Evolution and Prehistory The Human Challenge 10th Edition Haviland Test Bank
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Evolution and Prehistory The Human Challenge 10th Edition Haviland Test Bank.
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1285061454
- ISBN-13 : 978-1285061450
- Author:
Offering compelling photos, engaging examples, and select studies by anthropologists in a variety of locations around the globe, Haviland, Walrath, Prins and McBride present evolution and prehistory in vivid, accessible terms, and demonstrate how the field is relevant to understanding the complex world around you. You’ll have the opportunity to explore the different ways humans face the challenge of existence; learn about the connection between biology and culture in the course of human evolutionary history as well as in shaping contemporary human biology, beliefs, and behavior; and see the impact of globalization on the continued survival of our species and planet.
Table of contents:
1. The Essence of Anthropology.
2. Biology, Genetics, and Evolution.
3. Living Primates.
4. Primate Behavior.
5. Field Methods in Archaeology and Paleoanthropology.
6. From First Primates to First Bipeds.
7. Origins of the Genus Homo.
8. The Global Expansion of Homo sapiens and Their Technology.
9. The Neolithic Revolution: The Domestication of Plants and Animals.
10. The Emergence of Cities and States.
11. Modern Human Diversity: Race and Racism.
12. Human Adaptation to a Changing World.
13. Characteristics of Culture.
14. Ethnographic Research: Its History, Methods, and Theories.
15. Language and Communication.
16. Social Identity, Personality, and Gender.
17. Patterns of Subsistence.
18. Economic Systems.
19. Sex, Marriage, and Family.
20. Kinship and Descent.
21. Grouping by Gender, Age, Common Interest, and Social Status.
22. Politics, Power, War, and Peace.
23. Spirituality, Religion, and Shamanism.
24. The Arts.
25. Processes of Cultural Change.
26. Global Challenges, Local Responses, and the Role of Anthropology.
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