Excellence in Business Communication Canadian 6th Edition thill Solutions Manual
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Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 0134310829
- ISBN-13 : 978-0134310824
- Author:
Excellence in Business Communication has long provided instructors and students with the most current communication strategies and practices used in today’s workplace. This sixth Canadian edition includes up-to-date model documents that reflect the entire spectrum of print and electronic communication media. Students entering today’s workforce are expected to use a wide range of tools, from instant messaging to blogging to podcasting, and Excellence in Business Communication provides the hands-on experience they need to meet employer expectations.
Table of Content:
- Part I Understanding the Foundations of Business Communication
- 1 Achieving Success through Effective Business Communication
- Learning Objectives
- Achieving Career Success through Effective Communication
- 1 Learning Objective
- The Communication Process
- What Employers Expect from You
- 2 Learning Objective
- Characteristics of Effective Communication
- 3 Learning Objective
- Communication in Organizational Settings
- Formal Communication Network
- Informal Communication Network
- Informal Outside Communication
- Understanding the Unique Challenges of Business Communication
- 4 Learning Objective
- I. The Globalization of Business and the Increase in Workforce Diversity
- II. The Evolution of Organizational Structures
- III. The Growing Reliance on Teamwork
- IV. The Increasing Value of Business Information
- V. The Pervasiveness of Technology
- VI. The Need for Increased Cybersecurity and Protection of Privacy
- Barriers to Effective Communication
- Communicating More Effectively on the Job
- 5 Learning Objective
- Strategy 1: Improve Your Business Communication Skills
- Strategy 2: Minimize Distractions
- Strategy 3: Adopt an Audience-Centred Approach
- Understand How Audiences Receive Messages
- Understand How Audiences Decode Messages
- Understand How Audiences Respond to Messages
- Know as much as You can about Your Audience
- Strategy 4: Make Your Feedback Constructive
- Strategy 5: Be Sensitive to Business Etiquette
- Applying What You’ve Learned to the Communication Process
- Using Technology to Improve Business Communication
- 6 Learning Objective
- Understanding the Social Communication Model
- Keeping Technology in Perspective
- Guarding against Information Overload
- Using Technological Tools Productively
- Reconnecting with People Frequently
- Making Ethical Communication Choices
- 7 Learning Objective
- Distinguishing an Ethical Dilemma from an Ethical Lapse
- Ensuring Ethical Communication
- Ensuring Legal Communication
- Applying What You’ve Learned
- Summary of Learning Objectives
- On the Job Performing Communication Tasks at Wave
- Test Your Knowledge
- Apply Your Knowledge
- Practise Your Knowledge
- Exercises
- 1.1 Internal Communication: Planning the Flow
- 1.2 Communication Networks: Formal or Informal?
- 1.3 Ethical Choices: Business Dilemmas
- 1.4 The Changing Workplace: Personal Expression at Work
- 1.5 Internet: Codes of Ethics
- 1.6 Communication Process: Know Your Audience
- 1.7 Ethical Choices: The Go-Between
- 1.8 Communication Etiquette: Training for All?
- 1.9 Teamwork: Know Your Audience
- 1.10 Communication Process: Analyzing Miscommunication
- 1.11 Ethical Choices: Withholding Information
- 1.12 Communication Etiquette: Different Styles
- 2 Communicating in Teams and Mastering Listening and Nonverbal Communication
- Learning Objectives
- Improving Your Performance in Teams
- Types of Teams
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams
- 1 Learning Objective
- Characteristics of High Performing Teams
- Group Dynamics
- 2 Learning Objective
- Assuming Team Roles
- Allowing for Team Evolution
- Resolving Conflict
- Overcoming Resistance
- Collaborating on Communication Efforts
- Guidelines for Collaborative Writing
- 3 Learning Objective
- Technologies for Collaborative Writing
- 4 Learning Objective
- Social Networks and Virtual Communities
- Making Your Meetings More Productive
