test for the differences in more than two proportions and for the χ2 test of independence
- End of Part 4 problems
- Part 5 Further topics in stats
- Chapter 16 Multiple regression model building
- Learning objectives
- 16.1 Quadratic regression model
- Learning objectives 1
- Finding the regression coefficients and predicting Y
- Testing for the significance of the quadratic model
- Testing the quadratic effect
- The coefficient of multiple determination
- 16.2 Using transformations in regression models
- Learning objectives 2
- The square-root transformation
- The log transformation
- 16.3 Influence analysis
- Learning objectives 3
- The hat matrix elements hi
- The studentised deleted residuals ti
- Cook’s distance statistic Di
- Overview
- 16.4 Model building
- Learning objectives 4
- The stepwise regression approach to model building
- The best-subsets approach to model building
- Model validation
- 16.5 Pitfalls in multiple regression and ethical issues
- Learning objectives 5
- Pitfalls in multiple regression
- Ethical considerations
- 16 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Key formulas
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- References
- Chapter 6 Excel guide
- EG16.1 The quadratic regression model
- Key technique
- Example
- EG16.2 Using transformations in regression models
- The square-root transformation
- The log transformation
- EG16.3 Collinearity
- PHStat
- EG16.4 Model building
- The stepwise regression approach to model building
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- The best-subsets approach to model building
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- Chapter 17 Decision making
- Learning objectives
- 17.1 Payoff tables and decision trees
- Learning objectives 1
- 17.2 Criteria for decision making
- Learning objectives 2
- Expected monetary value
- Expected opportunity loss
- Return-to-risk ratio
- 17.3 Decision making with sample information
- Learning objectives 2
- 17.4 Utility
- Learning objectives 4
- 17 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Key formulas
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- References
- Chapter 17 Excel guide
- EG17.1 Opportunity loss
- EG17.2 Expected monetary value
- EG17.3 Expected opportunity loss
- Chapter 18 Statistical applications in quality management
- Learning objectives
- 18.1 Total quality management
- 18.2 Six sigma management
- The DMAIC model
- 18.3 The theory of control charts
- Learning objectives 1
- 18.4 Control chart for the proportion — The p chart
- Learning objectives 2
- Learning objectives 3
- 18.5 The red bead experiment — understanding process variability
- Learning objectives 1
- 18.6 Control chart for an area of opportunity — the c chart
- Learning objectives 2
- Learning objectives 3
- 18.7 Control charts for the range and the mean
- Learning objectives 2
- Learning objectives 3
- The R chart
- The X¯ Chart
- 18.8 Process capability
- Learning objectives 4
- Customer satisfaction and specification limits
- Capability indices
- CPL, CPU and Cpk
- 18 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Key formulas
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- References
- Chapter 18 Excel guide
- EG18.1 Total quality management
- EG18.2 Six sigma management
- EG18.3 The theory of control charts
- EG18.4 Control chart for the proportion: the p chart
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- EG18.5 The red bead experiment: understanding process variability
- EG18.6 Control chart for an area of opportunity: the c chart
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- EG18.7 Control charts for the range and the mean
- The R Chart and the X¯ chart
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- EG18.8 Process capability
- Chapter 19 Further non-parametric tests
- Learning objectives
- 19.1 McNemar test for the difference between two proportions (related samples)
- Learning objectives 1
- 19.2 Wilcoxon rank sum test — non-parametric analysis for two independent populations
- 19.3 Wilcoxon signed ranks test — non-parametric analysis for two related populations
- 19.4 Kruskal—Wallis rank test — non-parametric analysis for the one-way anova
- 19.5 Friedman rank test — non-parametric analysis for the randomised block design
- 19 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Key formulas
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Chapter 19 Excel guide
- EG19.1 McNemar test for the difference between two proportions (related samples)
