Chemistry in Context 9th Edition Amer Solutions Manual
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1259638146
- ISBN-13 : 978-1259638145
- Author:
Following in the tradition of the first eight editions, the goal of this successful, issues-based textbook, Chemistry in Context, is to establish chemical principles on a need-to-know basis for non-science majors, enabling them to learn chemistry in the context of their own lives and significant issues facing science and the world. The non-traditional approach of Chemistry in Context reflects today’s technological issues and the chemistry principles within them. Global warming, alternate fuels, nutrition, and genetic engineering are examples of issues that are covered in Chemistry in Context.
Table of contents:
1 Portable Electronics: The Periodic Table in the Palm of Your Hand
2 The Air We Breathe
3 Radiation from the Sun
4 Climate Change
5 Energy from Combustion
6 Energy from Alternative Sources
7 Energy Storage
8 Water Everywhere: A Most Precious Resource
9 The World of Polymers and Plastics
10 Brewing and Chewing
11 Nutrition
12 Health and Medicine
13 Genes and Life
14 Who Killed Dr. Thompson? A Forensic Mystery
Appendix 1: Measure for Measure – Conversion Factors and Constants
Appendix 2: The Power of Exponents
Appendix 3: Clearing the Logjam
Appendix 4: Answers to Your Turn Questions Not Answered in the Text
Appendix 5: Answers to Selected End-of-Chapter Questions
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