Doing Ethics Moral Reasoning and Contemporary Issues 3rd Edition Vaughn Test Bank
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Doing Ethics Moral Reasoning and Contemporary Issues 3rd Edition Vaughn Test Bank.
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0393125998
- ISBN-13 : 978-0393125993
- Author:
Doing Ethics emphasizes that moral decision-making is an active process―something one does. It provides students with the theoretical and logical tools that a morally mature person must bring to that process, and it offers an abundance of readings and case studies for consideration and discussion. Real-world relevance and practical pedagogy have made Doing Ethics a leading book in the field.
Table of contents:
- Part 1: Fundamentals
- Chapter 1: Ethics and the Examined Life
- Chapter 2: Subjectivism, Relativism, and Emotivism
- Part 2: Moral Reasoning
- Chapter 3: Evaluating Moral Arguments
- Chapter 4: The Power of Moral Theories
- Part 3: Theories of Morality
- Chapter 5: Consequentialist Theories: Maximize the Good
- Chapter 6: Nonconsequentialist Theories: Do Your Duty
- Chapter 7: Virtue Ethics: Be a Good Person
- Chapter 8: Feminist Ethics and the Ethics of Care
- Part 4: Ethical Issues
- Chapter 9: Abortion
- Chapter 10: Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide
- Chapter 11: Delivering Health Care
- Chapter 12: The Ethical Treatment of Animals
- Chapter 13: Environmental Ethics
- Chapter 14: Racism, Equality, and Discrimination
- Chapter 15: Sexual Morality
- Chapter 16: Tolerance, Civility, and Free Speech
- Chapter 17: Drugs, Guns, and Personal Liberty
- Chapter 18: Capital Punishment
- Chapter 19: War, Terrorism, and Torture
- Chapter 20: The Ethics of Immigration
- Chapter 21: Global Economic Justice
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