- 5 Learning Objective
- Preparing for Meetings
- Leading and Participating in Meetings
- Using Meeting Technologies
- Improving Your Listening Skills
- Understanding the Listening Process
- 6 Learning Objective
- Recognizing and Understanding Active Listening
- Overcoming Barriers to Effective Listening
- Improving Your Nonverbal Communication Skills
- Recognizing Nonverbal Communication
- 7 Learning Objective
- Using Nonverbal Communication Effectively
- Summary of Learning Objectives
- On the Job Performing Communication Tasks at Royal Bank of Canada
- Test Your Knowledge
- Apply Your Knowledge
- Practise Your Knowledge
- Exercises
- 2.1 Teamwork: Meeting Assessment
- 2.2 Team Communication: Overcoming Barriers
- 2.3 Team Development: Resolving Conflict
- 2.4 Ethical Choices: Dealing with a Meeting Controller
- 2.5 Online Communication: Using Collaboration Technologies
- 2.6 Online Collaboration: Using Collaboration Technologies
- 2.7 Listening Skills: Overcoming Barriers
- 2.8 Nonverbal Communication: Analyzing Written Messages
- 2.9 Nonverbal Communication: Analyzing Body Language
- 2.10 Collaboration: Working in Teams
- 2.11 Culturally Diverse Teams
- 3 Communicating Interculturally
- Learning Objectives
- Understanding the Opportunities and Challenges of Intercultural Communication
- 1 Learning Objective
- The Opportunities in a Global Marketplace
- Advantages of a Multicultural Workforce
- The Challenges of Intercultural Communication
- Developing Cultural Competency
- Understanding the Concept of Culture
- 2 Learning Objective
- Overcoming Ethnocentrism and Stereotyping
- 3 Learning Objective
- Recognizing Cultural Variations
- 4 Learning Objective
- 1. Contextual Differences
- 2. Legal and Ethical Differences
- 3. Social Differences
- 4. Nonverbal Differences
- 5. Age Differences
- 6. Gender Differences
- Improving Intercultural Communication Skills
- Studying Other Cultures
- Studying Other Languages
- Respecting Preferences for Communication Style
- Writing Clearly
- 5 Learning Objective
- Speaking and Listening Carefully
- 6 Learning Objective
- Using Interpreters, Translators, and Translation Software
- Helping Others Adapt to Your Culture
- Summary of Learning Objectives
- On the Job Performing Communication Tasks at IBM
- Test Your Knowledge
- Apply Your Knowledge
- Practise Your Knowledge
- Exercises
- 3.1 Intercultural Sensitivity: Recognizing Variations
- 3.2 Intercultural Communication: Writing for Multiple-Language Audiences
- 3.3 Teamwork: Language and Culture
- 3.4 Intercultural Communication: Studying Cultures
- 3.5 Multicultural Workforce: Bridging Differences
- 3.6 Intercultural Sensitivity: Understanding Attitudes
- 3.7 Culture and Time: Dealing with Variations
- 3.8 Intercultural Communication: Using Interpreters
- 3.9 Internet: Translation Software
- 3.10 Intercultural Communication: Improving Skills
- 3.11 Intercultural Communication: Podcasting
- Part II Applying the Three-Step Writing Process
- 4 Planning Business Messages
- Learning Objectives
- Understanding the Three-Step Writing Process
- 1 Learning Objective
- Optimizing Your Writing Time
- Planning Effectively
- Step 1 in the Writing Process: Planning
- Analyzing the Situation
- Defining Your Purpose
- 2 Learning Objective
- Developing an Audience Profile
- 3 Learning Objective
- Gathering Information
- 4 Learning Objective
- Uncovering Audience Needs
- Providing Required Information
- Be Sure the Information is Accurate
- Be Sure the Information is Ethical
- Be Sure the Information is Relevant
- Selecting the Right Medium
- Oral Media
- Written Media
- Visual Media
- Electronic Media
- Factors to Consider When Choosing Media
- 5 Learning Objective
- Organizing Your Information
- Recognizing the Importance of Good Organization
- 6 Learning Objective
- Defining Your Main Idea
- 7 Learning Objective
- Limiting Your Scope
- Choosing between Direct and Indirect Approaches
- Routine and Positive Messages
- Negative Messages
- Persuasive Messages
- Outlining Your Content
- Start with the Main Idea
- State the Major Points
- Provide Examples and Evidence
- Summary of Learning Objectives
- On the Job Performing Communication Tasks at MaRS
