Gender Ideas Interactions Institutions 1st Edition Wade Test Bank
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Gender Ideas Interactions Institutions 1st Edition Wade Test Bank.
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Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 0393931072
- ISBN-13 : 978-0393931075
- Author:
Wade and Ferree’s first edition textbook is a lively introduction to the sociology of gender. Probing questions, the same ones that students often bring to the course, frame readable chapters that are packed with the most up-to-date scholarship available―in language students will understand. The authors use memorable examples mined from pop culture, history, psychology, biology, and everyday life to truly engage students in the study of gender and spark interest in sociological perspectives.
Table of contents:
1 Ideas 9
2 Bodies 39
3 Performances 67
4 Intersections 95
5 Inequality: Masculinities 125
6 Inequality: Femininities 157
7 Institutions 187
8 Change 215
9 Sexualities 245
10 Families 277
11 Work 309
12 Politics 343
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