Foundations of Macroeconomics 8th Edition Bade Test Bank

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Foundations of Macroeconomics 8th Edition Bade Test Bank.

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Foundations of Macroeconomics 8th Edition Bade Test Bank

Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0134492005
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0134492001
  • Author: Robin Bade

Foundations of Macroeconomics, 8th Edition introduces readers to the economic principles they can use to navigate the financial decisions of their futures. Each chapter concentrates on a manageable number of ideas, usually 3 to 4, with each reinforced several times throughout the text. This patient approach helps guide individuals through unfamiliar terrain and focus them on the most important concepts.

The text does four core things to help readers grasp and apply economic principles: it motivates with compelling issues and questions, focuses on core ideas, offers concise points, and encourages learning with activities and practice questions. After completing this text, readers will have the foundational knowledge of how the economy works and can apply it to their lives going forward.

Table contents:

  1. Part 1 Introduction
  2. Chapter 1 Getting Started
  3. Chapter Checklist
  4. 1.1 Definition and Questions
  5. Scarcity
  6. Economics Defined
  7. What, How, and For Whom?
  8. Can the Pursuit of Self-Interest Be in the Social Interest?
  9. Checkpoint 1.1
  10. 1.2 The Economic Way of Thinking
  11. A Choice Is a Tradeoff
  12. Cost: What You Must Give Up
  13. Benefit: What You Gain
  14. Rational Choice
  15. How Much? Choosing at the Margin
  16. Choices Respond to Incentives
  17. Checkpoint 1.2
  18. 1.3 Economics as a Life Skill
  19. Economics as a Decision Tool
  20. Economics as a Social Science
  21. Economics as an Aid to Critical Thinking
  22. Checkpoint 1.3
  23. Chapter Summary
  24. Chapter Checkpoint
  25. Appendix: Making and Using Graphs
  26. Basic Idea
  27. Interpreting Data Graphs
  28. Interpreting Graphs Used in Economic Models
  29. The Slope of a Relationship
  30. Relationships Among More Than Two Variables
  31. Appendix Checkpoint
  32. Eye on the Benefit and Cost of School Did You Make the Right Decision?
  33. Eye on Your Life Your Time Allocation
  34. Eye on the Past Adam Smith and the Birth of Economics as a Social Science
  35. Chapter 2 The U.S. and Global Economies
  36. Chapter Checklist
  37. 2.1 What, How, and for Whom?
