Corporate Finance 9th Edition Ross Test Bank
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 007733762X
- ISBN-13 : 978-0077337629
- Author:
Corporate Finance, by Ross, Westerfield, and Jaffe emphasizes the modern fundamentals of the theory of finance, while providing contemporary examples to make the theory come to life. The authors aim to present corporate finance as the working of a small number of integrated and powerful intuitions, rather than a collection of unrelated topics. They develop the central concepts of modern finance: arbitrage, net present value, efficient markets, agency theory, options, and the trade-off between risk and return, and use them to explain corporate finance with a balance of theory and application. The well-respected author team is known for their clear, accessible presentation of material that makes this text an excellent teaching tool. The ninth edition has been fully updated to reflect the recent financial crisis and is now accompanied by Connect, an exciting new homework management system.
Table of contents:
PART ONE Overview
1. Introduction to Corporate Finance
Appendix 1A Taxes
Appendix 1B Finance Professional Careers (Available on Connect)
2. Accounting Statements and Cash Flow
Appendix 2A Financial Statement Analysis
Appendix 2B Statement of Cash Flows
3. Financial Planning and Growth
PART TWO Value and Capital Budgeting
4. Financial Markets and Net Present Value: First Principles of Finance
5. The Time Value of Money
Appendix 5A Using Financial Calculators (Available on Connect)
6. How to Value Bonds and Stocks
Appendix 6A The Term Structure of Interest Rates
7. Net Present Value and Other Investment Rules
8. Net Present Value and Capital Budgeting
Appendix 8A Capital Cost Allowance
Appendix 8B Derivation of the Present Value of the Capital Cost Allowance Tax Shield Formula
9. Risk Analysis, Real Options, and Capital Budgeting
10. Risk and Return: Lessons From Market History
Appendix 10A The U.S. Equity Risk Premium:
Historical and International Perspectives (Available on Connect)
11. Risk and Return: The Capital Asset Pricing Model
Appendix 11A Is Beta Dead? (Available on Connect)
12. An Alternative View of Risk and Return: The Arbitrage Pricing Theory
13. Risk, Return, and Capital Budgeting
Appendix 13A Economic Value Added and the Measurement of Financial Performance
PART FOUR Capital Structure and Dividend Policy
14. Corporate Financing Decisions and Efficient Capital Markets
15. Long-Term Financing: An Introduction
16. Capital Structure: Basic Concepts
17. Capital Structure: Limits to the Use of Debt
Appendix 17A Some Useful Formulas of Financial Structure (Available on Connect)
Appendix 17B The Miller Model and the Graduated Income Tax (Available on Connect)
18. Valuation and Capital Budgeting for the Levered Firm
Appendix 18A The Adjusted Present Value Approach to Valuing Leveraged Buyouts (Available on Connect)
19. Dividends and Other Payouts
PART FIVE Long-Term Financing
20. Issuing Equity Securities to the Public
21. Long-Term Debt
22. Leasing
Appendix 22A Adjusted Present Value Approach to Leasing (Available on Connect)
PART SIX Options, Futures, and Corporate Finance
23. Options and Corporate Finance: Basic Concepts
24. Options and Corporate Finance: Extensions and Applications
25. Warrants and Convertibles
26. Derivatives and Hedging Risk
PART SEVEN Financial Planning and Short-Term Finance
27. Short-Term Finance and Planning
28. Cash Management
29. Credit Management
Appendix 29A Inventory Management (Available on Connect)
PART EIGHT Special Topics
30. Mergers and Acquisitions
31. Financial Distress
Appendix 31A Predicting Corporate Bankruptcy: The Z-Score Model (Available on Connect)
32. International Corporate Finance
Appendix A: Mathematical Tables (Available on Connect)
Appendix B: Answers to Selected End-of-Chapter Problems (Available on Connect)
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