Essential Statistics 1st Edition Navidi Test Bank
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0077701402
- ISBN-13 : 978-0077701406
- Author:
Navidi/Monk, Essential Statistics was developed around three central themes – Clarity, Quality, and Accuracy. These central themes were born out of extensive market research and feedback from statistics instructors across the country. The authors paid close attention to how material is presented to students, ensuring that the content in the text is very clear, concise, and digestible. High quality exercises, examples and integration of technology are important aspects of an Introductory Statistics text. The authors have provided robust exercise sets that range in difficulty. They have also focused keen attention to ensure that examples provide clear instruction to students. Technology is integrated throughout the text, providing students examples of how to use the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculators, Microsoft Excel and Minitab. The accuracy of Elementary Statistics was a foundational principle always on the minds of the authors. While this certainly pertains to all aspects of the text, the authors also exhausted energy in ensuring the supplements have been developed to fit cohesively with the text.
Table of contents:
Chapter 1: Basic Ideas
Chapter 2: Graphical Summaries of Data
Chapter 3: Numerical Summaries of Data
Chapter 4: Probability
Chapter 5: Discrete Probability Distributions
Chapter 6: The Normal Distribution
Chapter 7: Confidence Intervals
Chapter 8: Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 9: Inferences on Two Samples
Chapter 10: Tests with Qualitative Data
Chapter 11: Correlation and Regression