- Test Your Knowledge
- Apply Your Knowledge
- Practise Your Knowledge
- Accident Protection Insurance Plan
- Exercises
- 4.1 Message Planning Skills: Self-Assessment
- 4.2 Planning Messages: General and Specific Purpose
- 4.3 Planning Messages: Specific Purpose
- 4.4 Planning Messages: Audience Profile
- 4.5 Meeting Audience Needs: Necessary Information
- 4.6 Selecting Media: Identifying an Audience
- 4.7 Teamwork: Audience Analysis
- 4.8 Internet: Planning Your Message
- 4.9 Message Organization: Outlining Your Content
- 4.10 Message Organization: Limiting Scope
- 4.11 Message Organization: Choosing an Approach
- 4.12 Message Organization: Audience Focus
- 4.13 Ethical Choices: Providing Information
- 4.14 Three-Step Process: Other Applications
- 5 Writing Business Messages
- Learning Objectives
- Adapting to Your Audience: Being Sensitive to Audience Needs
- 1 Learning Objective
- Using the “You” Attitude
- Maintaining Standards of Etiquette
- Emphasizing the Positive
- Using Bias-Free Language
- Adapting to Your Audience: Building Strong Relationships with Your Audience
- 2 Learning Objective
- Establishing Your Credibility
- Projecting the Company’s Image
- Adapting to Your Audience: Controlling Your Style and Tone
- 3 Learning Objective
- Using a Conversational Tone
- Using Plain Language
- Selecting Active or Passive Voice
- Composing Your Message
- 4 Learning Objective
- Choosing Precise Words
- Using Functional and Content Words Correctly
- Understanding Denotation and Connotation
- Balancing Abstract and Concrete Words
- Finding Words That Communicate Well
- Composing Your Message: Creating Effective Sentences
- 5 Learning Objective
- Choosing from the Four Types of Sentences
- Using Sentence Style to Emphasize Key Thoughts
- Composing Your Message: Crafting Unified, Coherent Paragraphs
- Creating the Elements of the Paragraph
- Topic Sentence
- Support Sentences
- Transitions
- Choosing the Best Way to Develop Each Paragraph
- 6 Learning Objective
- Using Technology to Compose and Shape Your Messages
- Summary of Learning Objectives
- On the Job Performing Communication Tasks at Creative Commons
- Test Your Knowledge
- Apply Your Knowledge
- Practise Your Knowledge
- Exercises
- 5.1 Audience Relationship: Courteous Communication
- 5.2 Audience Relationship: The “You” Attitude
- 5.3 Audience Relationship: Emphasize the Positive
- 5.4 Audience Relationship: Emphasize the Positive
- 5.5 Audience Relationship: Bias-Free Language
- 5.6 Ethical Choices
- 5.7 Message Composition: Controlling Style
- 5.8 Message Composition: Selecting Powerful Words
- 5.9 Message Composition: Selecting Powerful Words
- 5.10 Message Composition: Selecting Powerful Words
- 5.11 Message Composition: Selecting Powerful Words
- 5.12 Message Composition: Selecting Powerful Words
- 5.13 Message Composition: Creating Effective Sentences
- 5.14 Message Composition: Creating Effective Sentences
- 5.15 Message Composition: Writing Effective Paragraphs
- 5.16 Teamwork: Paragraph Techniques
- 5.17 Internet: Plain Language
- 5.18 Message Organization: Transitional Elements
- 5.19 Ethical Choices: Connotative Language
- 5.20 Plain Language
- 6 Completing Business Messages
- Learning Objectives
- Revising Your Message: Evaluating the First Draft
- Evaluating Your Content, Organization, Style, and Tone
- 1 Learning Objective
- Evaluating, Editing, and Revising the Work of Others
- Revising to Improve Readability
- 2 Learning Objective
- Varying Your Sentence Length
- Keeping Your Paragraphs Short
- Using Lists and Bullets to Clarify and Emphasize
- Adding Headings and Subheadings
- Editing for Clarity and Conciseness
- 3 Learning Objective
- Editing for Clarity
- Editing For Conciseness
- 4 Learning Objective
- Using Technology to Revise Your Message
- Producing Your Message
- 5 Learning Objective
- Designing for Readability
- White Space
- Margins and Justification
- Typefaces
- Type Styles
- Designing Multimedia Documents
- Using Technology to Produce Your Message
- Formatting Formal Letters and Memos
- Proofreading Your Message
- 6 Learning Objective
- Distributing Your Message
- 7 Learning Objective
- Summary of Learning Objectives
