Fundamentals Of Health Care Administration 1st Edition Safian Test Bank
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Fundamentals Of Health Care Administration 1st Edition Safian Test Bank.
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0133065634
- ISBN-13 : 978-0133065633
- Author: Shelley Safian
This foundational text introduces future health care administrators to the full scope of responsibilities associated with these crucial positions. Fundamentals of Health Care Administration prepares students for comprehensive education on the health care industry, and helps them build the strong critical thinking and analysis skills they will need as administrators. Its broad coverage includes finance, human resources, risk assessment, crisis management, compliance, internal and external audits, quality assessment/control, performance improvement, legal and ethical concerns, and more. The first chapter includes a bulleted list of required knowledge and skills from an actual health care administrator’s job description. The remaining chapters tie directly to that job description. Each chapter illustrates key concepts with relevant examples, including short selections from authoritative government documents. Complex concepts are organized into bulleted lists or steps, making them easier to understand and use. Extensive chapter review includes multiple choice, matching, short answer, and true/false questions.
Table of contents:
1. The Balance of Good Administration
2. Types of Facilities and Services
3. Financing the Provision of Care
4. Quality of Care
5. Workplace Safety
6. Health care Technology
7. Institutional Food Services
8. Compliance Plans
9. Strategic Planning
10. Risk Management
11. Crisis Management
12. Performance Improvement
13. Audits and Inspections
14. Legal and Ethical Issues
A. Case Studies
B. Websites for Additional Information
C. 30 Safe Practices for Better Health Care from AHRQ
D. Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Health Care & Social Service Workers
E. Compliance Plan Guidance for Individual and Small Group Physician Practices
F. Compliance Plan Guidance for Hospitals
G. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Strategic Plan – Fiscal Years 2010-2015
H. Risk Management Plan: Risk Management & Medical Liability: A Manual for Indian Health Service & Tribal Health Care Professionals
I. Strengthening Health-System Emergency Preparedness: Toolkit for Assessing Health-System Capacity for Crisis Management – World Health Organization
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