Building Cross Platform Mobile and Web Apps for Engineers and Scientists An Active Learning Approach 1st Edition Lingras Solutions Manual

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Building Cross Platform Mobile and Web Apps for Engineers and Scientists An Active Learning Approach 1st Edition Lingras Solutions Manual.

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Product Details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1305105966
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1305105966
  • Author:  Matt Triff, Rucha Lingras

This powerful new book introduces cross-platform app design as an excellent starting point for mastering app development. The book contains numerous applications that you can adapt to different projects. You can use this book for independent study or for your project courses. The book introduces HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery Mobile, Node.js, JSON, localStorage, sessionStorage, NoSQL using MongoDB, SQL using MySQL, templating using handlebars, and maps. A strong app-centric view emphasizes appropriate subsets of these technologies to help you develop non-trivial apps. While apps continue to evolve and change, the technologies presented form the backbone of future cross-platform app development. You will learn to work with all major mobile and web platforms using the book’s active learning approach that has you typing code in parallel as the apps are developed. Exercises further encourage you to make changes to the code and evaluate resulting app behavior.


Table of Content:

  1. Ch 1: Introduction
  2. Ch 1: Introduction
  3. 1.1: World of Mobile Computing
  4. 1.2: Tour of the Apps Developed in the Book
  5. Ch 2: Developing, Installing, and Testing First App
  6. Ch 2: What We Will Learn in This Chapter
  7. Ch 2: Introduction
  8. 2.1: Choice of Programming Platform
  9. 2.2: How to Create a Simple HTML5 Web Page
  10. 2.3: How to Put an HTML5 Web Page on the Internet
  11. 2.4: More HTML5 Formatting
  12. 2.5: Unordered and Ordered Lists
  13. 2.6: HTML5 Tables
  14. 2.7: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  15. Ch 2: Self-Test Exercises
  16. Ch 2: Programming Exercises
  17. Ch 2: Programming Projects
  18. Ch 3: Making Apps More Interactive Through Data Input
  19. Ch 3: What We Will Learn in This Chapter
  20. Ch 3: Introduction
  21. 3.1: Embedding JavaScript in an HTML5 Document
  22. 3.2: Using JavaScript from an External File in an HTML5 Document
  23. 3.3: A JavaScript Function
  24. 3.4: Input Widget in HTML5/jQuery/jQuery Mobile
  25. 3.5: Designing Our Apps
  26. 3.6: Header, Footer, and Content Data-Role
  27. 3.7: More Widgets in HTML5/jQuery/jQuery Mobile
  28. 3.8: Identifying Elements from a Web Page
  29. 3.9: Range Slider Input Widget
  30. Ch 3: Self-Test Exercises
  31. Ch 3: Programming Exercises
  32. Ch 3: Programming Projects
  33. Ch 4: Making Apps Do Significant Computing
  34. Ch 4: What We Will Learn in This Chapter
  35. Ch 4: Introduction
  36. 4.1: Temperature Converter App Design
  37. 4.2: Simple JavaScript Calculations for Temperature Conversion App
  38. 4.3: Projectile App to Calculate Distance and Height of a Projectile
  39. 4.4: Validating Input Values in an App Using Boolean Expressions in JavaScript
  40. 4.5: Calculation of Distance and Height of a Projectile Using JavaScript Math Object
  41. 4.6: JavaScript Arrays for Storing Distances and Heights over Time of a Projectile
  42. 4.7: JavaScript for Loop for Repeating Computations
  43. 4.8: Dynamically Adding Rows and Cells in a Table Using JavaScript
  44. Ch 4: Self-Test Exercises
  45. Ch 4: Programming Exercises
  46. Ch 4: Programming Projects
  47. Ch 5: A Menu-Driven App to Monitor Important Indicators
  48. Ch 5: What We Will Learn in This Chapter
  49. Ch 5: Introduction
  50. 5.1: Thyroid App Design
  51. 5.2: Overview of the Functionality of the Thyroid App
  52. 5.3: Numeric Pad for Password Entry
  53. 5.4: Disclaimer and Help Pages
  54. 5.5: User Information Entry Form
  55. 5.6: Navigation with a Menu
  56. 5.7: Record Display and Update Page
  57. 5.8: Page to Add a Record
  58. 5.9: Use of Canvas and Panels for Graphical Display
  59. Ch 5: Programming Projects
  60. Ch 6: Storing Data Locally on a Device for Long-Term Use
  61. Ch 6: What We Will Learn in This Chapter
  62. Ch 6: Introduction
  63. 6.1: Managing Numeric Pad for Password Entry
  64. 6.2: Local Storage
  65. 6.3: JSON Objects for Thyroid App
  66. 6.4: Managing JSON Objects for User Information
  67. 6.5: Exception/Error Handling in JavaScript