  38. What Do We Produce?
  39. How Do We Produce?
  40. For Whom Do We Produce?
  41. Checkpoint 2.1
  42. 2.2 The Global Economy
  43. The People
  44. The Economies
  45. What in the Global Economy
  46. How in the Global Economy
  47. For Whom in the Global Economy
  48. Checkpoint 2.2
  49. 2.3 The Circular Flows
  50. Households and Firms
  51. Markets
  52. Real Flows and Money Flows
  53. Governments
  54. Governments in the Circular Flow
  55. Circular Flows in the Global Economy
  56. Checkpoint 2.3
  57. Chapter Summary
  58. Chapter Checkpoint
  59. Eye on the U.S. Economy What We Produce
  60. Eye on the Past Changes in What We Produce
  61. Eye on the U.S. Economy Changes in How We Produce in the Information Economy
  62. Eye on the Dreamliner Who Makes the Dreamliner?
  63. Eye on the Global Economy Differences in How We Produce
  64. Eye on Your Life The U.S. and Global Economies in Your Life
  65. Eye on the Past Growing Government
  66. Eye on the Global Economy The Ups and Downs in International Trade
  67. Chapter 3 The Economic Problem
  68. Chapter Checklist
  69. 3.1 Production Possibilities
  70. Production Possibilities Frontier
  71. How the PPF Illustrates Scarcity and Its Consequences
  72. Checkpoint 3.1
  73. 3.2 Opportunity Cost
  74. The Opportunity Cost of a Smartphone
  75. Opportunity Cost and the Slope of the PPF
  76. Opportunity Cost Is a Ratio
  77. Increasing Opportunity Costs Are Everywhere
  78. Your Increasing Opportunity Cost
  79. Checkpoint 3.2
  80. 3.3 Economic Growth
  81. Checkpoint 3.3
  82. 3.4 Specialization and Trade
  83. Absolute Advantage and Comparative Advantage
  84. Comparative Advantage: A Model
  85. Achieving Gains from Trade
  86. The Economy’s Production Possibilities Frontier
  87. Checkpoint 3.4
  88. Chapter Summary
  89. Chapter Checkpoint
  90. Eye on Your Life Your Production Possibilities Frontier
  91. Eye on the Environment Is Wind Power Free?
  92. Eye on the U.S. Economy Expanding Our Production Possibilities
  93. Eye on the Global Economy Hong Kong’s Rapid Economic Growth
  94. Eye on the U.S. Economy No One Knows How to Make a Pencil
  95. Eye on Your Life Your Comparative Advantage
  96. Chapter 4 Demand and Supply
  97. Chapter Checklist
  98. Competitive Markets
  99. 4.1 Demand
  100. The Law of Demand
  101. Demand Schedule and Demand Curve
  102. Changes in Demand
  103. Illustrating Changes in Buying Plans
  104. Checkpoint 4.1
  105. 4.2 Supply
  106. The Law of Supply
  107. Supply Schedule and Supply Curve
  108. Changes in Supply
  109. Illustrating a Change in Selling Plans
  110. Checkpoint 4.2
  111. 4.3 Market Equilibrium
  112. Price: A Market’s Automatic Regulator
  113. Predicting Price Changes: Three Questions
  114. Effects of Changes in Demand
  115. Effects of Changes in Supply
  116. Effects of Changes in Both Demand and Supply
  117. Checkpoint 4.3
  118. 4.4 Price Rigidities
  119. Price Floor
  120. Price Ceiling or Price Cap
  121. Sticky Price
  122. Checkpoint 4.4
  123. Chapter Summary
  124. Chapter Checkpoint
  125. Eye on Your Life Understanding and Using Demand and Supply
  126. Eye on the Global Economy The Markets for Cocoa and Chocolate
  127. Eye on the Price of Coffee Why Did the Price of Coffee Rise in 2014?
  128. Eye on the U.S. Economy The Federal Minimum Wage
  129. Part 2 Monitoring the Macroeconomy
  130. Chapter 5 GDP: A Measure of Total Production and Income
  131. Chapter Checklist
  132. 5.1 GDP, Income, and Expenditure
  133. GDP Defined
  134. Circular Flows in the U.S. Economy
  135. Expenditure Equals Income
  136. Checkpoint 5.1
  137. 5.2 Measuring U.S. GDP
  138. The Expenditure Approach
  139. The Income Approach
  140. GDP and Related Measures of Production and Income
  141. Real GDP and Nominal GDP
  142. Calculating Real GDP
  143. Using the Real GDP Numbers
  144. Checkpoint 5.2
  145. 5.3 The Uses and Limitations of Real GDP
  146. The Standard of Living Over Time
  147. Tracking the Course of the Business Cycle
  148. The Standard of Living Among Countries
  149. Goods and Services Omitted from GDP
  150. Other Influences on the Standard of Living
  151. Checkpoint 5.3
  152. Chapter Summary
  153. Chapter Checkpoint
  154. Appendix: Measuring Real GDP
  155. The Problem With Base Year Prices
  156. Value Production in the Prices of Adjacent Years
  157. Appendix Checkpoint
  158. Eye on the U.S. Economy Is a Computer Program an Intermediate Good or a Final Good?
  159. Eye on Booms and Busts How Do We Track Economic Booms and Busts?
  160. Eye on Your Life Making GDP Personal
  161. Eye on the Global Economy Which Country Has the Highest Standard of Living?
  162. Chapter 6 Jobs and Unemployment
  163. Chapter Checklist
  164. 6.1 Labor Market Indicators
  165. Current Population Survey
  166. Population Survey Criteria
  167. Three Labor Market Indicators
  168. Alternative Measures of Unemployment
  169. Checkpoint 6.1
  170. 6.2 Labor Market Trends and Fluctuations
  171. Unemployment Rate
  172. The Participation Rate
  173. Alternative Measures of Unemployment
  174. Checkpoint 6.2
  175. 6.3 Unemployment and Full Employment
  176. Frictional Unemployment
  177. Structural Unemployment
  178. Cyclical Unemployment
  179. “Natural” Unemployment