- On the Job Performing Communication Tasks at Free The Children
- Test Your Knowledge
- Apply Your Knowledge
- Practise Your Knowledge
- Document 6.A
- Document 6.B
- Exercises
- 6.1 Message Readability: Writing Paragraphs
- 6.2 Message Readability: Using Bullets
- 6.3 Revising Messages: Clarity
- 6.4 Revising Messages: Conciseness
- 6.5 Revising Messages: Conciseness
- 6.6 Revising Messages: Conciseness
- 6.7 Revising Messages: Conciseness
- 6.8 Revising Messages: Conciseness
- 6.9 Revising Messages: Modifiers
- 6.10 Revising Messages: Hedging
- 6.11 Revising Messages: Indefinite Starters
- 6.12 Revising Messages: Parallelism
- 6.13 Revising Messages: Awkward References
- 6.14 Revising Messages: Dangling Modifiers
- 6.15 Revising Messages: Noun Sequences
- 6.16 Revising Messages: Sentence Structure
- 6.17 Revising Messages: Camouflaged Verbs
- 6.18 Producing Messages: Design Elements
- 6.19 Web Design: Readability
- 6.20 Teamwork: Peer Review
- 6.21 Proofreading Messages: Email
- 6.22 Ethical Choices: Message Distribution
- Part III Crafting Brief Messages
- 7 Crafting Messages for Electronic Media
- Learning Objectives
- Electronic Media for Business Communication
- 1 Learning Objective
- Compositional Modes for Electronic Media
- Creating Content for Social Media
- Social Networking and Community Participation Sites
- 2 Learning Objective
- Social Networks
- Business Communication Uses of Social Networks
- Strategies for Business Communication on Social Networks
- User-Generated Content Sites
- Community Q&A Sites
- Community Participation Sites
- 3 Learning Objective
- Planning Email Messages
- Writing Email Messages
- Completing Email Messages
- Instant Messaging and Text Messaging
- 4 Learning Objective
- Understanding the Benefits and Risks of IM
- Adapting the Three-Step Process for Successful IM
- Blogging and Microblogging
- 5 Learning Objective
- Understanding the Business Applications of Blogging
- Adapting the Three-Step Process for Successful Blogging
- Microblogging
- Podcasting
- 6 Learning Objective
- Understanding the Business Applications of Podcasting
- Adapting the Three-Step Process for Successful Podcasting
- Summary of Learning Objectives
- On the Job Performing Communication Tasks at Petro-Canada
- Test Your Knowledge
- Apply Your Knowledge
- Practise Your Knowledge
- Message 7.A: Improving IM Skills
- Message 7.B: Drafting Effective Blog Posts
- Exercises
- 7.1 Media: Selecting the Right Medium for Your Message
- 7.2 Social Networking: Creating a Blog Post
- 7.3 Email: Writing Informative Subject Lines
- 7.4 Email: Writing Correctly
- 7.5 IM: Creating a Businesslike Tone
- 7.6 Blogging: Keeping Emotions under Control
- 7.7 Microblogging: Tweeting to Customers
- 7.8 Podcasting: Streamlining Your Content
- 8 Writing Routine and Positive Messages
- Learning Objectives
- Strategy for Routine Requests
- 1 Learning Objective
- Stating Your Request Up Front
- Explaining and Justifying Your Request
- Requesting Specific Action in a Courteous Close
- Common Examples of Routine Requests
- Asking for Information and Action
- Asking for Recommendations
- Making Claims and Requesting Adjustments
- Strategy for Routine Replies and Positive Messages
- 2 Learning Objective
- Starting with the Main Idea
- Providing Necessary Details and Explanation
- Ending with a Courteous Close
- Common Examples of Routine Replies and Positive Messages
- Answering Requests for Information and Action
- Granting Claims and Requests For Adjustment
- 3 Learning Objective
- Responding to a Claim When Your Company is at Fault
- Responding to a Claim When the Customer is at Fault
- Responding to a Claim When a Third Party is at Fault
- Providing Recommendations
- Sharing Routine Information
- 4 Learning Objective
- Announcing Good News
- Fostering Goodwill
- 5 Learning Objective
- Sending Congratulations
- Sending Messages of Appreciation
- Offering Condolences
- Summary of Learning Objectives
- On the Job Performing Communication Tasks at Indigo Books and Music
- Test Your Knowledge
- Apply Your Knowledge
- Practise Your Knowledge
- Document 8.A: Requesting Routine Information from a Business
- Document 8.B: Making Claims and Requests for Adjustment
