Economic Development 11th Edition Todaro Test Bank
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Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 1408284472
- ISBN-13 : 978-1408284476
- Author:
Table of contents:
Part One Principles and Concepts
1 Introducing Economic Development: A Global Perspective
2 Comparative Economic Development
3 Classic Theories of Economic Growth and Development 1
4 Contemporary Models of Development and Underdevelopment
Part Two Problems and Policies: Domestic
5 Poverty, Inequality, and Development
6 Population Growth and Economic Development: Causes,
Consequences, and Controversies
7 Urbanization and Rural-Urban Migration: Theory and Policy
8 Human Capital: Education and Health in Economic Development
9 Agricultural Transformation and Rural Development
10 The Environment and Development
11 Development Policymaking and the Roles of Market, State,
and Civil Society
Part Three Problems and Policies: International and Macro
12 International Trade Theory and Development Strategy
13 Balance of Payments, Debt, Financial Crises, and Stabilization
14 Foreign Finance, Investment, Aid, and Conflict: Controversies
and Opportunities
15 Finance and Fiscal Policy for Development
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