  180. Unemployment and Real GDP
  181. Checkpoint 6.3
  182. Chapter Summary
  183. Chapter Checkpoint
  184. Eye on the U.S. Economy The Current Population Survey
  185. Eye on the Global Economy Unemployment and Labor Force Participation
  186. Eye on the U.S. Economy How Long Does it Take to Find a Job?
  187. Eye on Full Employment Are We Back at Full Employment?
  188. Eye on Your Life Your Labor Market Status and Activity
  189. Chapter 7 The CPI and the Cost of Living
  190. Chapter Checklist
  191. 7.1 The Consumer Price Index
  192. Reading the CPI Numbers
  193. Constructing the CPI
  194. The CPI Market Basket
  195. The Monthly Price Survey
  196. Calculating the CPI
  197. Measuring Inflation and Deflation
  198. The Price Level, Inflation, and Deflation in the United States
  199. Checkpoint 7.1
  200. 7.2 The CPI and Other Price Level Measures
  201. Sources of Bias in the CPI
  202. The Magnitude of the Bias
  203. Two Consequences of the CPI Bias
  204. Alternative Consumer Price Indexes
  205. Checkpoint 7.2
  206. 7.3 Nominal and Real Values
  207. Dollars and Cents at Different Dates
  208. Nominal and Real Values in Macroeconomics
  209. Nominal GDP and Real GDP
  210. Nominal Wage Rate and Real Wage Rate
  211. Nominal Interest Rate and Real Interest Rate
  212. Checkpoint 7.3
  213. Chapter Summary
  214. Chapter Checkpoint
  215. Eye on the Past 700 Years of Inflation and Deflation
  216. Eye on the U.S. Economy Measuring and Forecasting Inflation: The Sticky-Price CPI
  217. Eye on the U.S. Economy Deflating the GDP Balloon
  218. Eye on the Past The Nominal and Real Wage Rates of Presidents of the United States
  219. Eye on Box Office Hits Which Movie Really Was the Biggest Box Office Hit?
  220. Eye on Your Life A Student’s CPI
  221. Part 3 The Real Economy
  222. Chapter 8 Potential GDP and the Natural Unemployment Rate
  223. Chapter Checklist
  224. Macroeconomic Approaches and Pathways
  225. The Three Main Schools of Thought
  226. Today’s Consensus
  227. The Road Ahead
  228. 8.1 Potential GDP
  229. The Production Function
  230. The Labor Market
  231. Checkpoint 8.1
  232. 8.2 The Natural Unemployment Rate
  233. Job Search
  234. Job Rationing
  235. Checkpoint 8.2
  236. Chapter Summary
  237. Chapter Checkpoint
  238. Eye on the U.S. Economy The Lucas Wedge and the Okun Gap
  239. Eye on the Global Economy Potential GDP in the United States and the European Union
  240. Eye on Potential GDP Why Do Americans Earn More and Produce More Than Europeans?
  241. Eye on the Past The Natural Unemployment Rate Over Seven Decades
  242. Eye on the Global Economy Unemployment Benefits and the Natural Unemployment Rate
  243. Eye on the U.S. Economy The Federal Minimum Wage
  244. Eye on Your Life Natural Unemployment
  245. Chapter 9 Economic Growth
  246. Chapter Checklist
  247. 9.1 The Basics of Economic Growth
  248. Calculating Growth Rates
  249. The Magic of Sustained Growth
  250. Checkpoint 9.1
  251. 9.2 Labor Productivity Growth
  252. Labor Productivity
  253. Saving and Investment in Physical Capital
  254. Expansion of Human Capital and Discovery of New Technologies
  255. Combined Influences Bring Labor Productivity Growth
  256. Checkpoint 9.2
  257. 9.3 Causes and Effects of Economic Growth
  258. Old Growth Theory
  259. New Growth Theory
  260. Economic Growth and the Distribution of Income
  261. Checkpoint 9.3
  262. 9.4 Achieving Faster Growth
  263. Preconditions for Economic Growth
  264. Policies to Achieve Faster Growth
  265. How Much Difference Can Policy Make?
  266. Checkpoint 9.4
  267. Chapter Summary
  268. Chapter Checkpoint
  269. Eye on the Past How Fast Has Real GDP per Person Grown?
  270. Eye on the U.S. Economy U.S. Growth Is Slowing
  271. Eye on the U.S. Economy U.S. Labor Productivity Growth Since 1960
  272. Eye on the U.S. Economy The Changing Shares in the Gains from Economic Growth
  273. Eye on Your Life How You Influence and Are Influenced by Economic Growth
  274. Eye on Rich and Poor Nations Why Are Some Nations Rich and Others Poor?
  275. Chapter 10 Finance, Saving, and Investment
  276. Chapter Checklist
  277. 10.1 Financial Institutions and Financial Markets
  278. Some Finance Definitions
  279. Markets for Financial Capital
  280. Financial Institutions
  281. Insolvency and Illiquidity
  282. Interest Rates and Asset Prices
  283. Checkpoint 10.1
  284. 10.2 The Loanable Funds Market
  285. Flows in the Loanable Funds Market
  286. The Demand for Loanable Funds
  287. The Supply of Loanable Funds
  288. Equilibrium in the Loanable Funds Market
  289. Changes in Demand and Supply
  290. Checkpoint 10.2
  291. 10.3 Government in Loanable Funds Market
  292. A Government Budget Surplus
  293. A Government Budget Deficit
  294. Checkpoint 10.3
  295. Chapter Summary
  296. Chapter Checkpoint
  297. Eye on the U.S. Economy Interest Rate Patterns
  298. Eye on the U.S. Economy The Loanable Funds Market in a Financial Crisis
  299. Eye on Your Life Your Participation in the Loanable Funds Market
  300. Eye on Financial Markets Why Have Interest Rates Been So Low?
  301. Part 4 The Money Economy
  302. Chapter 11 The Monetary System
  303. Chapter Checklist
  304. 11.1 What Is Money?
