Examination of Orthopedic Athletic Injuries 4th Edition Starkey Test Bank

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“This is by far the most comprehensive and user-friendly text for both professor and student! I am continuing to use it in my Athletic Training Program, and beginning next year, I will institute it into my PT courses in Ortho I & II.”Vincent J. Hudson, MS, PT, ATC, MBA, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, review of a previous edition.

Completely revised and updated, the 4th Edition of the field’s standard resource brings you all field’s most current knowledge and an all-new full-color art program. Its superb combination of detailed illustrations and precise language makes even the most complicated concepts and techniques clear.

Organized by body region, each chapter begins with a review of anatomy and biomechanics; proceeds through clinical evaluation, pathologies, and related special tests; and concludes with a discussion of on-field or initial management of specific injuries.

The Plus Code inside new, printed texts gives you access to the instructor and student resources online at DavisPlus, including your Davis Digital Version, range of motion animations, and review questions for every chapter.


Table of Content:

  1. SECTION 1 Foundations of Examination
  2. Chapter 1 Examination Process
  3. Differential Diagnosis
  4. Systematic Examination Technique
  5. The Examination Model
  6. Regional Interdependence
  7. The Role of The Uninjured Paired Structure
  8. Clinical Assessment
  9. History
  10. Physical Examination
  11. Functional Assessment
  12. Inspection
  13. Palpation
  14. Joint and Muscle Function Assessment
  15. Selective Tissue Tests
  16. Neurological Screening
  17. Vascular Screening
  18. Review of Systems
  19. The Role of Evidence in the Examination Process
  20. Chapter 2 Examination and Management of Acute Conditions
  21. Emergency Planning
  22. Sport-Specific Rules
  23. Critical Findings
  24. The On-Field Examination
  25. Equipment Considerations
  26. Primary Survey
  27. Secondary Survey
  28. On-Field History
  29. On-Field Inspection
  30. On-Field Palpation
  31. Palpation of Bony Structures
  32. On-Field Joint and Muscle Function Assessment
  33. On-Field Joint Stability Tests
  34. On-Field Neurological Testing
  35. On-Field Vascular Assessment
  36. Immediate Management
  37. Splinting
  38. Transportation
  39. Disposition
  40. Return-to-Play Decision Making
  41. Chapter 3 Evidence-Based Practice in the Diagnostic Process
  42. The Role of Evidence-Based Practice in Orthopedic Examination and Diagnosis
  43. Fundamentals of Interpreting Research
  44. Reliability
  45. Diagnostic Accuracy
  46. Diagnostic Gold Standard
  47. Diagnostic Predictive Value
  48. Sensitivity and Specificity
  49. Likelihood Ratios
  50. Positive Likelihood Ratio
  51. Negative Likelihood Ratio
  52. Interpreting Likelihood Ratios
  53. Clinical Decision Rules
  54. Clinical Practice Guidelines
  55. Outcome Measures
  56. Incorporating Evidence-Based Practice into Clinical Diagnosis
  57. Use of Evidence in This Text
  58. Chapter 4 Injury Pathology Nomenclature
  59. Tissue Response to Stress
  60. Stress–Strain Relationships
  61. Mechanisms of Injury
  62. Tensile Forces
  63. Compression Forces
  64. Shear Forces
  65. Torsion Forces
  66. Direct Blow
  67. Soft Tissue Pathology
  68. Musculotendinous Injuries
  69. Contusions
  70. Heterotopic Ossification
  71. Joint Structure Pathology
  72. Articular Surface Pathology
  73. Bony Pathology
  74. Exostosis
  75. Apophysitis
  76. Fractures
  77. Neurological and Vascular Pathologies
  78. Peripheral Nerve Injury
  79. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
  80. Chapter 5 Musculoskeletal Diagnostic Techniques
  81. Imaging Techniques
  82. Radiography
  83. Computed Tomography Scan
