E-Commerce 2019 Business Technology and Society 15th Edition Laudon Solutions Manual
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E-Commerce 2019 Business Technology and Society 15th Edition Laudon Solutions Manual.
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0134998456
- ISBN-13 : 978-0134998459
- Author:
The most up-to-date, comprehensive overview of e-commerce today
Lively and fun to read, E-commerce 2019: business.technology.societyis an in-depth, thought-provoking introduction to e-¿commerce focusing on key concepts and the latest empirical and financial data. Hundreds of examples from companies such as Facebook ®, Google ®, Twitter ®, and Amazon ® illustrate how e-commerce is altering business practices and driving shifts in the global economy. The entire 15th edition, including its data, figures, and tables, has been updated through October 2018. It has up-to-date coverage of key topics in e-commerce today, such as privacy and piracy, government surveillance, cyberwar, social-local-mobile marketing, Internet sales taxes, and intellectual property.
Table of contents:
PART 1: INTRODUCTION TO E-COMMERCE1. The Revolution Is Just Beginning
2. E-commerce Business Models and Concepts
PART 2: TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE FOR E-COMMERCE3. E-commerce Infrastructure: The Internet, Web, and Mobile Platform
4. Building an E-commerce Presence: Websites, Mobile Sites, and Apps
5. E-commerce Security and Payment Systems
PART 3: BUSINESS CONCEPTS AND SOCIAL ISSUES6. E-commerce Marketing and Advertising Concepts
7. Social, Mobile, and Local Marketing
8. Ethical, Social, and Political Issues in E-commerce
PART 4: E-COMMERCE IN ACTION9. Online Retail and Services
10. Online Content and Media
11. Social Networks, Auctions, and Portals
12. B2B E-commerce: Supply Chain Management and Collaborative Commerce
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