Games of Strategy 4th Edition Dixit Solutions Manual
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 9780393124446
- ISBN-13 : 978-0393124446
- Author:
Games of Strategy, famous for its simple yet accurate exposition and its great examples and exercises, has been extensively revised for this Fourth Edition. The key to its broad success is that the authors assume no prior knowledge of game theory and present the material in the most accessible way possible. With new and improved features and compelling end-of-chapter exercises, this Fourth Edition of Games of Strategy continues to engage students around the world.
Table of contents:
PART ONE: Introduction and General Principles
1 Basic Ideas and Examples
2 How to Think About Strategic Games
PART TWO: Fundamental Concepts and Techniques
3 Games with Sequential Moves
4 Simultaneous-Move Games: Discrete Strategies
5 Simultaneous-Move Games: Continuous Strategies, Discussion and Evidence
6 Combining Sequential and Simultaneous Moves
7 Simultaneous-Move Games with Mixed Strategies
PART THREE: Some Broad Classes of Strategies and Games
8 Strategic Moves
9 Uncertainty and Information
10 The Prisoners’ Dilemma and Repeated Games
11 Collective-Action Games
12 Evolutionary Games
PART FOUR: Applications to Specific Strategic Situations
13 Brinkmanship: The Cuban Missile Crisis
14 Incentive Design
15 Auctions, Bidding Strategy, and Auction Design
16 Strategy and Voting
17 Bargaining
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