Employment Relations 2nd Edition Shaw Solutions Manual
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Employment Relations 2nd Edition Shaw Solutions Manual
Product details:
ISBN: 9780170401517
Author: Susan Ressia
This is the second edition of the well-regarded local text, Employment Relations. This new edition takes an even more practical approach to a complex area, considering both the industrial regulation and human resources dimensions of the employment relationship. As well as providing a comprehensive guide to employment relations in Australia, the text also offers a selective international comparative view on the management of the employment relationship. The text explains and emphasises the real-world connections between the important theories of industrial relations and human resources, which are key components of the employment relations discipline. The overarching aim is for students to gain a deeper understanding of the ‘World of Work’, through the discipline of Employment Relations.
Table contents:
1. Introduction to employment relations
2. The changing nature of work and employment
3. The role of the state in regulating ER
4. Employee representation and participation
5. Employer strategy and employer representation
6. Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
7. Bargaining for Agreements
8. Diversity and inclusion
9. Workplace health and safety (WHS)
10. Staffing
11. Learning and development
12. Performance management
13. Reward management
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