Corrections From Research to Policy to Practice 1st Edition Stohr Test Bank
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Corrections From Research to Policy to Practice 1st Edition Stohr Test Bank.
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Corrections From Research to Policy to Practice 1st Edition Stohr Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1483373371
- ISBN-13 : 978-1483373379
- Author: Mary K. Stohr
Corrections: From Research, to Policy, to Practice offers students a 21st-century look into the treatment and rehabilitative themes that drive modern-day corrections. Written by two academic scholars and former practitioners, Mary K. Stohr and Anthony Walsh, this book provides students with a comprehensive and practical understanding of corrections, as well as coverage of often-overlooked topics like ethics, comparative corrections, offender classification and assessment, treatment modalities, and specialty courts. This text expertly weaves together research, policy, and practice, enabling students to walk away with a foundational understanding of effective punishment and treatment strategies for offenders in U.S. correctional institutions.
Table contents:
- Part I • Foundations of Corrections
- Chapter 1 • The Philosophical and Ideological Underpinnings of Corrections
- What Is Punishment?
- Introduction: What Is Corrections?
- From Arrest to Punishment
- The Theoretical Underpinnings of Corrections
- The Foundation of Correctional Punishment
- Perspective From a Practitioner: Robert Bayer, Former Director of Corrections and Prison Warden; Currently an Adjunct Professor and Prison Consultant
- The Emergence of the Classical School
- The Emergence of Positivism: Should Punishment Fit the Offender or the Offense?
- The Function of Punishment
- The Philosophical Assumptions Behind Justifications for Punishment
- The Major Punishment Justifications
- Retribution
- Deterrence
- Incapacitation
- Selective Incapacitation
- Rehabilitation
- Policy and Research: Economists Look at Incapacitation
- Ethical Issue 1.1: What Would You Do?
- Reintegration
- The Due Process and Crime Control Models
- The Crime Control Model
- The Due Process Model
- Choosing a Model
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Chapter 2 • Early Corrections: From Ancient Times to Colonial Jails and Prisons
- Narrative of Three Men Placed in the Missouri State Prison For Helping Slaves Escape via the Underground Railroad (1847)
- Introduction: The Evolving Practice of Corrections
- Themes: Truths That Underlie Correctional Practice
- Early Punishments in Westernized Countries
- The First Jails
- Galley Slavery
- Poverty and Bridewells, Debtors’ Prisons, and Houses of Correction
- In Focus 2.1: The Tower of London
- Transportation
- Ethical Issue 2.1: What Would you Do?
- Enlightenment—Paradigm Shift
- Spock Falls in Love
- Ethical Issue 2.2 What Would you Do?
- John Howard
- Bentham and Beccaria
- In Focus 2.2: Modern-Day John Howard—Dr. Ken Kerle
- William Penn
- Colonial Jails and Prisons
- Comparative Perspective
- Early European and British Prisons
- Perspective From a Practitioner: Marianne Fisher-Giorlando, Board Member of Louisiana State Penitentiary Museum Foundation, Chair of the Education Committee, and Member of The Accession/Deaccession Committee
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Chapter 3 • Correctional History: Early Prisons to Corrections Today
- Jim Crow Treatment in Prisons
- Introduction: The Grand Reforms
- Early Modern Prisons
- The Walnut Street Jail
- Newgate Prison, New York City
- Emerging Prison Models
- The Pennsylvania Prison Model (Separate System)
- Auburn, Sing Sing, and the New York (Congregate) System
- Ethical Issue 3.1: What Would You Do?
- In Focus 3.1: Charles Dickens’s Impressions of Eastern State Penitentiary and the Silent System in 1842
- In Focus 3.2: The Pentonville Prison
- Early Prisons and Jails Not Reformed
- Prisons: “The Shame of Another Generation”
- Dorothea Dix’s Evaluation of Prisons and Jails
- In Focus 3.3: Lewis E. Lawes’s Observations About Sing Sing History and Discipline
- The Failure of Reform Is Noted
- Ethical Issue 3.2: What Would You Do?
- The Renewed Promise of Reform
- The 1870 American Prison Congress
- Elmira
- The Creation of Probation and Parole
- American Corrections in the 20th and 21st Centuries
- Southern and Northern Prisons and the Contract and Lease Systems
- Correctional Institutions or Warehouse Prisons?
- Themes That Prevail in Correctional History
- Perspective From a Practitioner: Pat Mahoney, Alcatraz Corrections Officer and Boat Captain
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Chapter 4 • Ethics and Corrections
- A Novice Bows to Subcultural Pressure
- Introduction: To Do the Right Thing!