- Document 8.C: Responding to Claims and Adjustment Requests When the Customer Is at Fault
- Document 8.D: Writing a Letter of Recommendation
- Exercises
- 8.1 Revising Messages: Directness and Conciseness
- 8.2 Revising Messages: Directness and Conciseness
- 8.3 Internet: Analyzing an E-card
- 8.4 Teamwork: Choosing Format and Approach
- 8.5 Revising Messages: Conciseness, Courteousness, and Specificity
- 8.6 Ethical Choice: Customer Service
- 9 Writing Negative Messages
- Learning Objectives
- Using the Three-Step Writing Process for Negative Messages
- 1 Learning Objective
- Step 1: Planning a Negative Message
- Step 2: Writing a Negative Message
- Step 3: Completing a Negative Message
- Using the Direct Approach for Negative Messages
- 2 Learning Objective
- Opening with a Clear Statement of the Bad News
- Providing Reasons and Additional Information
- Closing on a Positive Note
- Using the Indirect Approach for Negative Messages
- 3 Learning Objective
- Opening with a Buffer
- Providing Reasons and Additional Information
- Continuing with a Clear Statement of the Bad News
- Closing on a Respectful Note
- Maintaining High Standards of Ethics and Etiquette
- 4 Learning Objective
- Sending Negative Messages on Routine Business Matters
- Making Negative Announcements on Routine Business Matters
- Rejecting Suggestions and Proposals
- Refusing Routine Requests
- Handling Bad News about Transactions
- Refusing Claims and Requests for Adjustment
- Sending Negative Organizational News
- 5 Learning Objective
- Communicating Under Normal Circumstances
- Communicating in a Crisis
- Sending Negative Employment Messages
- 6 Learning Objective
- Refusing Requests for Employee References and Recommendation Letters
- Refusing Social Networking Recommendation Requests
- Rejecting Job Applications
- Giving Negative Performance Reviews
- Terminating Employment
- Summary of Learning Objectives
- On the Job Performing Communication Tasks at Maple Leaf Foods
- Test Your Knowledge
- Apply Your Knowledge
- Practise Your Knowledge
- Document 9.A: Providing Negative News About Transactions
- Document 9.B: Refusing Requests For Claims and Adjustments
- Document 9.C: Rejecting Job Applications
- Exercises
- 9.1 Selecting the Approach: Various Scenarios
- 9.2 Teamwork: Communicating Bad News
- 9.3 Using Buffers: Practice
- 9.4 Internet: Bad News Strategy
- 9.5 Ethical Choices: Communicating Escalating Rates
- 9.6 Social Media: Responding to Online Messages
- 10 Writing Persuasive Messages
- Learning Objectives
- Using the Three-Step Writing Process for Persuasive Messages
- 1 Learning Objective
- Step 1: Planning a Persuasive Message
- Analyzing The Situation
- Gathering Information
- Selecting The Right Medium
- Organizing Your Information
- Step 2: Writing a Persuasive Message
- Step 3: Completing a Persuasive Message
- Developing Persuasive Business Messages
- 3 Learning Objective
- Strategies for Persuasive Business Messages
- Framing Your Arguments
- Balancing Emotional and Logical Appeals
- Emotional Appeals
- Logical Appeals
- Reinforcing Your Position
- Anticipating Objections
- Common Examples of Persuasive Business Messages
- Persuasive Requests For Action
- Persuasive Presentation of Ideas
- Persuasive Claims and Requests For Adjustment
- Developing Marketing and Sales Messages
- Assessing Audience Needs
- Analyzing Your Competition
- Determining Key Selling Points and Benefits
- Anticipating Purchase Objections
- Applying AIDA or a Similar Model
- Getting Attention
- Building Interest
- Increasing Desire
- Motivating Action
- Writing Promotional Messages For Social Media
- Maintaining High Standards of Ethics, Legal Compliance, and Etiquette
- Summary of Learning Objectives
- On the Job Performing Communication Tasks at Futurpreneur
- Test Your Knowledge
- Apply Your Knowledge
- Practise Your Knowledge
- Document 10.A: Writing Persuasive Requests For Action
- Document 10.B: Writing Persuasive Claims and Requests For Adjustment
- Document 10.C: Writing Sales Letters
- Exercises
- 10.1 Teamwork: Analyzing the Persuasive Strategy
- 10.2 Composing Subject Lines: Capturing Attention
- 10.3 Ethical Choices: Persuasion or Manipulation?