  84. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  85. Bone Scan
  86. Diagnostic Ultrasound
  87. Nerve Conduction Study/Electromyography
  88. Chapter 6 Assessment of Posture
  89. Clinical Anatomy
  90. The Kinetic Chain
  91. Muscular Function
  92. Muscle Imbalances
  93. Noncontractile Soft Tissue Influences
  94. Clinical Examination of Posture
  95. History
  96. Functional Assessment
  97. Inspection
  98. Views of Postural Inspection
  99. Palpation
  100. Muscle-Length Assessment
  101. Common Postural Deviations
  102. Foot and Ankle
  103. The Knee
  104. Spine and Pelvis
  105. Shoulder and Scapula
  106. Head and Cervical Spine
  107. Regional Interdependence
  108. Documentation of Postural Assessment
  109. Chapter 7 Evaluation of Gait
  110. Observational Gait Analysis
  111. Gait Terminology
  112. Walking Gait Phases
  113. Stance Phase
  114. Swing Phase
  115. Running Gait Cycle
  116. Stance Phase
  117. Swing Phase
  118. General Approach to Patient Evaluation
  119. History
  120. Physical Examination
  121. Observational Gait Analysis Findings
  122. Compensatory Gait Deviations
  123. Quantitative Gait Analysis
  124. SECTION 2 Lower Extremity Examination
  125. Chapter 8 Foot and Toe Pathologies
  126. Clinical Anatomy
  127. Zones of the Foot
  128. Articulations and Ligamentous Support
  129. Muscles Acting on the Foot and Toes
  130. Arches of the Foot
  131. Neurological Anatomy
  132. Vascular Anatomy
  133. Clinical Examination of the Foot and Toes
  134. History
  135. Functional Assessment
  136. Inspection
  137. Joint and Muscle Function Assessment
  138. Joint Stability Tests
  139. Neurological Examination
  140. Vascular Examination
  141. Region-Specific Pathologies and Selective Tissue Tests
  142. Influence of Foot Structure on Pathology
  143. Plantar Heel Pain
  144. Tarsal Coalition
  145. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
  146. Metatarsal Fractures
  147. Lisfranc Injuries
  148. Phalangeal Fractures
  149. Intermetatarsal Neuroma
  150. Hallux Rigidus
  151. Hallux Valgus
  152. First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Sprains
  153. Sesamoiditis
  154. On-Field Examination of Foot Injuries
  155. Equipment Considerations
  156. On-Field History
  157. On-Field Inspection
  158. On-Field Palpation
  159. On-Field Joint Function Tests
  160. On-Field Management of Foot Injuries
  161. Plantar Fascia Ruptures
  162. Fractures and Dislocations
  163. Chapter 9 Ankle and Leg Pathologies
  164. Clinical Anatomy
  165. Related Bony Structures
  166. Articulations and Ligamentous Support
  167. Muscles of the Leg and Ankle
  168. Bursae
  169. Neurological Anatomy
  170. Vascular Anatomy
  171. Clinical Examination of the Ankle and Leg
  172. History
  173. Functional Assessment
  174. Inspection
  175. Joint and Muscle Function Assessment
  176. Joint Stability Tests
  177. Neurological Assessment
  178. Vascular Assessment
  179. Region-Specific Pathologies and Selective Tissue Tests
  180. Ankle Sprains
  181. Ankle and Leg Fractures
  182. Achilles Tendon Pathology
  183. Peroneal Tendon Pathology
  184. Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
  185. Stress Fractures
  186. Compartment Syndromes
  187. On-Field Examination of Leg and Ankle Injuries
  188. Equipment Considerations
  189. On-Field History
  190. On-Field Inspection
  191. On-Field Palpation
  192. On-Field Range of Motion Tests
  193. Initial Management of On-Field Injuries
  194. Ankle Dislocations
  195. Compartment Syndrome
  196. Chapter 10 Knee Pathologies
  197. Clinical Anatomy
  198. Articulations and Ligamentous Support
  199. The Menisci
  200. Muscles Acting on the Knee
  201. Neurological Anatomy
  202. Vascular Anatomy
  203. Clinical Examination of Knee Injuries
  204. History
  205. Past Medical History
  206. History of the Present Condition