- Defining Ethics: What Is Right (and Wrong)?
- In Focus 4.1: A Lack of Ethics: Florida’s Youth Services International Private Prisons for Youth
- Ethical Foundation for Professional Practice
- Ethical Formalism
- Policy and Research: Mentally Ill Inmate Dies at Rikers
- Utilitarianism
- Religious Perspective
- Natural Law
- Ethics of Virtue
- Ethics of Care
- Egoism
- Why People Behave Unethically
- Official Deviance
- Ethical Issue 4.1: What Would You Do?
- Noble Cause Corruption
- In Focus 4.2: Subcultural Values of Probation and Parole Officers
- Subculture
- How to Prevent Unethical Behavior and Promote Ethical Work Practices
- In Focus 4.3: The Abuse of Solitary Confinement in Florida
- War on Drugs = Attack on Ethics?
- Ethical Issue 4.2: What Would You Do?
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Part II • The Correctional System
- Chapter 5 • Sentencing: The Application of Punishment
- Vindictive Versus Sensible Sentencing
- Introduction: What Is Sentencing?
- Types of Sentences
- Indeterminate Sentence
- Determinate Sentence
- Mandatory Sentence
- Concurrent and Consecutive Sentences
- Habitual Offender Statutes
- Alternatives to Incarceration
- Plea Bargaining
- Ethical Issue 5.1: What Would You Do?
- In Focus 5.1: Sentencing by Civil Commitment for Sex Offenders
- Benefits of Plea Bargains
- Criticisms of Plea Bargains
- In Focus 5.2: Extension of the Due Process Model to Sentencing
- Impact Statements at Sentencing
- Victim Impact Statements
- Sentencing Disparities: Legitimate and Illegitimate
- Policy and Research: Sentencing for Crack Versus Powder Cocaine
- Structuring Judicial Sentencing Choices
- The Presentence Investigation Report
- In Focus 5.3: Example of a Presentence Investigation Report
- Ethical Issue 5.2: What Would You Do?
- Sentencing Guidelines
- Perspective From a Practitioner: Laura Kiehl, Presentence Investigator
- The Future of Sentencing Guidelines
- In Focus 5.4: Policy Statement of the American Correctional Association Regarding Sentencing
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Chapter 6 • Jails and Detention Centers
- A Mentally Ill Inmate in the Dona Ana County Jail, New Mexico
- Introduction: The Community Institution
- Jail Types
- Jail Inmates and Their Processing
- Trends in Jail Populations
- Overcrowding
- Perspective From a Practitioner: Brian Cole, County Corrections Director
- Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Juveniles
- Policy and Research: High Schools in Jails
- The Poor and the Mentally Ill
- In Focus 6.1: An Account of Suicide, Mental Health, and the Need for Increased Mental Health Services
- Medical Problems
- Elderly Inmates
- Female Inmates
- Juvenile Inmates
- Rights to Medical Care
- Substance Abuse and Jails
- Suicides, Gangs, and Sexual Violence in Jails
- Suicides
- Gangs
- Sexual Violence
- Ethical Issue 6.1: What Would You Do?
- Innovations in Jails
- New-Generation, or Podular Direct Supervision Jails
- In Focus 6.2: Prison Rape Elimination Act Controversy
- Community Jails
- Ethical Issue 6.2: What Would You Do?
- Coequal Staffing
- Reentry Programs for Jails
- Release on Recognizance and Bail Programs for Jails
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Chapter 7 • Special Problem-Solving Courts in Corrections
- Veterans Courts in Action
- Introduction: What Are Problem-Solving Courts?
- Drug Courts
- The Drug Court Process
- Some Pros and Cons of Drug Courts
- Ethical Issue 7.1: What Would You Do?
- Policy and Research: Evaluating Drug Court Performance
- New Jersey Drug Court Program: Testimonials
- Ethical Issue 7.2: What Would You Do?
- Mental Health Courts
- The Mental Health Court Process
- Some Pros and Cons of Mental Health Courts
- Veterans Courts
- The Veterans Court Process
- Some Pros and Cons of Veterans Courts
- Domestic Violence Courts
- The Domestic Violence Court Process
- Perspective From a Practitioner: Honorable Judge Robert Russell, Judge of Buffalo Treatment Courts and Acting Judge of Erie County Court
- Community Courts
- The Community Court Process
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Chapter 8 • Community Corrections: Probation and Intermediary Sanctions
- Betty’s Reproductive Rights Versus the Protection of Children and Society
- Introduction: The Origins of Probation
- Founding Fathers of Probation: John Augustus and Matthew Davenport Hill
- Probation Today
- Why Do We Need Community Corrections?
