Gerontological Nursing 3rd Edition Tabloski Test Bank
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Gerontological Nursing 3rd Edition Tabloski Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0132956314
- ISBN-13 : 978-0132956314
- Author: Patricia A. Tabloski
Unit I: Foundations of Nursing Practice
1. Principles of Gerontology
2. Gerontological Nursing Issues
3. Principles of Geriatrics
Unit II: Challenges of Aging and the Cornerstones of Excellence in Nursing Care
4. Cultural Diversity
5. Nutrition and Aging
6. Pharmacology and Older Adults
7. Psychological and Cognitive Function
8. Sleep and the Older Adult
9. Pain Management
10. Violence and Elder Mistreatment
11. Care of the Dying
Unit III: Physiological Basis of Practice
12. The Integument 13. The Mouth and Oral Cavity
14. Sensation: Hearing, Vision, Taste, Touch, and Smell
15. The Cardiovascular System
16. The Respiratory System
17. The Genitourinary and Renal Systems
18. The Musculoskeletal System
19. The Endocrine System
20. The Gastrointestinal System
21. The Hematologic System
22. The Neurologic System
23. The Immune System
24. Multisystem Problems: Caring for Frail Elders with Comorbidities
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