  207. Functional Assessment
  208. Inspection
  209. Determination of Intracapsular versus Extracapsular Swelling
  210. Joint and Muscle Function Assessment
  211. Joint Stability Tests
  212. Neurological Assessment
  213. Vascular Testing
  214. Region-Specific Pathologies and Selective Tissue Tests
  215. Uniplanar Knee Sprains
  216. Rotational Knee Instabilities
  217. Meniscal Tears
  218. Osteochondral Lesions
  219. Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome
  220. Popliteus Tendinopathy
  221. Knee Osteoarthritis
  222. Tibiofemoral Joint Dislocations
  223. On-Field Examination of Knee Injuries
  224. Equipment Considerations
  225. On-Field History
  226. On-Field Inspection
  227. On-Field Palpation
  228. On-Field Range of Motion Tests
  229. On-Field Ligamentous Tests
  230. On-Field Management of Knee Injuries
  231. Tibiofemoral Joint Dislocations
  232. Collateral and Cruciate Ligament Sprains
  233. Meniscal Tears
  234. Chapter 11 Patellofemoral Pathologies
  235. Clinical Anatomy
  236. Articulations and Ligamentous Support
  237. Muscular Anatomy and Related Soft Tissues
  238. Bursae of the Extensor Mechanism
  239. Clinical Examination of the Patellofemoral Joint
  240. History
  241. Functional Assessment
  242. Inspection
  243. Joint and Muscle Function Assessment
  244. Joint Stability Tests
  245. Neurological and Vascular Testing
  246. Region-Specific Pathologies and Selective Tissue Tests
  247. Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
  248. Patellofemoral Instability
  249. Patellofemoral Tendinopathies
  250. Traumatic Conditions
  251. On-Field Evaluation of Patellofemoral Injuries
  252. Equipment Considerations
  253. On-Field History
  254. On-Field Palpation
  255. On-Field Functional Assessment
  256. Initial Management of On-Field Injuries
  257. Patellar Tendon Rupture and Patellar Fracture
  258. Chapter 12 Pelvis and Thigh Pathologies
  259. Clinical Anatomy
  260. Articulations and Ligamentous Support
  261. Muscular Anatomy
  262. Bursae
  263. Neurological Anatomy
  264. Vascular Anatomy
  265. Clinical Examination of the Pelvis and Thigh
  266. History
  267. Functional Assessment
  268. Inspection
  269. Joint and Muscle Function Assessment
  270. Joint Stability Tests
  271. Neurological Testing
  272. Region-Specific Pathologies and Selective Tissue Tests
  273. Iliac Crest Contusion
  274. Muscle Tears
  275. Quadriceps Contusion
  276. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
  277. Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease
  278. Femoral Stress Fractures
  279. Intra-Articular Pathology
  280. Femoral Acetabular Impingement
  281. Labral Tears
  282. Hip Osteoarthritis
  283. Hip Subluxation
  284. Athletic Pubalgia
  285. Osteitis Pubis
  286. Piriformis Syndrome
  287. Snapping Hip Syndrome (Coxa Saltans)
  288. Bursitis
  289. On-Field Evaluation of Pelvis and Thigh Injuries
  290. Initial Evaluation and Management of On-Field Injuries
  291. Hip Dislocation
  292. Femoral Fracture
  293. SECTION 3 Torso Examination
  294. Chapter 13 Lumbosacral Pathologies
  295. Clinical Anatomy
  296. Bony Anatomy
  297. Intervertebral Discs
  298. Articulations, Ligamentous and Fascial Anatomy
  299. Neurological Anatomy
  300. Muscular Anatomy
  301. Clinical Examination of the Lumbar Spine
  302. History
  303. Nonorganic Origin of Pain
  304. Functional Assessment
  305. Inspection
  306. Joint and Muscle Function Assessment
  307. Joint Stability Tests
  308. Selective Tissue Tests
  309. Neurological Testing
  310. Region-Specific Pathologies and Selective Tissue Tests
  311. Spinal Stenosis
  312. Intervertebral Disc Lesions
  313. Segmental Instability
  314. Erector Spinae Muscle Tears
  315. Spondylopathies
  316. Sacroiliac Pathology
  317. On-Field Examination of Lumbar Spine Injuries
  318. On-Field History
  319. On-Field Inspection
