History of Western Society Concise Edition 12th Edition McKay Test Bank

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History of Western Society Concise Edition 12th Edition McKay Test Bank.

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History of Western Society Concise Edition 12th Edition McKay Test Bank

Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1319073581
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1319073589
  • Author: John P. McKay (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley)

Focus on the everyday lives of people from the past with this brief and affordable text. History of Western Society, Concise Edition, Combined Volume engages you in the details of life throughout history to increase your understanding of what life used to be like.

Table contents:

1 ORIGINS TO 1200 B.C.E.

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

Understanding Western History

Describing the West

What Is Civilization?

The Earliest Human Societies

From the First Hominids to the Paleolithic Era

Planting Crops

Implications of Agriculture

Trade and Cross-Cultural Connections

Evaluating the Evidence 1.1: Paleolithic Venus Figures

Civilization in Mesopotamia

Environment and Mesopotamian Development

The Invention of Writing and the First Schools

Religion in Mesopotamia

Sumerian Politics and Society

Evaluating the Evidence 1.2: Gilgamesh’s Quest for Immortality

Empires in Mesopotamia

The Akkadians and the Babylonians

Life Under Hammurabi

Cultural Exchange in the Fertile Crescent

The Egyptians

The Nile and the God-King

Egyptian Religion

Egyptian Society and Work

Egyptian Family Life

The Hyksos and New Kingdom Revival

Conflict and Cooperation with the Hittites

Evaluating the Evidence 1.3: Egyptian Home Life

Looking Back / Looking Ahead

Review & Explore

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Living in the Past: The Iceman LaunchPad

Thinking Like a Historian: Addressing the Gods LaunchPad

Mapping the Past: Empires and Migrations in the Eastern Mediterranean LaunchPad

Individuals in Society: Hatshepsut and Nefertiti

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

1. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 1 LaunchPad

Document 1-1: The Battle Between Marduk and Tiamat (ca. 2000–1000 B.C.E.)

Document 1-2: The Epic of Gilgamesh (ca. 2750 B.C.E.)

Document 1-3: The Code of Hammurabi (ca. 1780 B.C.E.)

Document 1-4: The Egyptian Book of the Dead (ca. 2100–1800 B.C.E.)

Document 1-5: Letters Between a Sumerian King and His Prime Minister (ca. 2000–1700 B.C.E.)

Document 1-6: Akhenaten, The Hymn to Aton (ca. 1350 B.C.E.)

Document 1-7: Lamentation Over the Destruction of Sumer and Ur (ca. 2000 – 1700 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 1


1200–510 B.C.E.

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

Iron and the Emergence of New States

Iron Technology

The Decline of Egypt and the Emergence of Kush

The Rise of Phoenicia

Evaluating the Evidence 2.1: The Report of Wenamun

The Hebrews

The Hebrew State

The Jewish Religion

Hebrew Family and Society

Evaluating the Evidence 2.2: A Jewish Family Contract

Assyria, the Military Monarchy

Assyria’s Long Road to Power

Assyrian Rule and Culture

The Neo-Babylonian Empire

Evaluating the Evidence 2.3: Assyrians Besiege a City

The Empire of the Persian Kings

Consolidation of the Persian Empire

Persian Religion

Persian Art and Culture

Review & Explore

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Thinking Like a Historian: The Moral Life LaunchPad

Mapping the Past: The Assyrian and Persian Empires, ca. 1000–500 B.C.E. LaunchPad

Living in the Past: Assyrian Palace Life and Power LaunchPad

Individuals in Society: Cyrus the Great

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

2. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 2 LaunchPad

Document 2-1: Book of Genesis (ca. 950–450 B.C.E.)

Document 2-2: Exodus and Deuteronomy (ca. 950–450 B.C.E.)

Document 2-3: Assyrian Kings Proclaim Their Greatness (ca. 1220–1070 B.C.E.)

Document 2-4: Cyrus and Persia, Ruling an Empire (ca. 550 B.C.E.)

Document 2-5: Book of Isaiah: Blessings for Cyrus (ca. 550 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 2


CA. 3000–338 B.C.E.

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

Greece in the Bronze Age

Geography and Settlement

The Minoans

The Mycenaeans

Homer, Hesiod, and the Epic

Evaluating the Evidence 3.1: Hesiod, Works and Days

The Development of the Polis in the Archaic Age

Organization of the Polis

Governing Structures

Overseas Expansion

The Growth of Sparta

The Evolution of Athens

War and Turmoil in the Classical Period

The Persian Wars

Growth of the Athenian Empire

The Peloponnesian War

The Struggle for Dominance

Philip II and Macedonian Supremacy

Classical Greek Life and Culture

Athenian Arts in the Age of Pericles

Households and Work

Gender and Sexuality

Public and Personal Religion

The Flowering of Philosophy

Evaluating the Evidence 3.2: The Acropolis of Athens

Evaluating the Evidence 3.3 Sophocles, Antigone

Review & Explore

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Living in the Past: Triremes and Their Crews LaunchPad

Mapping the Past: The Peloponnesian War, 431–404 B.C.E. LaunchPad

Thinking Like a Historian: Gender Roles in Classical Athens LaunchPad

Individuals in Society: Aristophanes

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

3. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 3 LaunchPad

Document 3-1: Homer, The Odyssey: Odysseus and the Sirens (ca. 800 B.C.E.)

