Corrections Today 2nd Edition Siege Test Bank
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Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 1133933653
- ISBN-13 : 978-1133933656
- Author:
Get a frontline look at the field of corrections with CORRECTIONS TODAY, 2nd Edition. This briefer, visual, paperback alternative to expensive hardback Introduction to Corrections books is ideal for readers who are interested in real-world concepts and applications. It examines the field of corrections through the lens of readers–perhaps like you–who are giving serious thought to a career in the field or are now working in corrections while seeking an advanced degree in order to obtain a promotion and/or switch job paths. CORRECTIONS TODAY, 2nd Edition offers the most practical, engaging, career-focused, and authoritative introduction to corrections available.
Table of contents:
- Part 1: The Correctional System: How and Why We Correct
- Ch 1: The Correctional System
- Ch 2: Sentencing and the Correctional Process
- Part 2: Types of Correctional Sanctions
- Ch 3: Community Corrections: Diversion and Probation
- Ch 4: Intermediate Sanctions
- Ch 5: Jails and Houses of Correction
- Ch 6: Prisons
- Part 3: Living in and Leaving the Correctional Institution
- Ch 7: The Prison Experience: Males and Females
- Ch 8: Prisoners’ Rights
- Ch 9: Correctional Programs and Services
- Ch 10: Parole and Release to the Community
- Part 4: Unique Problems and Issues in Corrections
- Ch 11: Special Prison Populations
- Ch 12: Capital Punishment and the Death Row Inmate
- Ch 13: The Juvenile Offender
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