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- EG19.2 Wilcoxon rank sum test: non-parametric analysis for two independent populations
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- EG19.3 Wilcoxon signed ranks test: non-parametric analysis for two related populations
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- EG19.4 Kruskal—wallis rank test: non-parametric analysis for the one-way anova
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- EG19.5 Friedman rank test: non-parametric analysis for the randomised block design
- Key technique
- Example
- PHStat
- In-depth excel
- Chapter 20 Business analytics
- Learning objectives
- 20.1 Predictive analytics
- Learning objective 1
- 20.2 Classification and regression trees
- Learning objective 1
- Regression tree example
- 20.3 Neural networks
- Learning objective 2
- Multilayer perceptrons
- 20.4 Cluster analysis
- Learning objective 3
- 20.5 Multidimensional scaling
- Learning objective 4
- 20 Assess your progress
- Summary
- Key formulas
- Chapter review problems
- Checking your understanding
- Applying the concepts
- References
- Chapter 20 Software guide
- Introduction
- Jmp
- Tableau public
- Data Discovery
- In-depth Excel
- SG20.1 Predictive analytics
- SG20.2 Classification and regression trees
- Classification Tree
- Regression Tree
- SG20.3 Neural networks
- SG20.4 Cluster analysis
- JMP 10
- SG20.5 Multidimensional scaling
- Chapter 21 Data analysis: the big picture
- Learning objectives
- 21.1 Analysing numerical variables
- Learning objectives 1
- Learning objectives 2
- Describing the characteristics of a numerical variable
- Reaching conclusions about the population mean and/or standard deviation
- Determining whether the mean and/or standard deviation differs depending on the group
- If the grouping variable defines two independent groups and you are interested in central tendency
- If the grouping variable defines two groups of matched samples or repeated measurements and you are interested in central tendency
- If the grouping variable defines two independent groups and you are interested in variability
- If the grouping variable defines more than two independent groups and you are interested in central tendency
- If the grouping variable defines more than two groups of matched samples or repeated measurements and you are interested in central tendency
- Determining which factors affect the value of a variable
- Predicting the value of a variable based on the values of other variables
- Determining whether the values of a variable are stable over time
- 21.2 Analysing categorical variables
- Learning objectives 1
- Describing the proportion of items of interest in each category
- Reaching conclusions about the proportion of items of interest
- Determining whether the proportion of items of interest differs depending on the group
- For two categories and two independent groups
- For two categories and two groups of matched or repeated measurements
- For two categories and more than two independent groups
- For more than two categories and more than two groups
- Determining whether the proportion of items of interest is stable over time
- 21.3 Predictive analytics
- Learning objectives 2
- 21 Assess your progress
- Chapter review problems
- End of part 5 problems
- Appendices
- A Review of arithmetic, algebra and logarithms
- A.1 Rules for arithmetic operations
- A.2 Rules for algebra: Exponents and square roots
- A.3 Rules for logarithms
- Base 10
- Solution
- Base e
- Solution
- B Summation Notation
- Problem
- Answer
- References
- C Statistical Symbols and Greek Alphabet
- C.1 Statistical Symbols
- C.2 Greek Alphabet
- D PHStat User’s Guide
- About this appendix
- D.1 Sampling distributions simulation
- D.2 Confidence interval estimate for the mean, sigma known
- D.3 Confidence interval estimate for the mean, sigma unknown
- D.4 Confidence interval estimate for the proportion
- D.5 Sample size determination for the mean
- D.6 Sample size determination for the proportion
- D.7 Confidence interval estimate for the population total
- D.8 Confidence interval estimate for the total difference
- D.9 Z Test for the mean, sigma known
- D.10 t Test for the mean, sigma unknown
- D.11 Z Test for the proportion
- D.12 Chi-square test for differences in two proportions
- D.13 Chi-square test
- D.14 Opportunity loss
- D.15 Expected opportunity loss
- D.16 Expected monetary value
- E Tables
- F Using Microsoft Excel Analysis ToolPak
- F.1 Configuring microsoft excel
- F.2 Using the data analysis tools
- Glossary
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