Business Ethics A Textbook with Cases 9th Edition Shaw Test Bank
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Business Ethics A Textbook with Cases 9th Edition Shaw Test Bank.
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Business Ethics A Textbook with Cases 9th Edition Shaw Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 130558208X
- ISBN-13 : 978-1305582088
- Author: William Shaw (Author)
BUSINESS ETHICS, 9th Edition is a comprehensive and practical guide that will help you with real life ethical issues that rise in the business world. It will assist you through the process of developing the critical thinking and analytical skills needed to successfully navigate the unique set of problems that emerge when ethics and commerce collide. This book focuses on key ethical concepts and emphasizes the real world importance of critical topics such as the nature of morality, major theories of ethics and economic justice, and competing views of capitalism and corporate responsibility. It is thorough, flexible, and designed to bolster student involvement with the material for better comprehension and understanding.
Table contents:
1. THE NATURE OF MORALITY. Ethics. Moral versus Nonmoral Standards. Religion and Morality. Ethical Relativism. Having Moral Principles. Morality and Personal Values. Individual Integrity and Responsibility. Moral Reasoning.
2. NORMATIVE THEORIES OF ETHICS. Consequentialist and Nonconsequentialist Theories. Egoism. Utilitarianism. Kant s Ethics. Other Nonconsequentialist Perspectives. Utilitarianism Once More. Moral Decision Making: A Practical Approach.
3. JUSTICE AND ECONOMIC DISTRIBUTION. The Nature of Justice. The Utilitarian View. The Libertarian Approach. Rawls s Theory of Justice. PART II: AMERICAN BUSINESS AND ITS BASIS.
4. THE NATURE OF CAPITALISM. Capitalism. Key Features of Capitalism. Two Arguments for Capitalism. Criticisms of Capitalism. Today s Economic Challenges.
5. CORPORATIONS. The Limited-Liability Company. Corporate Moral Agency. Rival Views of Corporate Responsibility. Debating Corporate Responsibility. Institutionalizing Ethics within Corporations.
6. CONSUMERS. Product Safety. Other Areas of Business Responsibility. Deception and Unfairness in Advertising. The Debate over Advertising.
7. THE ENVIRONMENT. Business and Ecology. The Ethics of Environmental Protection. Achieving Our Environmental Goals. Delving Deeper into Environmental Ethics.
8. THE WORKPLACE (1): BASIC ISSUES. Civil Liberties in the Workplace. Hiring. Promotions. Discipline and Discharge. Wages. Labor Unions.
9. THE WORKPLACE (2): TODAY S CHALLENGES. Organizational Influence in Private Lives. Testing and Monitoring. Working Conditions. Redesigning Work.
10. MORAL CHOICES FACING EMPLOYEES. Obligations to the Firm. Abuse of Official Position. Bribes and Kickbacks. Gifts and Entertainment. Conflicting Obligations. Whistle-Blowing. Self-Interest and Moral Obligation.
11. JOB DISCRIMINATION. The Meaning of Job Discrimination. Evidence of Discrimination. Affirmative Action: The Legal Context. Affirmative Action: The Moral Issues. Comparable Worth. Sexual Harassment. SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING.
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