  320. On-Field Neurological Tests
  321. On-Field Palpation
  322. On-Field Management of Lumbar Spine Injuries
  323. Lumbar Spine
  324. Chapter 14 Cervical and Thoracic Spine and Thorax Pathologies
  325. Clinical Anatomy
  326. Cervical Spine
  327. Thoracic Spine
  328. Intervertebral Discs
  329. Ligamentous Anatomy
  330. Neurological Anatomy
  331. Thorax
  332. Muscular Anatomy
  333. Clinical Examination of the Cervical and Thoracic Spine and Thorax
  334. History
  335. Functional Assessment
  336. Inspection
  337. Joint and Muscle Function Assessment
  338. Joint Stability Tests
  339. Neurological Testing
  340. Region-Specific Pathologies and Selective Tissue Tests
  341. Cervical Radiculopathy
  342. Clinical Cervical Instability
  343. Facet Joint Dysfunction
  344. Brachial Plexus Pathology
  345. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  346. Thoracic Spine Pathologies
  347. Thorax Pathologies
  348. Splenic Injury
  349. Kidney Trauma
  350. Commotio Cordis
  351. On-Field Evaluation and Management of Cervical and Thoracic Spine and Thorax Injuries
  352. Brachial Plexus Injury
  353. Thoracic Spine
  354. Rib Fractures
  355. Pneumothorax and Hemothorax
  356. Respiratory Distress
  357. SECTION 4 Upper Extremity Examination
  358. Chapter 15 Shoulder and Upper Arm Pathologies
  359. Clinical Anatomy
  360. Bony Anatomy
  361. Joints of the Shoulder Complex
  362. Muscles of the Shoulder Complex
  363. Bursae of the Shoulder Complex
  364. Clinical Examination of Shoulder Injuries
  365. History
  366. Functional Assessment
  367. Inspection
  368. Joint and Muscle Function Assessment
  369. Joint Stability Tests
  370. Neurological Testing
  371. Vascular Testing
  372. Region-Specific Pathologies and Selective Tissue Tests
  373. Scapulothoracic Articulation Pathology
  374. Sternoclavicular Joint Sprains
  375. Acromioclavicular Joint Pathology
  376. Glenohumeral Instability
  377. Anterior Instability
  378. Nontraumatic Anterior Instability
  379. Traumatic Anterior Instability
  380. Posterior Instability
  381. Acute Posterior Dislocation
  382. Rotator Cuff Pathology
  383. Biceps Tendon Pathology
  384. Adhesive Capsulitis
  385. On-Field Examination of Shoulder Injuries
  386. Equipment Considerations
  387. On-Field History
  388. On-Field Inspection
  389. On-Field Palpation
  390. On-Field Neurological Tests
  391. Initial Management of On-Field Shoulder Injuries
  392. Scapular Fractures
  393. Clavicular Injuries
  394. Chapter 16 Elbow and Forearm Pathologies
  395. Clinical Anatomy
  396. Articulations and Ligamentous Support
  397. Muscular Anatomy
  398. Nerves
  399. Bursae
  400. Clinical Examination of the Elbow and Forearm
  401. History
  402. Functional Assessment
  403. Inspection
  404. Joint and Muscle Function Assessment
  405. Active Range of Motion
  406. Manual Muscle Testing
  407. Passive Range of Motion
  408. Joint Stability Tests
  409. Neurological Testing
  410. Vascular Testing
  411. Region-Specific Pathologies and Selective Tissue Tests
  412. Elbow Dislocations
  413. Fractures About the Elbow
  414. Elbow Sprains
  415. Ulnar Collateral Ligament
  416. Radial Collateral Ligament
  417. Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Capitulum
  418. Epicondylalgia
  419. Lateral Epicondylalgia
  420. Medial Epicondylalgia
  421. Distal Biceps Tendon Rupture
  422. Nerve Pathology
  423. Forearm Compartment Syndrome
  424. On-Field Examination of Elbow and Forearm Injuries
  425. On-Field History
  426. On-Field Inspection
  427. On-Field Palpation
  428. On-Field Joint and Muscle Function Tests
  429. On-Field Neurological Tests
  430. On-Field Management of Elbow and Forearm Injuries
  431. Elbow Dislocations
  432. Fractures About the Elbow
  433. Chapter 17 Wrist, Hand, and Finger Pathologies
  434. Clinical Anatomy
  435. Articulations and Ligamentous Support