  305. Definition of Money
  306. The Functions of Money
  307. Money Today
  308. Official Measures of Money: M1 and M2
  309. Checks, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, and Mobile Wallets
  310. An Embryonic New Money: E-Cash
  311. Checkpoint 11.1
  312. 11.2 The Banking System
  313. Commercial Banks
  314. Thrift Institutions
  315. Money Market Funds
  316. Checkpoint 11.2
  317. 11.3 The Federal Reserve System
  318. The Structure of the Federal Reserve
  319. The Fed’s Policy Tools
  320. How the Fed’s Policy Tools Work
  321. Checkpoint 11.3
  322. 11.4 Regulating the Quantity of Money
  323. Creating Deposits by Making Loans
  324. How Open Market Operations Change the Monetary Base
  325. The Multiplier Effect of an Open Market Operation
  326. The Money Multiplier
  327. Checkpoint 11.4
  328. Chapter Summary
  329. Chapter Checkpoint
  330. Eye on the Past The “Invention” of Banking
  331. Eye on the U.S. Economy Commercial Banks Under Stress in the Financial Crisis
  332. Eye on Your Life Money and Your Role in Its Creation
  333. Eye on Creating Money How Does the Fed Create Money and Regulate Its Quantity?
  334. Chapter 12 Money, Interest, and Inflation
  335. Chapter Checklist
  336. Where We Are and Where We’re Heading
  337. The Real Economy
  338. The Money Economy
  339. Real and Money Interactions and Policy
  340. 12.1 Money and the Interest Rate
  341. The Demand for Money
  342. Changes in the Demand for Money
  343. The Supply of Money
  344. The Nominal Interest Rate
  345. Changing the Interest Rate
  346. Checkpoint 12.1
  347. 12.2 Money, the Price Level, and Inflation
  348. The Money Market in the Long Run
  349. A Change in the Quantity of Money
  350. The Price Level in a Baby-Sitting Club
  351. The Quantity Theory of Money
  352. Inflation and the Quantity Theory of Money
  353. Hyperinflation
  354. Checkpoint 12.2
  355. 12.3 The Cost of Inflation
  356. Tax Costs
  357. Shoe-Leather Costs
  358. Confusion Costs
  359. Uncertainty Costs
  360. How Big Is the Cost of Inflation?
  361. Checkpoint 12.3
  362. Chapter Summary
  363. Chapter Checkpoint
  364. Eye on the U.S. Economy Credit Cards and Money
  365. Eye on Your Life Money Holding and Fed Watching
  366. Eye on Inflation What Causes Inflation?
  367. Eye on the Past Hyperinflation in Germany in the 1920s
  368. Part 5 Economic Fluctuations
  369. Chapter 13 Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand
  370. Chapter Checklist
  371. 13.1 Aggregate Supply
  372. Aggregate Supply Basics
  373. Changes in Aggregate Supply
  374. Checkpoint 13.1
  375. 13.2 Aggregate Demand
  376. Aggregate Demand Basics
  377. Changes in Aggregate Demand
  378. The Aggregate Demand Multiplier
  379. Checkpoint 13.2
  380. 13.3 Explaining Economic Trends and Fluctuations
  381. Macroeconomic Equilibrium
  382. Three Types of Macroeconomic Equilibrium
  383. Economic Growth and Inflation Trends
  384. The Business Cycle
  385. Inflation Cycles
  386. Deflation and the Great Depression
  387. Checkpoint 13.3
  388. Chapter Summary
  389. Chapter Checkpoint
  390. Eye on the U.S. Economy U.S. Economic Growth, Inflation, and the Business Cycle
  391. Eye on Your Life Using the AS-AD Model
  392. Eye on the Business Cycle Why Did the U.S. Economy Go into Recession in 2008?
  393. Chapter 14 Aggregate Expenditure Multiplier
  394. Chapter Checklist
  395. 14.1 Expenditure Plans and Real GDP
  396. The Consumption Function
  397. Imports and Real GDP
  398. Checkpoint 14.1
