Elementary and Intermediate Algebra 4th Edition Sullivan Test Bank

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Elementary and Intermediate Algebra 4th Edition Sullivan Test Bank.

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Product Details:

The Sullivan Elementary & Intermediate Developmental Math Series, 4th Edition introduces readers to the logic, precision and rigor of mathematics, while building a foundation for future success.

Known for their hallmark examples that provide extra step-by-step support, the authors have continued their successful text pedagogy and have focused in the revision to translating it to the MyLab™ Math course for a truly dynamic learning and teaching experience. Key revisions to the MyLab Math course include guided “How To” exercises, modeled on the successful Show Case examples and new GeoGebra applet exercises.

The Sullivan team has revised their MyLab Math course to ensure that readers are getting the most of the resources they have at their disposal. For example, they offer an enhanced e-text that allows readers to easily and quickly refer back to a specific page for examples. To encourage readers, the author team developed a MyLab Math that helps them develop good study skills, garner an understanding of the connections between topics, and work smarter in the process.


Table of Content:

  1. Operations on Real Numbers and Algebraic Expressions
  2. Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable
  3. Introduction to Graphing and Linear Equations in Two Variables
  4. Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities
  5. Exponents and Polynomials
  6. Factoring Polynomials
  7. Rational Expressions and Equations
  8. Graphs, Relations, and Functions
  9. Radicals and Rational Exponents
  10. Quadratic Equations and Functions
  11. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
  12. Conics
  13. Sequences, Series, and the Binomial Theorem

Appendix A: Synthetic Division

Appendix B: Geometry Review

Appendix C: More on Systems of Linear Equations

Appendix D: Table of Square Roots

Appendix E: Transformations

Answers to Selected Exercises


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