- 10.4 Focusing on Benefits: Features versus Benefits
- 10.5 Message Analysis: Marketing and Sales Messages
- Part IV Preparing Reports and Oral Presentations
- 11 Planning Reports and Proposals
- Learning Objectives
- Applying the Three-Step Writing Process to Reports and Proposals
- 1 Learning Objective
- Analyzing the Situation
- Gathering Information
- Selecting the Right Medium
- Organizing Your Information
- Supporting Your Messages with Reliable Information
- 2 Learning Objective
- Planning Your Research
- Being an Ethical Researcher
- Locating Data and Information
- Evaluating Sources
- Keeping Track of Your Research
- Using Your Research Results
- Analyzing Data
- Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing Information
- Drawing Conclusions
- Making Recommendations
- Conducting Secondary Research
- 3 Learning Objective
- Finding Information at a Library
- Finding Information Online
- Online Search Tools
- Online Monitoring Tools
- Search Tips
- Documenting Your Sources
- Conducting Primary Research
- 4 Learning Objective
- Conducting Surveys
- Conducting Interviews
- Planning Informational Reports
- 5 Learning Objective
- Organizing Informational Reports
- Organizing Website Content
- Planning Analytical Reports
- 6 Learning Objective
- Focusing on Conclusions
- Focusing on Recommendations
- Focusing on Logical Arguments
- The 2 + 2 = 4 Approach
- The Yardstick Approach
- Planning Proposals
- 7 Learning Objective
- Summary of Learning Objectives
- On the Job Performing Communication Tasks at Dell Inc.
- Test Your Knowledge
- Apply Your Knowledge
- Practise Your Knowledge
- Message for Analysis: Evaluating a Report
- Exercises
- 11.1 Planning: Analyzing the Situation
- 11.2 Planning: Analyzing the Situation
- 11.3 Research: Documenting Sources
- 11.4 Teamwork: Evaluating Sources
- 11.5 Research: Using Research Results
- 11.6 Research: Conducting Secondary Research
- 11.7 Understanding Business Reports and Proposals: Report Classification
- 11.8 Analyzing Data: Calculating the Mean
- 11.9 Research: Conducting Primary Research (Surveys)
- 11.10 Research: Conducting Primary Research (Interviews)
- 11.11 Message Strategies: Informational Reports
- 11.12 Message Strategies: Informational Reports
- 11.13 Message Strategies: Informational Reports
- 11.14 Message Strategies: Analytical Reports
- 11.15 Teamwork: Proposals
- 11.16 Message Strategies: Proposals
- 11.17 Ethical Choices
- 12 Writing Reports and Proposals
- Learning Objectives
- Composing Reports and Proposals
- Adapting to Your Audience
- 1 Learning Objective
- Drafting Report Content
- Creating Report Effectiveness
- 2 Learning Objective
- Report Introduction
- Report Body
- Report Close
- Drafting Proposal Content
- 3 Learning Objective
- Proposal Introduction
- 4 Learning Objective
- Proposal Body
- Proposal Close
- Establishing a Time Perspective
- Helping Readers Find Their Way
- Using Technology to Craft Reports and Proposals
- Writing for Websites and Wikis
- 5 Learning Objective
- Drafting Website Content
- Collaborating on Wikis
- Illustrating Your Reports with Effective Visuals
- Understanding Visual Design Principles
- 6 Learning Objective
- Understanding the Ethics of Visual Communication
- Identifying Points to Illustrate
- 7 Learning Objective
- Selecting the Right Type of Visual
- Visuals for Presenting Data
- Tables
- Line Charts and Surface Charts
- Bar Charts and Pie Charts
- Data Visualization
- Visuals for Presenting Information, Concepts, and Ideas
- Flowcharts and Organization Charts
- Maps and Geographic Information Systems
- Drawings, Diagrams, Infographics, and Photographs
- Animation and Video
- Producing and Integrating Visuals
- Creating Visuals
- Integrating Visuals with Text
- Balancing Illustrations and Words
- Referencing Visuals
- Placing Visuals
- Writing Titles, Captions, and Legends
- Verifying the Quality and Integrity of Your Visuals
- Summary of Learning Objectives
- On the Job Performing Communication Tasks at FedEx
- Test Your Knowledge
- Apply Your Knowledge
- Practise Your Knowledge
- Document 12.A: Documents for Analysis
- Document 12.B
- Exercises
- 12.1 Business Reports: Building Audience Rapport