  436. Muscular Anatomy
  437. Nerves
  438. The Carpal Tunnel
  439. Clinical Examination of Injuries to the Wrist, Hand, and Fingers
  440. History
  441. Functional Assessment
  442. Inspection
  443. Joint and Muscle Function Assessment
  444. Wrist Joint and Muscle Function Assessment
  445. Thumb Joint and Muscle Function Assessment: Carpometacarpal Joint
  446. Finger Joint and Muscle Function Assessment
  447. Joint Stability Tests
  448. Wrist and Hand Joint Play Assessment
  449. Neurological Testing
  450. Vascular Testing
  451. Region-Specific Pathologies and Selective Tissue Tests
  452. Wrist Pathology
  453. Hand Pathology
  454. Finger Pathology
  455. Thumb Pathology
  456. On-Field Evaluation and Management of Wrist, Hand, and Finger Injuries
  457. Wrist Fractures and Dislocations
  458. Interphalangeal Joint Dislocations
  459. Hand and Finger Fractures
  460. Lacerations
  461. SECTION 5 Examination of the Head
  462. Chapter 18 Eye Pathologies
  463. Clinical Anatomy
  464. Eye Structures
  465. Clinical Examination of Eye Injuries
  466. History
  467. Muscular Anatomy
  468. Visual Acuity
  469. Inspection
  470. Functional Assessment
  471. Neurological Testing
  472. Region-Specific Pathologies and Selective Tissue Tests
  473. Orbital Fractures
  474. Corneal Abrasions
  475. Corneal Lacerations
  476. Traumatic Iritis
  477. Hyphema
  478. Retinal Detachment
  479. Ruptured Globe
  480. Conjunctivitis
  481. Foreign Body Embedment
  482. On-Field Examination and Management of Eye Injuries
  483. Contact Lens Removal
  484. Orbital Fractures
  485. Penetrating Eye Injuries
  486. Chemical Burns
  487. Chapter 19 Face and Related Structure Pathologies
  488. Clinical Anatomy
  489. Temporomandibular Joint Anatomy
  490. The Ear
  491. The Nose
  492. The Throat
  493. The Mouth
  494. The Teeth
  495. Muscular Anatomy
  496. Clinical Examination of Facial Injuries
  497. History
  498. Inspection
  499. Functional Assessment
  500. Neurological Testing
  501. Region-Specific Pathologies and Selective Tissue Tests
  502. Ear Pathology
  503. Nasal Injuries
  504. Throat Injury
  505. Facial Fractures
  506. Dental Conditions
  507. Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction
  508. On-Field Examination and Management of Injuries to the Face and Related Areas
  509. Lacerations
  510. Laryngeal Injuries
  511. Facial Fractures
  512. Temporomandibular Joint Injuries
  513. Nasal Fracture and Epistaxis
  514. Dental Injuries
  515. Chapter 20 Head and Acute Cervical Spine Pathologies
  516. Clinical Anatomy
  517. The Brain
  518. The Meninges
  519. Cerebrospinal Fluid
  520. Blood Circulation in the Brain
  521. Examination Scenarios
  522. Evaluation of the Athlete’s Position
  523. Examination of Head Injuries
  524. Determination of Consciousness
  525. History
  526. Inspection
  527. Palpation
  528. Functional Assessment
  529. Cranial Nerve Function
  530. Neurocognitive Function
  531. Vital Signs
  532. Region-Specific Pathologies and Selective Tissue Tests
  533. Traumatic Brain Injury
  534. Concussion
  535. Concussion Assessment Tools
  536. Diffuse Cerebral Swelling (Second impact syndrome)
  537. Postconcussion Syndrome
  538. Intracranial Hemorrhage
  539. Home Instructions
  540. Skull Fractures
  541. Examination of Acute Cervical Spine Injuries
  542. History
  543. Inspection
  544. Functional Assessment
  545. Neurological Assessment
  546. Acute Cervical Spine Trauma
  547. On-Field Examination and Management of Cervical Spine Injuries and the Unconscious Athlete
  548. Equipment Considerations
  549. Initial Inspection
  550. Initial Action
  551. History
  552. Inspection
  553. Neurological Testing
  554. Removing the Athlete From the Field
  555. Appendix A Diagnostic Evidence References
  556. Index


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