  68. 6.6: Displaying User Information
  69. 6.7: Managing the Records Page
  70. 6.8: Adding a Record
  71. 6.9: Displaying All the Records/History
  72. 6.10: Editing a Record
  73. 6.11: Deleting a Record
  74. 6.12: Deleting All the Records/History
  75. Ch 6: Self-Test Exercises
  76. Ch 6: Programming Projects
  77. Ch 7: Graphics on HTML5 Canvas
  78. Ch 7: What We Will Learn in This Chapter
  79. Ch 7: Introduction
  80. 7.1: Introduction to Canvas Drawing
  81. 7.2: Frequently Used Methods and Properties of the Canvas Element
  82. 7.3: Adding Advice and Gauge Meter to the Thyroid App Using RGraph
  83. 7.4: Drawing Line Graphs in the Thyroid App Using RGraph
  84. 7.5: Making the Output of the Projectile App Graphical Using RGraph
  85. 7.6: Creating an Icon on the Home Screen
  86. 7.7: Running an App Locally Without the Internet
  87. Ch 7: Quick Facts/Buzzwords
  88. Ch 7: Self-Test Exercises
  89. Ch 7: Programming Exercises
  90. Ch 7: Programming Projects
  91. Ch 8: Using Servers for Sharing and Storing Information
  92. Ch 8: What We Will Learn in This Chapter
  93. 8.1: Introduction
  94. 8.2: Designing the Server-Based Thyroid App
  95. 8.3: Signing Up to a Server-Based App
  96. 8.4: Syncing the Records Between the Device and the Server
  97. 8.5: Programming with Node.js
  98. 8.6: Launching a Node.js App Server
  99. 8.7: Modified Navigation in the Server-Based Thyroid App
  100. 8.8: Modified User Form Management in Server-Based Thyroid App
  101. 8.9: Implementing the Syncing of Records in the Server-Based Thyroid App
  102. Ch 8: Self-Test Exercises
  103. Ch 8: Programming Projects
  104. Ch 9: Using MongoDB Server for Sharing and Storing Information
  105. Ch 9: What We Will Learn in This Chapter
  106. Ch 9: Introduction
  107. 9.1: Emergence of NoSQL Database Models
  108. 9.2: Introduction to MongoDB
  109. 9.3: Modeling a NoSQL Database
  110. 9.4: Modeling a NoSQL Database for the Thyroid App
  111. 9.5: Launching the MongoDB Server for the Thyroid App
  112. 9.6: Saving a New User on the MongoDB Server for the Thyroid App
  113. 9.7: Processing Login with the MongoDB Server for the Thyroid App
  114. 9.8: Updating User Data in the MongoDB Server for the Thyroid App
  115. 9.9: Downloading Records from the MongoDB Server for the Thyroid App
  116. 9.10: Uploading Records to the MongoDB Server for the Thyroid App
  117. Ch 9: Self-Test Exercises
  118. Ch 9: Programming Exercises
  119. Ch 9: Programming Projects
  120. Ch 10: Using a Relational Database Server for Sharing and Storing Information
  121. Ch 10: What We Will Learn in This Chapter
  122. Ch 10: Introduction
  123. 10.1: Relational Databases
  124. 10.2: Modeling a Relational Database
  125. 10.3: SQL
  126. 10.4: Launching the MySQL Server for the Thyroid App
  127. 10.5: Saving a New User on the MySQL Server for the Thyroid App
  128. 10.6: Processing Login with the MySQL Server for the Thyroid App
  129. 10.7: Updating User Data in the MySQL Server for the Thyroid App
  130. 10.8: Downloading Records from the MySQL Server for the Thyroid App
  131. 10.9: Uploading Records to the MySQL Server for the Thyroid App
  132. Ch 10: Self-Test Exercises
  133. Ch 10: Programming Exercises
  134. Ch 10: Programming Projects
  135. Ch 11: JavaScript Templating
  136. Ch 11: What We Will Learn in This Chapter
  137. 11.1: JavaScript Templating
  138. 11.2: Explorador App
  139. 11.3: Explorador Design
  140. 11.4: Introduction to JavaScript Templating Using Handlebars
  141. 11.5: Iteration and Arrays in Handlebars
  142. 11.6: Conditional Statements in Handlebars
  143. Ch 11: Programming Projects
  144. Ch 12: Maps, Location, and Multimedia Databases
  145. Ch 12: What We Will Learn in This Chapter
  146. 12.1: Introduction
  147. 12.2: Setting Up the Environment in the Explorador App
  148. 12.3: Specifying Express Routes
  149. 12.4: Querying MongoDB
  150. 12.5: Client-Side JavaScript
  151. Ch 12: Programming Projects
  152. Ch 13: Cross-Platform and Native App Development and Testing
  153. Ch 13: What We Will Learn in This Chapter
  154. Ch 13: Introduction
  155. 13.1: Native Mobile Apps
  156. 13.2: Setting Up the Explorador App for Apple iOS and Android Platforms
  157. 13.3: Building iOS App
  158. 13.4: Building the Android App
  159. Ch 13: Self-Test Exercises
  160. Ch 13: Programming Projects
  161. Index
  162. Index of HTML5 Tags and Elements
  163. Index of Javascript and Other Programming Elements
  164. Index of CSS Resources


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