- The Probation Officer Role
- Models of Probation Supervision
- Ethical Issue 8.1: What Would You Do?
- Ethical Issue 8.2: What Would You Do?
- Probation Officer Stress
- Perspective From a Practitioner: Brian Fallock, Probation and Parole Agent
- Policy and Research: The EPICS Model of Probation Supervision
- Strategies to Reduce Recidivism
- Probation Violations and Graduated Sanctions
- Engaging the Community to Prevent Recidivism
- In Focus 8.1: Becoming a Volunteer Probation Officer in Orange County
- In Focus 8.2: Community Supervision and Recidivism
- Intermediate Sanctions
- Work Release
- Intensive Supervision Probation
- Shock Probation or Parole and Boot Camps
- Victim–Offender Reconciliation Programs
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Chapter 9 • Prisons and the Correctional Client
- Kitchen Supervisor Sexually Abuses Two Male Inmates
- Introduction: The State of Prisons
- Prison Organizations
- Classification
- Prison Types and Levels
- Prison Value?
- Attributes of the Prison That Shape the Experience
- Total Institutions, Mortification, Importation, Prisonization
- Pains of Imprisonment
- The Prison Subculture
- Gangs and the Prison Subculture
- Violence
- Why Prisons Are Violent
- The Amount of Violence
- Sexual Assaults
- In Focus 9.1: Alabama Prisons Violate the Constitution
- Rioting
- Solutions: Strategies to Reduce Violence, Mature Coping, and Social Support
- Strategies to Reduce Violence
- Mature Coping
- Perspective from a Practitioner: Michael Klein, Correctional Officer
- Social Support
- Special Populations
- The Elderly and the Physically and Mentally Ill
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex Inmates
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Chapter 10 • Classification and Assessment of Offenders
- The Challenges of Classification
- Introduction: What Is Classification and Assessment?
- Predicting Behavior
- Assessing Risks and Needs
- The History of Classification and Assessment
- Early Attempts at Classification
- Classification Today
- Ethical Issue 10.1: What Would You Do?
- The National Institute of Corrections Custody Classification Model
- Perspective From a Practitioner: Sheila Gibson, Assessment and Classification Specialist
- Adult Internal Management System
- Policy and Research: Assessment and Classification of Sex Offenders
- Ethical Issue 10.2: What Would You Do?
- Needs Assessment and Classification
- Psychopathy Checklist–Revised
- Assessment and Classification in Community Corrections
- The Client Management Classification Assessment Instrument
- Risk and Needs Assessment Scales
- The Case Management Classification and Supervision Levels
- Selective Intervention
- Environmental Structure
- Casework and Control
- Limit Setting
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Chapter 11 • Correctional Programming and Treatment
- Life’s Turning Points
- Introduction: The Rise and Fall (and Rise Again) of Rehabilitation
- In Focus 11.1: The American Correctional Association 1870 Declaration on Treatment
- The Shift From “Nothing Works” to “What Works?”
- Ethical Issue 11.1: What Would You Do?
- Evidence-Based Practices
- Motivational Interviewing
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Criminal Thought
- Substance Abuse Programming
- Policy and Research: Can Psychopaths Be Treated?
- Drug Treatment With Swift Consequences for Failure: HOPE Program
- Therapeutic Communities
- Perspective From a Practitioner: Margaret Jackson, Drug Treatment Specialist
- Ethical Issue 11.2: What Would You Do?
- Pharmacological Treatment
- Anger Management
- Sex Offenders and Their Treatment
- Pharmacological Treatment
- Mentally Ill Offenders
- Educational and Vocational Programs
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Chapter 12 • Parole and Prisoner Reentry
- The Perils of Parole
- Introduction: What Is Parole?
- A Brief History of Parole
- The Modern Parole System
- In Focus 12.1: Example of Parole Conditions
- Parolee Recidivism
- Parole Boards
- Perspective From a Practitioner: Lisa Growette Bostaph, Parole Commissioner
- Ethical Issue 12.1: What Would You Do?
- What Goes In Must Come Out: Prisoner Reentry Into the Community
- The Impact of Imprisonment and Reentry on Communities
- The Process of Reentry
- The Role of Employment for Successful Reentry
- Policy and Research: Offenders’ Attitudes Toward Parole
- Determining Parole Success
- Parole Violations
- Approaches to Parole
- Halfway Houses
- House Arrest
- Electronic Monitoring and Global Positioning Systems
- Ethical Issue 12.2: What Would You Do?
