Hazard Mitigation in Emergency Management 1st Edition Islam Test Bank
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Hazard Mitigation in Emergency Management 1st Edition Islam Test Bank.
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Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 0124201342
- ISBN-13 : 978-0124201347
- Author:
Hazard Mitigation in Emergency Management introduces readers to mitigation, one of the four foundational phases of emergency management, and to the hazard mitigation planning process.
Authors Islam and Ryan review the hazard mitigation framework in both private sector and governmental agencies, covering the regulatory and legal frameworks for mitigation, as well as risk assessment processes and strategies, and tools and techniques that can prevent, or lessen, the impact of disasters.
The book specifically addresses hazards posed by human activity, including cyber threats and nuclear accidents, as well as hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes. Readers will learn about the framework for the mitigation process, hazard identification, risk assessment, and the tools and techniques available for mitigation.
Coverage includes both GIS and HAZUS, with tutorials on these technologies, as well as case studies of best practices in the United States and around the world. The text is ideal for students, instructors, and practitioners interested in reducing, or eliminating, the effects of disasters.
Table of Content:
- Foreword
- Acknowledgments
- Thematic Section 1: Mitigation Framework
- Chapter 1. Introduction
- Chapter 2. Mitigation Rules and Regulations
- Chapter 3. The Role of Governments in Hazard Mitigation
- Chapter 4. Mitigation in the Private Sector
- Thematic Section 2: Assessing Risk—Know Thy Enemy!
- Thematic Section 2: Assessing Risk—Know Thy Enemy!
- Chapter 5. Hazard Identification—Natural Hazards
- Chapter 6. Hazard Identification—Manmade Hazards
- Chapter 7. Vulnerability Assessment and Impact Analysis
- Chapter 8. Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
- Thematic Section 3: Mitigation Strategies, Tools, and Techniques—What Can Be Done?
- Thematic Section 3: Mitigation Strategies, Tools, and Techniques—What Can Be Done?
- Chapter 9. Mitigation Strategies for Natural Hazards
- Chapter 10. Mitigation Strategies for Manmade Hazards
- Chapter 11. Mitigation Tools
- Chapter 12. Mitigation Best Practices and Resources
- Epilogue
- Putting It All Together
- Glossary of Essential Terminology
- Index
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