Business Strategy And Development Canadian 1st Edition Bissonette Test Bank
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Business Strategy And Development Canadian 1st Edition Bissonette Test Bank.
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Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 007132058X
- ISBN-13 : 978-0071320580
- Author:
Bissonette is an indigenous Canadian text that focuses on the details and issues relevant to the Canadian business environment including a truly international focus and a small business perspective. All unique and new pedagogy (Business in Action boxes, Management Reflection, and case studies) have an emphasis on Canadian content. Two chapters covering Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainable business practices offer this text a unique competitive advantage in the market. Recent business graduates contribute to a unique feature called “From the Student’s Perspective” where they briefly discuss the relevance of their education to the different aspects of a business as it relates to the content within each chapter. Additionally, over the past two years, all chapters have been classroom tested and peer reviewed at three different schools. The result – a business text with enhanced chapter concepts, updated examples, ensuring student and faculty relevance and perspective.
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