- Concluding Remarks on Reentry and Recidivism
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Part III • Correctional Administration
- Chapter 13 • Correctional Organizations and Their Management
- Responses to Realignment
- Introduction: Correctional Organizations and Their Management
- Organizational-Level Factors That Affect Correctional Operations
- Bureaucracies
- Closed and Open Institutions
- Total Institutions
- Formal and Informal Organizations
- Management Theories
- Traditional Theories of Management
- Human Relations Theories of Management
- Combining Traditional and Human Relations Theories
- Elements of Effective Organizations
- Communication
- Perspective From a Practitioner: Teri Herold-Prayer, Veteran Services Manager
- Leadership and Why It Matters
- Organizational Culture
- Ethical Issue 13.1: What Would You Do?
- Policy and Research: Management of Correctional Organizations
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Chapter 14 • The Corrections Experience for Staff
- John’s Tragic Story
- Introduction: What Is a Profession?
- The State of the Work in Correctional Institutions and Programs
- Growth in Staff and Clients or Inmates
- Perceived Benefits of Correctional Work
- Collective Bargaining
- Why Require More Education and Training?
- Stanford Prison Experiment
- Abu Ghraib
- Ethics
- In Focus 14.1: ACA Code of Ethics
- Correctional Work Is Little Understood
- Individual-Level Factors That Affect the Correctional Workplace
- Race or Ethnicity and Gender
- Perspective From a Practitioner: Michael Klein, Correctional Officer
- Age
- Prior Military Service
- Correctional Roles
- The Role Defined
- Street-Level Bureaucrats
- Hack Versus Human Service
- The Subculture and Socialization
- Ethical Issue 14.1: What Would You Do?
- Subcultural Values
- Staff Interactions With Inmates
- The Defects of Total Power
- The Correctional Role When Supervising Children
- Policy and Research: Staff Stress, Burnout, and Turnover
- Abuse of Power
- Ethical Issue 14.2: What Would You Do?
- Use of Force
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Part IV • Correctional Clients
- Chapter 15 • Women and Corrections
- Supervising Is Different for Women
- Introduction: Women and Corrections
- History and Growth
- The History of Women in Prisons
- Race in Early Prisons
- Discipline in Women’s Prisons
- Hiring of Female Matrons
- Houses of Refuge for Girls and Boys
- Growth in Numbers of Women and Girls
- Current Figures on the Number of Women and Girls in Corrections
- Female Correctional Clients
- Female Staff
- Feminism
- Females in Corrections: Needs, Programming, Abuse, and Adjustment
- Needs and Programming
- In Focus 15.1: Orange Is the New Black (or Not)
- Abuse
- Adjustment, Misconduct, and Pseudo Families
- Ethical Issue 15.1: What Would You Do?
- Policy and Research: Gender Pathways to Community Corrections, Jails, and Prisons
- Female Correctional Officers
- Overcoming Employment Obstacles
- Perspective From a Practitioner: Kay Heinrich, Correctional Program Manager
- Current Status
- Ethical Issue 15.2: What Would You Do?
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Chapter 16 • Minorities and Corrections
- Undocumented Workers and Their Side of the Story
- Introduction: Minorities and Corrections
- Defining Race, Ethnicity, Disparity, and Discrimination
- Disparity and Discrimination
- A Legacy of Racism
- African Americans
- Native Americans, or American Indians
- In Focus 16.1: The Scottsboro Case
- In Focus 16.2: Fourteen Examples of Racism in the Criminal Justice System
- Hispanics, or Latinx
- Asian Americans
- Policy and Research: Documented Lynchings of Mexican Americans
- The Connection Between Class and Race or Ethnicity
- Minorities: Policies and Practices That Have Resulted in Increased Incarceration
- The Drug War: The New Jim Crow?
- Ethical Issue 16.1: What Would You Do?
- Crack Versus Powder Cocaine
- In Focus 16.3: Harsh Justice and the Scott Sisters
- Racial Profiling and Driving While Black or Brown
- Minorities: Adjustment to Incarceration
- Ethical Issue 16.2: What Would You Do?
- Victimization by Race and Ethnicity
- Probation or Prison?
- Perspective from a Practitioner: James Watkins, Classification Counselor
- Minorities Working in Corrections
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Chapter 17 • Juveniles and Corrections
- Too Young for Life
- Introduction: Delinquency and Status Offending
- The Extent of Delinquency
- The Juvenile Brain and Juvenile Behavior
- Neuroscience Research
- Brain Development
- Family Demographics
- History and Philosophy of Juvenile Justice
- Childhood in the United States
- The Beginning of the Juvenile Courts
- Processing Juvenile Offenders
- Juveniles Waived to Criminal Court
- Extending Due Process to Juveniles
- Policy and Research: Consequences of Juvenile Waivers
- Ethical Issue 17.1: What Would You Do?