- 12.2 Composing Reports: Report Content
- 12.3 Teamwork: Graphic Design
- 12.4 Composing Reports: Supporting a Solution
- 12.5 Composing Reports: Navigational Clues
- 12.6 Ethical Choices: Survey Questions
- 12.7 Improving Visuals: Applying the Six Principles of Graphic Design
- 12.8 Writing Reports: Pie Charts
- 12.9 Annual Report: Selecting the Right Visual
- 12.10 Sales Trends: Selecting the Right Chart
- 12.11 Company Expansion: Creating Maps
- 12.12 Presenting Information, Concepts, and Ideas: Photographs
- 13 Completing Reports and Proposals
- Learning Objectives
- Revising Reports and Proposals
- 1 Learning Objective
- Producing Formal Reports
- Prefatory Parts
- Cover
- Title Fly and Title Page
- Letter of Authorization and Letter of Acceptance
- Letter of Transmittal
- 2 Learning Objective
- Table of Contents
- List of Illustrations
- Synopsis or Executive Summary
- 3 Learning Objective
- Text of the Report
- Supplementary Parts
- 4 Learning Objective
- Appendices
- Bibliography
- Index
- Producing Formal Proposals
- Prefatory Parts
- 5 Learning Objective
- Copy of the RFP
- Synopsis or Executive Summary
- Letter of Transmittal
- Text of the Proposal
- Proofreading Reports and Proposals
- Distributing Reports and Proposals
- Summary of Learning Objectives
- On the Job Performing Communication Tasks at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Test Your Knowledge
- Apply Your Knowledge
- Practise Your Knowledge
- Document 13.A
- Document 13.B
- Exercises
- 13.1 Teamwork: Creating an Informational Report
- 13.2 Producing Reports: Letter of Transmittal
- 13.3 Internet: Analyzing a Proposal
- 13.4 Ethical Choices: Team Challenge
- 14 Designing and Delivering Oral and Online Presentations
- Learning Objectives
- Building Your Career with Presentations
- 1 Learning Objective
- Planning a Presentation
- 2 Learning Objective
- Analyzing the Situation
- Selecting the Right Medium
- Organizing Your Presentation
- Defining Your Main Idea
- Limiting Your Scope
- Choosing Your Approach
- Preparing Your Outline
- Developing and Writing a Presentation
- Adapting to Your Audience
- Composing Your Presentation
- 3 Learning Objective
- Presentation Introduction
- Getting Your Audience’s Attention
- Building Your Credibility
- Previewing Your Message
- Presentation Body
- Connecting Your Ideas
- Holding Your Audience’s Attention
- 4 Learning Objective
- Presentation Close
- Restating Your Main Points
- Ending with Clarity and Confidence
- Enhancing Your Presentation with Effective Visuals
- 5 Learning Objective
- Choosing Structured or Free-Form Slides
- Designing Effective Slides
- Designing Slides Around a Key Visual
- Writing Readable Content
- Creating Charts and Tables For Slides
- Selecting Design Elements
- Adding Animation and Special Effects
- Completing a Presentation
- Finalizing Slides
- Creating Effective Handouts
- Choosing Your Presentation Method
- Practising Your Delivery
- Delivering a Presentation
- Overcoming Anxiety
- Handling Questions Responsively
- 6 Learning Objective
- Embracing The Backchannel
- 7 Learning Objective
- Giving Presentations Online
- Summary of Learning Objectives
- On the Job Performing Communication Tasks at Telefilm Canada
- Test Your Knowledge
- Apply Your Knowledge
- Practise Your Knowledge
- Document 14.A
- Document 14.B
- Exercises
- 14.1 Mastering Delivery: Analysis
- 14.2 Mastering Delivery: Nonverbal Signals
- 14.3 Ethical Choices
- 14.4 Completing Oral Presentations: Self-Assessment
- 14.5 Creating Effective Slides: Content
- 14.6 Planning a Presentation: Research
- 14.7 Delivering a Presentation: Using Twitter
- 14.8 Business Communications 2.0
- 14.9 Planning and Developing a Presentation: Analyzing a Corporate Speech
- Part V Writing Employment Messages and Interviewing for Jobs
- 15 Building Careers and Writing Résumés
- Learning Objectives
- Building a Career with Your Communication Skills
- Understanding THE Dynamic Workplace
- How Employers View Today’s Job Market
- What Employers Look for in Job Applicants
- Adapting to a Changing Job Market
- What do You Want To Do?
- What do You Have To Offer?
- How can You Make Yourself More Valuable?
