C++ Programming Program Design Including Data Structures 8th Edition Malik Solutions Manual

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C++ Programming Program Design Including Data Structures 8th Edition Malik Solutions Manual.

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Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1337117560
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1337117562
  • Author: D. S. Malik (Author)

Learn how to program with C++ using today’s definitive choice for your first programming language experience — C++ PROGRAMMING: PROGRAM DESIGN INCLUDING DATA STRUCTURES, 8E. D.S. Malik’s time-tested, student-centered methodology incorporates a strong focus on problem-solving with full-code examples that vividly demonstrate the hows and whys of applying programming concepts and utilizing C++ to work through a problem. Thoroughly updated end-of-chapter exercises, more than 20 extensive new programming exercises, and numerous new examples drawn from Dr. Malik’s experience further strengthen your understanding of problem solving and program design in this new edition. You review the important features of C++ 14 Standard with timely discussions that ensure this edition equips you to succeed in your CS1 course and beyond.

Table of contents:

1. An Overview of Computers and Programming Languages

2. Basic Elements of C++

3. Input/Output

4. Control Structures I (Selection)

5. Control Structures II (Repetition)

6. User-Defined Function

7. Namespaces, the class string, and User-Defined Simple Data Types

8. Arrays

a. One dimensional arrays

b. Sequential search

c. Selection sort

d. Two and multi-dimensional arrays

e. The class vector

9. Records (structs) 10. Classes and Data Abstraction

11. Inheritance and Composition

12. Pointers, Classes, Virtual Functions, and Abstract Classes

13. Operator Overloading and Templates

14. Exception Handling

15. Recursion 16. Linked Lists

17. Stacks and Queue

18. Searching and Sorting Algorithms

a. Binary Search

b. Bubble Sort

c. Selection Sort

d. Insertion Sort

e. Quick Sort

f. Merge Sort g. Heap Sort

19. Binary Trees

20. Graph Algorithms

21. Standard Template Library

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