- Juveniles and the Death Penalty
- Perspective From a Practitioner: Skyler Brouwer, Juvenile Probation Officer
- Ethical Issue 17.2: What Would You Do?
- Juvenile Community Corrections
- Intensive Probation
- Residential and Institutional Juvenile Corrections
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Part V • Special Topics in Corrections
- Chapter 18 • Legal Issues in Corrections
- Prison Without Law
- Introduction: Legal Issues
- The Rule of Law
- The Hands-Off Period, 1866–1963
- The Prisoners’ Rights Period, 1964–1978
- Perspective from a Practitioner: Barbara Beldot, Attorney; Professor at the University of Houston, Downtown
- The Deference Period, 1979–Present
- Constitutional Rights
- First Amendment
- Fourth Amendment
- In Focus 18.1: Muslim Inmates Agitate for Their Rights
- In Focus 18.2: Any Complaints This Morning?
- Ethical Issue 18.1: What Would You Do?
- Eighth Amendment
- Ethical Issue 18.2: What Would You Do?
- Fourteenth Amendment
- Policy and Research: Solitary Confinement, Mental Health, and the Eighth Amendment
- The Civil Commitment of Sex Offenders
- Criticisms of Civil Commitment
- Curtailing Prisoner Petitions
- Legal Issues in Probation and Parole
- Due Process Rights
- Constitutional Rights
- Human Rights
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Chapter 19 • The Death Penalty
- A Very Unusual, Very Expensive Serial Killer
- Introduction: The Death Penalty and Public Opinion
- Methods of Execution Used in the United States
- Challenges to the Death Penalty
- Legal Challenges
- Does the Death Penalty Deter?
- Financial Costs and the Death Penalty
- Racial Disparity in Death Sentences
- The Issue of Victim’s Race
- In Focus 19.1: Karl Marx on Capital Punishment and Brutalization
- The Death Penalty and Social Class
- Women and the Death Penalty
- The Chivalry Hypothesis
- The Evil Woman Hypothesis
- The Death Penalty and Mental Disability and Mental Illness
- Policy and Research: The Issue of Innocence
- Mental Disability
- Mental Illness
- Ethical Issue 19.1: What Would You Do?
- Ethical Issue 19.2: What Would You Do?
- The Innocence Revolution
- Some Concerns With DNA Technology
- Perspective From a Practitioner: Ginny Hatch, Investigator With the Federal Defender’s Office, Volunteer Investigator With the Innocence Project, and Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice at Boise State University
- Some Concerns With Neuroimaging Technology
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Chapter 20 • Comparative Corrections : Punishment in Other Countries
- The Debate Over Corporal Punishment
- Introduction: The Importance of Comparative Corrections
- The United Kingdom and the Common Law System
- Sentencing in England and Wales
- Community Corrections in England and Wales
- Ethical Issue 20.1: What Would You Do?
- Prisons in England and Wales
- France and the Civil Law System
- Perspective From a Practitioner: Cyndi Banks, Comparative Criminal Justice Scholar; Chair and Professor, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Sentencing in France
- Community Corrections in France
- Prisons in France
- China and the Socialist Law System
- Sentencing in China
- Chinese Community Corrections
- Chinese Prisons
- The Death Penalty in China
- Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Law System
- Saudi Punishments
- Ethical Issue 20.2: What Would You Do?
- Policy and Research: Is the United States Hard or Soft on Crime?
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Chapter 21 • Corrections in the 21st Century
- Can We Cure Criminality?
- Introduction: Learning From the Past So That We Have Hope for the Future
- Punitive Policies Yield Overuse of Corrections
- Decarceration
- Explanations for the Decline in the Use of Incarceration
- The Recession and Decreased Use of Incarceration
- Implications of Decarceration and the Need for a Plan of Action
- Penal Help Versus Penal Harm
- Professionalization
- Corrections Is a Relationship Business
- Privatization
- The Profit Motive in Corrections
- The Walnut Grove Correctional Facility
- Idaho’s Own Private Prison
- Ethical Issue 21.1: What Would You Do?
- The Extent of Privatization and Its Problems
- Concluding Thoughts
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Useful Internet Sites
- Chapter Pretest Answers
- Glossary
- References
- Index
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