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Financial Accounting IFRS Edition 2nd Edition Weygandt Test Bank
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Financial Accounting IFRS Edition 2nd Edition Weygandt Test Bank.
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Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 1118285905
- ISBN-13 : 978-1118285909
- Author:
For colleges and universities around the world, Financial Accounting IFRS, 2nd Edition by Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, and Donald E. Kieso, is designed to assist students learning accounting topics under the rules of IFRS. The book addresses every accounting topic from the perspective of IFRS and includes examples based on international companies. Following the reputation for accuracy, comprehensiveness, and currency, this highly anticipated new edition retains key features, such as the table of contents, comprehensive problem sets, and accuracy, on which users of Weygandt Financial Accounting IFRS have come to rely. The focus of this text in on international companies, discussing financial accounting principles and procedures within the context of IFRS, and providing end–of–chapter exercises and problems that present students with foreign currency examples such as the yen or euro.
Students using WileyPLUS do real accounting, get real results. WileyPLUS is a student–centered learning and assessment online environment, where students complete automatically graded homework, get feedback on their answers, and access learning materials like the eText at the point of learning. Students come to class prepared because the program is a designed to meet the needs of today s accounting classroom with an innovative question design that facilitates effective learning of accounting concepts, skills, and procedures.
Table of contents:
1 Financial Reporting and Accounting Standards
2 Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
3 The Accounting Information System
4 Income Statement and Related Information
5 Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Cash Flows
6 Accounting and the Time Value of Money
7 Cash and Receivables
8 Valuation of Inventories: A Cost-Basis Approach
9 Inventories: Additional Valuation Issues
10 Acquisition and Disposition of Property, Plant, and Equipment
11 Depreciation, Impairments, and Depletion
12 Intangible Assets
13 Current Liabilities, Provisions, and Contingencies
14 Non-Current Liabilities
15 Equity
16 Dilutive Securities and Earnings per Share
17 Investments
18 Revenue Recognition
19 Accounting for Income Taxes
20 Accounting for Pensions and Postretirement Benefits
21 Accounting for Leases
22 Accounting Changes and Error Analysis
23 Statement of Cash Flows
24 Presentation and Disclosure in FinancialReporting
A Specimen Financial Statements: Marks and SpencerGroup plc A-1
B Specimen Financial Statements: adidas AG B-1
C Specimen Financial Statements: Puma SE C-1
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