- Building an Employment Portfolio
- 1 Learning Objective
- Finding the Ideal Opportunity in Today’s Job Market
- 2 Learning Objective
- Determine the Story of You
- Learn to Think Like an Employer
- Research Industries and Companies of Interest
- Translate Your General Potential into a Specific Solution for Each Employer
- Take the Initiative to Find Opportunities
- Build a Network
- Seek Career Counselling
- Be Professional and Check for Mistakes
- Planning a Résumé
- Analyze Your Purpose and Audience
- Gather Pertinent Information
- Select the Best Medium
- Organize Your Résumé Around Your Strengths
- 3 Learning Objective
- The Chronological Résumé
- The Functional Résumé
- The Combination Résumé
- Address Areas of Concern
- Writing a Résumé
- Keep Your Résumé Honest
- 4 Learning Objective
- Adapt Your Résumé to Your Audience
- Compose Your Résumé
- 5 Learning Objective
- Name and Contact Information
- Introductory Statement
- Education
- Work Experience, Skills, and Accomplishments
- Activities and Achievements
- Personal Data and References
- Completing a Résumé
- 6 Learning Objective
- Revise Your Résumé
- Produce Your Résumé
- Producing a Traditional Printed Résumé
- Printing a Scannable Résumé
- Creating a Plain-Text File of Your Résumé
- Creating a Word File of Your Résumé
- Creating a PDF Version of Your Résumé
- Creating an Online Résumé
- Proofread Your Résumé
- Distribute Your Résumé
- Summary of Learning Objectives
- On the Job Performing Communication Tasks at Tim Hortons
- Test Your Knowledge
- Apply Your Knowledge
- Practise Your Knowledge
- Document 15.A: Writing a Résumé
- Exercises
- 15.1 Work-Related Preferences: Self-Assessment
- 15.2 Internet: Career Match
- 15.3 Teamwork: Action Verbs
- 15.4 Résumé Preparation: Work Accomplishments
- 15.5 Ethical Choices: Describing Teamwork
- 15.6 Completing a Résumé: Electronic Plain-Text Version
- 15.7 It’s Show Time: Creating a Video to Supplement Your Application
- 16 Applying and Interviewing for Employment
- Learning Objectives
- Submitting Your Résumé
- 1 Learning Objective
- Writing Application Letters
- Getting Attention
- Building Interest and Increasing Desire
- Motivating Action
- Following Up After Submitting a Résumé
- Understanding the Interviewing Process
- The Typical Sequence of Interviews
- 2 Learning Objective
- Common Types of Interviews
- Structured Versus Unstructured Interviews
- Panel and Group Interviews
- Behavioural, Situational, Working, and Stress Interviews
- Interview Media
- Telephone
- Email and IM
- Video
- Online
- What Employers Look for in an Interview
- 3 Learning Objective
- Pre-Employment Testing and Background Checks
- Preparing for a Job Interview
- 4 Learning Objective
- I. Learn about the Organization and Your Interviewers
- II. Think Ahead about Questions
- Planning for the Employer’s Questions
- Planning Questions of Your Own
- III. Bolster Your Confidence
- IV. Polish Your Interview Style
- V. Present a Professional Image
- VI. Be Ready When You Arrive
- Interviewing for Success
- 5 Learning Objective
- I. The Warm-Up
- II. The Question-and-Answer Stage
- Dealing with Questions
- Listening to the Interviewer
- Fielding Discriminatory Questions
- III. The Close
- Concluding Gracefully
- Discussing Salary
- Interview Notes
- Following Up After the Interview
- 6 Learning Objective
- Thank-You Message
- Message of Inquiry
- Request for a Time Extension
- Letter of Acceptance
- Letter Declining a Job Offer
- Letter of Resignation
- Summary of Learning Objectives
- On the Job Performing Communication Tasks at Google
- Test Your Knowledge
- Apply Your Knowledge
- Practise Your Knowledge
- Document 16.A: Writing an Application Letter
- Document 16.B: Writing Application Follow-Up Messages
- Document 16.C: Thank-You Message
- Document 16.D: Letter of Inquiry
- Document 16.E: Letter Declining a Job Offer
- Exercises
- 16.1 Career Management: Researching Target Employers
- 16.2 Career Management: Interviewing
- 16.3 Career Management: Understanding Qualifications
- 16.4 Career Management: Interviewing
- 16.5 Ethical Choices: Leaving Your Employer
- Appendix A: Format and Layout of Business Documents
- First Impressions
- Paper
- Customization
- Appearance
- Letters
- Standard Letter Parts
- Heading
- Date
- Inside Address
- Salutation
- Body
- Complimentary Close
- Signature Block
- Additional Letter Parts
- Letter Formats
- Envelopes
- Addressing the Envelope
- Folding to Fit
- International Mail
- Memos
- Reports
- Margins
- Headings
- Page Numbers
- Appendix B: Documentation of Report Sources
- Chicago Humanities Style
- In-Text Citation—Chicago Humanities Style
- Bibliography—Chicago Humanities Style
- APA Style
- In-Text Citation—APA Style
- List of References—APA Style
- MLA Style
- In-Text Citation—MLA Style
- List of Works Cited—MLA Style
- Endnotes
- Name Index
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Y
- Z
- Subject Index
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Y
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