Family Dynamic A Canadian Perspective 5th Edition Ward Test Bank

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Family Dynamic A Canadian Perspective 5th Edition Ward Test Bank.

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Family Dynamic A Canadian Perspective 5th Edition Ward Test Bank

Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0176502009
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0176502003
  • Authors: Margaret Ward

Completely updated to reflect the reality of today’s families, The Family Dynamic, Fifth Edition is the definitive resource for Canadian students and teachers. Praised for its accessible, clear and approachable writing style, The Family Dynamic is a leader in the Canadian academic marketplace. Challenging issues have been woven throughout the text to stimulate thought and discussion about the current state and future of the family. Sociology / Human Services majors and non-majors alike will appreciate the relevant examples used to illustrate the modern Canadian family.

Table contents:

Part One: The Family

Ch 1: What is a Family?

What is a Family?

Thinking about Families

How Does Society Influence Families?

Macro or Micro?

The Family as an Institution

The Family as Centre for Conflict

The Family System

The Family as Interacting Members

Fair Trade

The Family through Time

Researching the Family

The Approach of this Book


Key Terms

Class Assignments

Personal Assignments

Ch 2: Being Different

Women and Men

Changing Family Forms

Racial and Ethnic Differences

Patterns of Immigration to Canada

Multiracial Families

Providing Services to Racial and Ethnic Minorities

Is Being Different Acceptable?

Differences and the Study of the Family


Key Terms

Class Assignments

Personal Assignments

Part Two: The Couple Relationship: Merging Differences

Ch 3: Getting Together

Setting the Family Cycle Turning

Mate Selection and Society

The Courtship Continuum

Matchmaker, Matchmaker—Arranging Marriages

The Shift toward Free Choice

A New Custom—Dating (and Beyond)

Freedom of Choice?

The Disadvantaged in Romance

The Never Married


The Love Ideal

Obstacles to Love Relationships—The Communication Gap

Thorns in the Relationship

Get Ready, Get Set …

Briar Rose Revisited


Key Terms

Class Assignments

Personal Assignments

Ch 4: Wedding Bells … and After

Society and Marriage

Law and Marriage

Marriage in the Family Cycle

Why Marry?

Marriages Yesterday

The “Modernization” of Marriage

Roles in Marriage

Married, But not Married

Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Adults in Heterosexual Marriages

One Family, Two Incomes—The New Reality

Married Happiness

Long-Lasting Marriages

Does Marriage have a Future?


Key Terms

Class Assignments

Personal Assignments

Part Three: The Expanding Family

Ch 5: Children—Yes or No?

Enlarging the Family Circle

The Shrinking Family

Unwanted Children

“Desperately Seeking Baby”

The New Technology

Instant Parenthood

Some Issues

The Future


Key Terms

Class Assignments

Personal Assignments

Ch 6: Bringing Up Baby

Socialization in the Life Cycle

The Socialization Smorgasbord

What are Children Worth?

Parents—The First Socializers

Ethnic and Racial Groups

The Wider Family Circle

Society at Large

Faces of Socialization—The Case of Gender Role

Family Trends and Socialization

Some Issues


Key Terms

Class Assignments

Personal Assignments

Part Four: The Middle Years and Beyond

Chapter 7: The Middle Years and the Not-So-Empty Nest

The Parent Generation at Midlife

Adolescence and the Approach of Adulthood

The Not-So-Empty Nest

The Sandwich Generation

The Social Time Clock

The Middle Years—A Time of Changes


Key Terms

Class Assignments

Personal Assignments

Ch 8: Grey Power and the Sunset Years

What Is Old?

Dimensions of Aging

The Aging of Canada

Developmental Tasks of Old Age

The “Young” Old

The “Old” Old

Three Key Issues

Minority Groups and Aging

What Does the Future Hold?


Key Terms

Class Assignments

Personal Assignments

Part Five: Changes in the Family

Ch 9: The Lone-Parent Family—The Future Majority?

The Path of Single Parenthood

The Quality of Life

Are Children in Lone-Parent Families at Risk?

A Special Worry—The Teen Mother

The Single Father

What of the Future?


Key Terms

Class Assignments

Personal Assignments

Ch 10: Coming Apart—The Divorce Experience

A Short History

Why People Divorce

The Road to Divorce

The Crises of Divorce

Children and Divorce

Custody and Parenting

Divorce and the Family Life Cycle

The Future


Key Terms

Class Assignments

Personal Assignments

Ch 11: The Second Time Around

Remarriage—A New Trend?

Forming a New Family System

Effects of Stepfamily Living on Children

Remarriage and the Family Life Cycle

The Stepfamily and the Wider Society

Family Adaptation


Key Terms

Class Assignments

Personal Assignments

Ch 12: The Family and the World of Work

Care for Family Members

Work and Family Stress

Losing a Job—The Effects of Unemployment

Burnout and the Family

Flexible Work Arrangements

The Family, Work, and Society


Key Terms

Class Assignments

Personal Assignments

Part Six: Social Problems in the Family

Ch 13: The Family Beleaguered—When Problems Come

Who Decides When a Problem is a Problem?

The Impact on Families

Two Specific Family Problems

Communication and Problem-Solving

The Long View


Key Terms

Class Assignments

Personal Assignments

Ch 14: Home Dangerous Home—Abuse and Violence in the Family

What is Family Violence?

Child Abuse

Abuse between Partners

Abuse of Older Adults

Why do People Abuse Family Members?

Theories of Abuse and Neglect

Preventing Family Violence


Key Terms

Class Assignments

Personal Assignments

Ch 15: Poverty and the Family

Helping the “Worthy” Poor

Poverty, Officially Defined

Who are the Poor?


What is Poverty Doing to Children?

What can be Done?


Key Terms

Class Assignments

Personal Assignments

Part Seven: The Future of Canadian Families

Ch 16: The Crystal Ball—Predicting the Future of the Family

An Aging Population

Different Types of Families

Changes in Family Roles

Technology and Family Life

The Family in Society

The Unknowns

Will the Family Survive?


Key Terms

Class Assignments

Personal Assignments

Appendix—Major Sociological Theories




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