Biology Canadian Canadian 2nd Edition Brooker Test Bank
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0071051899
- ISBN-13 : 978-0071051897
- Author: & 5 more
A New Vision for Learning describes what we set out to accomplish with this second Canadian edition of Biology. As authors and educators, we know your goal is to ensure students are prepared for the future―their future course work, lab experiences, and careers in the sciences. Building a strong foundation in biology for your students required a new vision for how they learn.
Table of contents:
1 An Introduction to Biology
Unit I Chemistry
2 The Chemical Basis of Life I: Atoms,
Molecules, and Water
3 The Chemical Basis of Life II: Organic
Unit II Cell
4 Evolutionary Origin of Cells and Their General
5 Membrane Structure, Synthesis, and Transport
6 An Introduction to Energy, Enzymes, and
7 Cellular Respiration and Fermentation
8 Photosynthesis
9 Cell Communication
10 Multicellularity
Unit III Genetics
11 Nucleic Acid Structure, DNA Replication, and
Chromosome Structure
12 Gene Expression at the Molecular Level I:
Production of mRNAs and Proteins
13 Gene Expression at the Molecular Level II:
Non-coding RNAs
14 Gene Expression at the Molecular Level III:
Gene Regulation
15 Mutation, DNA Repair, and Cancer
16 The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle, Mitosis, and
17 Mendelian Patterns of Inheritance
18 Epigenetics, Extranuclear Inheritance, and
19 Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria
20 Developmental Genetics
21 Genetic Technologies and Genomics
Unit IV Evolution
22 An Introduction to Evolution
23 Population Genetics
24 Origin of Species and Macroevolution
25 Taxonomy and Systematics
26 History of Life on Earth and Human Evolution
Unit V Diversity
27 Archaea and Bacteria
28 Protists
29 Fungi
30 Microbiomes: Microbial Systems On and
Around Us
31 Plants and the Conquest of Land
32 The Evolution and Diversity of Modern
Gymnosperms and Angiosperms
33 An Introduction to Animal Diversity
34 The Invertebrates
35 The Vertebrates
Unit VI Flowering Plants
36 An Introduction to Flowering Plant Form and
37 Flowering Plants: Behavior
38 Flowering Plants: Nutrition
39 Flowering Plants: Transport
40 Flowering Plants: Reproduction
Unit VII Animals
41 Animal Bodies and Homeostasis
42 Neuroscience I: Cells of the Nervous System
43 Neuroscience II: Evolution, Structure, and
Function of the Nervous System
44 Neuroscience III: Sensory Systems
45 Musculoskeletal Systems and Locomotion
46 Nutrition and Animal Digestive Systems
47 Control of Energy Balance, Metabolic Rate,
and Body Temperature
48 Circulatory and Respiratory Systems
49 Excretory Systems
50 Endocrine Systems
51 Animal Reproduction and Development;
52 Immune Systems
53 Integrated Responses of Animal Organ
Systems to a Challenge to Homeostasis
Unit VIII Ecology
54 An Introduction to Ecology and Biomes
55 Behavioral Ecology
56 Population Ecology
57 Species Interactions
58 Communities and Ecosystems: Ecological
Organization on Large Scales
59 The Ecological Impact of Humans
60 Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
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