Federal Tax Research 9th Edition Raabe Test Bank
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Instant download Federal Tax Research 9th Edition Raabe Test Bank pdf docx epub after payment.
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1111221642
- ISBN-13 : 978-1111221645
- Author:
This market-leading tax research text takes a practical, hands-on approach that goes beyond a random sampling of tax research sources. Fully updated, FEDERAL TAX RESEARCH extensively covers computer-oriented research tools including CD-ROMs, the Internet, and computerized databases. From its tax planning orientation to real-life cases, this is one book that conveys a true understanding of the most important elements of the federal tax law.
Table of contents:
1. Introduction to Tax Practice and Ethics.
2. Tax Research Methodology. Part II: PRIMARY SOURCES OF FEDERAL TAX LAW.
3. Constitutional and Legislative Sources.
4. Administrative Regulations and Rulings.
5. Judicial Interpretations. Part III: RESEARCH TOOLS.
6. Tax Services RIA Checkpoint.
7. Tax Services CCH Intelliconnect.
8. Tax Services Specialty and Others.
9. Multijurisdictional and Other Research.
10. Financial Accounting Research. Part IV: IMPLEMENTING THE RESEARCH TOOLS.
11. Communicating Research Results.
12. Tax Planning.
13. Working with the IRS.
14. Tax Practice and Administration: Sanctions, Agreements, and Disclosures. Glossary. Index.
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