  399. 14.2 Equilibrium Expenditure
  400. Induced Expenditure and Autonomous Expenditure
  401. Aggregate Planned Expenditure and Real GDP
  402. Equilibrium Expenditure
  403. Convergence to Equilibrium
  404. Checkpoint 14.2
  405. 14.3 Expenditure Multipliers
  406. The Basic Idea of the Multiplier
  407. The Size of the Multiplier
  408. The Multiplier and the MPC
  409. The Multiplier, Imports, and Income Taxes
  410. Business-Cycle Turning Points
  411. Checkpoint 14.3
  412. 14.4 The AD Curve and Equilibrium Expenditure
  413. Deriving the AD Curve from Equilibrium Expenditure
  414. Checkpoint 14.4
  415. Chapter Summary
  416. Chapter Checkpoint
  417. Eye on the U.S. Economy The U.S. Consumption Function
  418. Eye on the Past Say’s Law and Keynes’ Principle of Effective Demand
  419. Eye on Your Life Looking for Multipliers
  420. Eye on the Multiplier How Big Is the Government Expenditure Multiplier?
  421. Chapter 15 The Short-Run Policy Tradeoff
  422. Chapter Checklist
  423. 15.1 The Short-Run Phillips Curve
  424. Aggregate Supply and the Short-Run Phillips Curve
  425. Aggregate Demand Fluctuations
  426. Why Bother with the Phillips Curve?
  427. Checkpoint 15.1
  428. 15.2 Short-Run and Long-run Phillips Curves
  429. The Long-Run Phillips Curve
  430. Expected Inflation
  431. The Natural Rate Hypothesis
  432. Changes in the Natural Unemployment Rate
  433. Have Changes in the Natural Unemployment Rate Changed the Tradeoff?
  434. Checkpoint 15.2
  435. 15.3 Influencing Inflation and Unemployment
  436. Influencing the Expected Inflation Rate
  437. Targeting the Unemployment Rate
  438. Checkpoint 15.3
  439. Chapter Summary
  440. Chapter Checkpoint
  441. Eye on the Global Economy Inflation and Unemployment
  442. Eye on the Past The U.S. Phillips Curve
  443. Eye on the Past A Live Test of the Natural Rate Hypothesis
  444. Eye on the Tradeoff Can We Have Low Unemployment and Low Inflation?
  445. Eye on Your Life The Short-Run Tradeoff in Your Life
  446. Part 6 Macroeconomic Policy
  447. Chapter 16 Fiscal Policy
  448. Chapter Checklist
  449. 16.1 The Federal Budget
  450. The Institutions and Laws
  451. Budget Balance and Debt
  452. The Federal Budget in Fiscal 2017
  453. A Fiscal Policy Challenge
  454. Generational Accounting
  455. Checkpoint 16.1
  456. 16.2 Fiscal Stimulus
  457. Fiscal Policy and Aggregate Demand
  458. Automatic Fiscal Policy
  459. Cyclical and Structural Budget Balances
  460. Discretionary Fiscal Policy
  461. A Successful Fiscal Stimulus
  462. Limitations of Discretionary Fiscal Policy
  463. Checkpoint 16.2
  464. 16.3 The Supply Side: Potential GDP and Growth
  465. Full Employment and Potential GDP
  466. Fiscal Policy, Employment, and Potential GDP
  467. Fiscal Policy and Potential GDP: A Graphical Analysis
  468. Taxes, Deficits, and Economic Growth
  469. The Supply-Side Debate
  470. Long-Run Fiscal Policy Effects
  471. Checkpoint 16.3
  472. Chapter Summary
  473. Chapter Checkpoint
  474. Eye on the Global Economy The U.S. Budget in Global Perspective
  475. Eye on the Past Federal Tax Revenues, Outlays, Deficits, and Debt
  476. Eye on the U.S. Economy Fiscal and Generational Imbalances
  477. Eye on the U.S. Economy The U.S. Structural and Cyclical Budget Balances
  478. Eye on Fiscal Stimulus Can Fiscal Stimulus End a Recession?
  479. Eye on the Global Economy Some Real-World Tax Wedges
  480. Eye on Your Life Your Views on Fiscal Policy and How Fiscal Policy Affects You
  481. Chapter 17 Monetary Policy
  482. Chapter Checklist
