Biochemistry 6th Edition Garrett Test Bank
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Biochemistry 6th Edition Garrett Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1305577205
- ISBN-13 : 978-1305577206
- Author: Reginald H Garrett, Charles Grisham
Part I: Molecular Components of Cells
1. The Facts of Life: Chemistry Is the Logic of Biological Phenomena
2. Water: The Medium of Life
3. Thermodynamics of Biological Systems
4. Amino Acids and the Peptide Bond
5. Proteins: Their Primary Structure and Biological Functions
6. Proteins: Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Structure
7. Carbohydrates and the Glycoconjugates of Cell Surfaces
8. Lipids
9. Membranes and Membrane Transport
10. Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids
11. Structure of Nucleic Acids
12. Recombinant DNA, Cloning, Chimeric Genes, and Synthetic Biology
Part II: Protein Dynamics
13. Enzymes�Kinetics and Specificity
14. Mechanisms of Enzyme Action
15. Enzyme Regulation
16. Molecular Motors
Part III: Metabolism and Its Regulation
17. Metabolism: An Overview
18. Glycolysis
19. The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle
20. Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation
21. Photosynthesis
22. Gluconeogenesis, Glycogen Metabolism, and the Pentose Phosphate Pathway
23. Fatty Acid Catabolism
24. Lipid Biosynthesis
25. Nitrogen Acquisition and Amino Acid Metabolism
26. Synthesis and Degradation of Nucleotides
27. Metabolic Integration and Organ Specialization
Part IV: Information Transfer
28. DNA Metabolism: Replication, Recombination, and Repair
29. Transcription and the Regulation of Gene Expression
30. Protein Synthesis
31. Completing the Protein Life Cycle: Folding, Processing, and Degradation
32. The Reception and Transmission of Extracellular Information Abbreviated Answers to Problems
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