Earth Portrait of a Planet 5th Edition Marshak Test Bank
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Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 039390640X
- ISBN-13 : 978-0393906400
- Author: Stephen Marshak (Author)
The Fifth Edition of this bestselling textbook features stunning art, the most up-to-date science, and a wealth of online learning tools, all developed under the critical eyes of Stephen Marshak. Heavily revised with remarkably detailed photographs, animations, and maps, the text offers rich and engaging pedagogy, an expanded chapter on energy, and coverage of recent global events, from Hurricane Sandy and the Washington Landslide to Typhoon Haiyan and the Japanese Tsunami.
Table of contents:
Part I: Our Island in Space
Chapter 1: Cosmology and the Birth of Earth
Chapter 2: Journey to the Center of the Earth
Chapter 3: Drifting Continents and Spreading Seas
Chapter 4: The Way the Earth Works: Plate Tectonics
Part II: Earth Materials
Chapter 5: Patterns in Nature: Minerals
Chapter 6: Up from the Inferno: Magma and Igneous Rocks
Chapter 7: A Surface Veneer: Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks
Chapter 8: Change in the Solid State: Metamorphic Rocks 203
Part III: Tectonic Activity of a Dynamic Planet
Chapter 9: The Wrath of Vulcan: Volcanic Eruptions
Chapter 10: A Violent Pulse: Earthquakes
Chapter 11: Crags, Cracks, and Crumples: Crustal Deformation and Mountain Building
Part IV: History Before History
Chapter 12: Deep Time: How Old Is Old?
Chapter 13: A Biography of Earth
Part V: Earth Resources
Chapter 14: Squeezing Power from a Stone: Energy Resources
Chapter 15: Riches in Rock: Mineral Resources
Part VI: Processes and Problems at the Earth’s Surface
Chapter 16: Unsafe Ground: Landslides and Other Mass Movements
Chapter 17: Streams and Floods: The Geology of Running Water
Chapter 18: Restless Realm: Oceans and Coasts
Chapter 19: A Hidden Reserve: Groundwater
Chapter 20: An Envelope of Gas: Earth’s Atmosphere and Climate
Chapter 21: Dry Regions: The Geology of Deserts
Chapter 22: Amazing Ice: Glaciers and Ice Ages
Chapter 23: Global Change in the Earth System
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