  483. 17.1 How the Fed Conducts Monetary Policy
  484. Monetary Policy Objectives
  485. Operational “Maximum Employment” Goal
  486. Operational “Stable Prices” Goal
  487. Responsibility for Monetary Policy
  488. Policy Instrument
  489. Hitting the Federal Funds Rate Target
  490. Restoring Financial Stability in a Financial Crisis
  491. Checkpoint 17.1
  492. 17.2 Monetary Policy Transmission
  493. Quick Overview
  494. Interest Rate Changes
  495. Exchange Rate Changes
  496. Money and Bank Loans
  497. The Long-Term Real Interest Rate
  498. Expenditure Plans
  499. The Fed Fights Recession
  500. The Fed Fights Inflation
  501. Loose Links and Long and Variable Lags
  502. A Final Reality Check
  503. Checkpoint 17.2
  504. 17.3 Alternative Monetary Policy Strategies
  505. An Interest Rate Rule
  506. A Monetary Base Rule
  507. Inflation Targeting
  508. Money Targeting Rule
  509. Checkpoint 17.3
  510. Chapter Summary
  511. Chapter Checkpoint
  512. Eye on the Fed in a Crisis Did the Fed Save Us from Another Great Depression?
  513. Eye on the U.S. Economy The Fed’s Decisions Versus Two Rules
  514. Eye on the Global Economy Inflation Targeting Around the World
  515. Eye on Your Life Your Views on Monetary Policy and How Monetary Policy Affects You
  516. Chapter 18 International Trade Policy
  517. Chapter Checklist
  518. 18.1 How Global Markets Work
  519. International Trade Today
  520. What Drives International Trade?
  521. Why the United States Imports T-shirts
  522. Why the United States Exports Airplanes
  523. Winners, Losers, and Net Gains from Trade
  524. Checkpoint 18.1
  525. 18.2 International Trade Restrictions
  526. Tariffs
  527. Import Quotas
  528. Other Import Barriers
  529. Checkpoint 18.2
  530. 18.3 The Case Against Protection
  531. Three Traditional Arguments for Protection
  532. Four Newer Arguments for Protection
  533. Why Is International Trade Restricted?
  534. Checkpoint 18.3
  535. Chapter Summary
  536. Chapter Checkpoint
  537. Eye on the U.S. Economy U.S. Exports and Imports
  538. Eye on Globalization Who Wins and Who Loses from Globalization?
  539. Eye on the Past The History of U.S. Tariffs
  540. Eye on Your Life International Trade
  541. Chapter 19 International Finance
  542. Chapter Checklist
  543. 19.1 Financing International Trade
  544. Balance of Payments Accounts
  545. Borrowers and Lenders, Debtors and Creditors
  546. Current Account Balance
  547. Checkpoint 19.1
  548. 19.2 The Exchange Rate
  549. Demand in the Foreign Exchange Market
  550. The Law of Demand for Foreign Exchange
  551. Changes in the Demand for Dollars
  552. Supply in the Foreign Exchange Market
  553. The Law of Supply of Foreign Exchange
  554. Changes in the Supply of Dollars
  555. Market Equilibrium
  556. Exchange Rate Expectations
  557. Purchasing Power Parity
  558. Monetary Policy and the Exchange Rate
  559. Pegging the Exchange Rate
  560. The People’s Bank of China in the Foreign Exchange Market
  561. Checkpoint 19.2
  562. Chapter Summary
  563. Chapter Checkpoint
  564. Eye on the U.S. Economy The U.S. Balance of Payments
  565. Eye on the Global Economy Current Account Balances Around the World
  566. Eye on the Dollar Why Does Our Dollar Fluctuate?
  567. Eye on the Global Economy Purchasing Power Parity
  568. Eye on the Global Economy The Managed Yuan
  569. Eye on Your Life Your Foreign Exchange Transactions
  570. Glossary
  571. Index
  572. Credits

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