Document 3-2: Hesiod, Works and Days (ca. 800 B.C.E.)

Document 3-3: Sophocles, Antigone (441 B.C.E.)

Document 3-4: Thucydides, The History of the Peloponnesian War: Pericles’ Funeral Oration (ca. 400 B.C.E.)

Document 3-5: Plato, The Republic: The Allegory of the Cave (ca. 360 B.C.E.)

Document 3-6: Aristotle, Politics: Democracy (ca. 340 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 3


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

Alexander’s Conquests and Their Political Legacy

Military Campaigns

The Political Legacy

Evaluating the Evidence 4.1: Arrian on Alexander the Great

Building a Hellenized Society

Urban Life

Greeks in Hellenistic Cities

Greeks and Non-Greeks

The Economy of the Hellenistic World

Agriculture and Industry


Religion and Philosophy in the Hellenistic World

Religion and Magic

Hellenism and the Jews

Philosophy and the People

Evaluating the Evidence 4.2: A Hellenistic Spell of Attraction

Hellenistic Science and Medicine



Evaluating the Evidence 4.3: The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea

Review & Explore

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Mapping the Past: The Hellenistic World, ca. 263 B.C.E. LaunchPad

Living in the Past: Farming in the Hellenistic World LaunchPad

The Past Living Now: Container Shipping LaunchPad

Individuals in Society: Archimedes, Scientist and Inventor

Thinking Like a Historian: Hellenistic Medicine LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

4. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 4 LaunchPad

Document 4-1: Ephippus of Olynthus, On the Burial of Alexander and Hephaestion: Ephippus of Olynthus Remembers Alexander the Great (ca. 323 B.C.E.)

Document 4-2: Plutarch, Life of Cleomenes III (75 C.E.)

Document 4-3: Diogenes Laertius, The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers: Diogenes of Sinope, the Cynic (ca. 300–200 B.C.E.)

Document 4-4: Epicurus, The Principal Doctrines of Epicureanism (ca. 306 B.C.E.)

Document 4-5: Epictetus, Encheiridion, or The Manual (ca. 100 C.E.)

Document 4-6: Polybius, A Greek Historian Describes Byzantium’s Contribution to Regional Trade (ca. 170–118 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 4

5 THE RISE OF ROME CA. 1000–27 B.C.E.

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

Rome’s Rise to Power

The Geography of Italy

The Etruscans

The Founding of Rome

The Roman Conquest of Italy

Evaluating the Evidence 5.1: The Temple of Hercules Victor

The Roman Republic

The Roman State

Social Conflict in Rome

Roman Expansion

The Punic Wars

Rome Turns East

Roman Society

Roman Families

Greek Influence on Roman Culture

Opposing Views: Cato the Elder and Scipio Aemilianus

Evaluating the Evidence 5.2: A Woman’s Actions in the Turia Inscription

The Late Republic

Reforms for Poor and Landless Citizens

Political Violence

Civil War

Evaluating the Evidence 5.3: Cicero and the Plot to Kill Caesar

Review & Explore

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Mapping the Past: Roman Expansion During the Republic, ca. 282–44 B.C.E. LaunchPad

Living in the Past: Roman Table Manners LaunchPad

Thinking Like a Historian: Land Ownership and Social Conflict in the Late Republic LaunchPad

Individuals in Society: Queen Cleopatra

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

5. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 5 LaunchPad

Document 5-1: Livy, The Rape of Lucretia (ca. 27–25 B.C.E.)

Document 5-2: A Roman Wedding (ca. 160 c.e.)

Document 5-3: The Law of the Twelve Tables (449 b.c.e.)

Document 5-4: Seneca, The Sounds of a Roman Bath (ca. 50 C.E.)

Document 5-5: Appian of Alexandria, The Civil Wars (ca. 100 C.E.)

