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Contemporary Nutrition 8th Edition Wardlaw Test Bank
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Instant download Contemporary Nutrition 8th Edition Wardlaw Test Bank pdf docx epub after payment.
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0077354818
- ISBN-13 : 978-0077354817
- Author:
Contemporary Nutrition is designed for students with little or no background in college-level biology, chemistry or physiology. It provides the ideal balance of reliable nutrition information and practical consumer-oriented knowledge. With a friendly writing style, the authors act as the student’s personal guide to dispelling common misconceptions and to gaining a solid foundation for making informed nutrition choices.
Contemporary Nutrition emphasizes that a population consists of individuals with varying genetic and cultural backgrounds, and these individuals will have varying responses to diet. The knowledge gained from this text will allow students to personalize nutrition information and make smart choices.
Table of contents:
Chapter 1: What You Eat and Why
Chapter 2: Guidelines for Designing a Healthy Diet
Chapter 3: The Human Body: A Nutrition PerspectiveTHE ENERGY NUTRIENTS AND ENERGY BALANCE
Chapter 4: Carbohydrates
Chapter 5: Lipids
Chapter 6: Proteins
Chapter 7: Energy Balance and Weight ControlVITAMINS, MINERALS AND WATER
Chapter 8: Vitamins
Chapter 9: Water and MineralsNUTRITION: BEYOND THE NUTRIENTS
Chapter 10: Nutrition: Fitness and Sports
Chapter 11: Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa,Bulimia Nervosa, and Other Conditions
Chapter 12: Undernutrition Throughout the World
Chapter 13: Safety of Food and WaterNUTRITION: A FOCUS ON THE LIFE STAGES
Chapter 14: Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Chapter 15: Nutrition from Infancy through Adolescence
Chapter 16: Nutrition during Adulthood________________________________________
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