Document 5-6: Plutarch, On Julius Caesar, a Man of Unlimited Ambition (ca. 44 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 5


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

Augustus’s Reign

The Principate

Roman Expansion

The Flowering of Latin Literature

Marriage and Morality

Evaluating the Evidence 6.1: Augustus, Res Gestae

Evaluating the Evidence 6.2: Ovid, The Art of Love

Evaluating the Evidence 6.3: Ara Pacis

Augustus’s Successors

The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians

The Age of the “Five Good Emperors”

Rome and the Provinces

Life in Imperial Rome

Approaches to Urban Problems

Popular Entertainment

Prosperity in the Roman Provinces

Trade and Commerce

The Coming of Christianity

Factors Behind the Rise of Christianity

The Life and Teachings of Jesus

The Spread of Christianity

The Growing Acceptance and Evolution of Christianity

The Empire in Disarray

Civil Wars and Military Commanders

Turmoil in Economic Life

Review & Explore

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Thinking Like a Historian: Army and Empire LaunchPad

Individuals in Society: Pliny the Elder

Living in the Past: Roman Epitaphs: Death Remembers Life LaunchPad

Mapping the Past: Production and Trade in the Pax Romana, ca. 27 B.C.E.–180 C.E. LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

6. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 6 LaunchPad

Document 6-1: Tacitus, Germania (ca. 100 C.E.)

Document 6-2: Apuleius, The Golden Ass: The Veneration of Isis (ca. 170 C.E.)

Document 6-3: The Gospel According to Matthew: The Sermon on the Mount (28 C.E.)

Document 6-4: Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Galatians (ca. 50–60 C.E.)

Document 6-5: The Alexamenos Graffito (ca. 100 C.E.)

Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 6


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

Reconstruction Under Diocletian and Constantine

Political Measures

Economic Issues

The Acceptance of Christianity

The Growth of the Christian Church

The Church and Its Leaders

The Development of Christian Monasticism

Monastery Life

Christianity and Classical Culture

Christian Notions of Gender and Sexuality

Saint Augustine on Human Nature, Will, and Sin

Barbarian Society

Village and Family Life

Tribes and Hierarchies

Customary and Written Law

Celtic and Germanic Religion

Evaluating the Evidence 7.1: Tacitus on Germanic Society

Migration, Assimilation, and Conflict

Celtic and Germanic People in Gaul and Britain

Visigoths and Huns

Germanic Kingdoms and the End of the Roman Empire

Evaluating the Evidence 7.2: Battle Between Romans and Goths

Christian Missionaries and Conversion

Missionaries’ Actions

The Process of Conversion

Evaluating the Evidence 7.3: Gregory of Tours on the Veneration of Relics

The Byzantine Empire

Sources of Byzantine Strength

The Law Code of Justinian

Byzantine Intellectual Life

The Orthodox Church

Review & Explore

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Thinking Like a Historian: Slavery in Roman and Germanic Society LaunchPad

Mapping the Past: The Barbarian Migrations, ca. 340–500 LaunchPad

Living in the Past: The Horses of Spain LaunchPad

Individuals in Society: Theodora of Constantinople

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

7. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 7 LaunchPad

Document 7-1: Saint Ambrose of Milan, Emperor Theodosius Brought to Heel (390)

Document 7-2: Saint Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict (529)

Document 7-3: Saint Augustine, City of God: The Two Cities (413–426)

Document 7-4: The Law of the Salian Franks (ca. 500–600)

Document 7-5: Emperor Justinian, The Institutes of Justinian (529–533)

Document 7-6: Procopius of Caesarea, The Secret History (ca. 550)

Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 7


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

The Spread of Islam

The Arabs

The Prophet Muhammad

The Teachings and Expansion of Islam

Sunni and Shi’a Divisions

Life in Muslim Spain

Muslim-Christian Relations

Cross-Cultural Influences in Science and Medicine

Evaluating the Evidence 8.1: The Muslim Conquest of Spain

Frankish Rulers and Their Territories

The Merovingians

The Rise of the Carolingians

The Warrior-Ruler Charlemagne

Carolingian Government and Society

The Imperial Coronation of Charlemagne

Evaluating the Evidence 8.2: The Capitulary de Villis

Early Medieval Culture

The Carolingian Renaissance

Northumbrian Learning and Writing

Evaluating the Evidence 8.3: The Death of Beowulf

Invasions and Migrations

Vikings in Western Europe

Slavs and Vikings in Eastern Europe

Magyars and Muslims

Political and Economic Decentralization

Decentralization and the Origins of “Feudalism”

Manorialism, Serfdom, and the Slave Trade

Review & Explore

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Living in the Past: Muslim Technology: Advances in Papermaking LaunchPad

Individuals in Society: The Venerable Bede

Mapping the Past: Invasions and Migrations of the Ninth and Tenth Centuries LaunchPad

Thinking Like a Historian: Vikings Tell Their Own Story LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

8. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 8 LaunchPad

Document 8-1: Ibn Abd-El-Hakem, The Conquest of Spain (ca. 870)

Document 8-2: Willibald, Saint Boniface Destroys the Oak of Thor (ca. 750)

Document 8-3: Charlemagne, Capitulary for Saxony (ca. 775–790)

Document 8-4: Charlemagne, General Capitulary for the Missi

Document 8-5: The Song of Roland (ca. 1100–1300)

Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 8

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