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Human Sexuality Self Society and Culture 1st Edition Herdt Solutions Manual
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Human Sexuality Self Society and Culture 1st Edition Herdt Solutions Manual.
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Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 0073532169
- ISBN-13 : 978-0073532165
- Author: Gilbert Herdt
Human Sexuality: Self, Society, and Culture is a fully integrated learning system which encourages students to think critically and supports students through their journey towards greater self-awareness. It is accompanied by Learnsmart, the groundbreaking online adaptive learning diagnostic tool that provides an individualized learning environment to help students identify what they know, and more importantly, what they don’t know―helping them become active participants as they learn to appreciate all aspects of human sexuality.
Table of Content:
Human Sexuality: Self, Society and CultureChapter 1: The Study of Human SexualitySexual Literacy-Become Sexually Literate
-Sexual Well-BeingSexual Science—A Historical Perspective-The Medical Model of Sexuality
-A New Approach to Sex Research
-Sex Research Comes of Age
-Sex and Social PolicyMethodology in the Study of Sexuality-Interdisciplinary Perspectives
-Ethics of Sexual Research
-Research Designs
-Participatory Action ResearchHuman Sexual RightsChapter 2: Contexts of Sexuality: Culture, History and ReligionHuman Sexual Nature in Context-The Sexual Triangle: Species, Culture and Individual
-Sexuality among the Bonobo
-Human Sexual Nature as Expressed Through CultureSex Since the Beginning of Time-Prehistoric Sex and Communication
-A Brief History of Sex and CivilizationSexual Cultures and Norms-Sexual Norms and Sexual Socialization
-Sex-Approving and Sex-Disapproving Cultures
-Sexual UnlearningSexuality and the Great World Religions-Sex, Religion and Reality
-Sex in the World ReligionsSpirituality and Sexual Behavior in the United StatesReligion and Sexual Well-BeingChapter 3: Sexuality, Media and the InternetSex, Media and Pop culture-Sex in Pop Culture
-Shared Sexual Images and Media
-Popular Music and Sexual Attitudes
-From Reality TV to Homemade VideoThe Internet and Sexual Literacy-Facebook, Twitter, and Sexting
-Online Sexual Socialization
-Sexuality and Risk OnlineVirtual Sex-Sexual Individuality in Virtual Time and Space
-Online Boundaries
-Online Romance, Dating and Hooking Up
-Sexual Avatars and GamingAdult Sexual Content-Pornography and Its Changing Meaning
-Adult Sexual Entertainment OnlineOnline Communities, Rights and Sexual Well-BeingChapter 4: Sexual Anatomy and PhysiologySexual AnatomyFemale Sexual Anatomy-External Female Sex Organs
-Internal Female Sex Organs
-Breasts and Breast Development
-Variability in the Female Body
-Female Genital MutilationFemale Sexual Physiology-The Endocrine System and Hormones
-Pheromones and Their Role in Sexual Behavior
-The Menstrual Cycle
Male Sexual Physiology-External Male Sex Organs
-Internal Male Sex Organs
-Erection and Ejaculation
-Variability in the Male Body
-CircumcisionBodily Integrity Rights and Sexual Well-BeingChapter 5: Sexual Pleasure, Arousal, and ResponsePleasure, Culture, and Sexual Well-Being-Sexual Nature and Sexual Well-Being-Cultural Influences on Sexual Pleasure and Sexual Well-Being
-Defining Your Personal Needs
-Keeping a Sexual JournalSexual Arousal and Response-The Five Senses and Pleasure-Pheromones and Sexual Motivation
-Sexual Excitement and Sexual Fantasy
-Sexual Response Cycles
-OrgasmSexual Techniques-Masturbation—Solitary and in Relationships-Kissing
-Frequency of Sexual Activity
-Other Intimate BehaviorsSexual Pleasure as a Human RightChapter 6: Taking Care of the Sexual BodyKnowing Our Own Body-Taking Responsibility for Our Own Sexual Health-Female Sexual Health
-Male Sexual HealthSexually Transmitted Infections-Risk and Protective Factors for STIs
-Sexual Risk Negotiation
-Human Immunodeficiency Virus
-Bacterial STIs
-Parasitic STIs
-Viral STIsSexual Well-Being and Innovation in STI PreventionChapter 7: ContraceptionContraception: History and Cultural Variations-Cross-Cultural Variations in Contraception
-History of Contraceptives in the United StatesMethods of Contraception-Choosing a Method of Contraception: What to Consider
-Methods That Protect Against Pregnancies and STIs
-Methods That Protect Against Pregnancy But Not Against STIsContraception and Sexual Well-BeingChapter 8: Reproduction: Conception, Pregnancy, and ChildbirthParenting and Reproductive Decisions-Pronatalism
-Family Leave
-Considering ParenthoodEnsuring a Healthy Pregnancy-Preparing the Body for Pregnancy
-Nutrition and Exercise
-Sex During PregnancyContraception and Pregnancy-Cross-Cultural Ideas About Conception
-Trimesters: The Developing Fetus and Changes for Women and Partners-Potential Problems During Pregnancy
-Detecting Problems in PregnancyBirth and the Postpartum Period: what to Expect-Options for Giving Birth
-Birth Assistance and Interventions
-Making a Birth Plan
-After the Birth, The Postpartum PeriodInfertility and Options-Assisted Reproductive Techniques
-Other Options for Creating a Family
Abortion-Defining Abortion
-Safe Methods of Abortion
-Unsafe Methods of Abortion
-After an AbortionSexual Well-Being and Reproductive RightsChapter 9: Gender and Identity: Process, Roles, and CultureUnderstanding Gender Development and Context-Gender and Sex
-Biological Process in the Development of Sex
-Biological Sex Variations and IntersexualityGender Identity and Expression-Gender Identity—A Brief History
-Biology and Gender Identity Development
-Transgender—A New Identity
-AngrogynyGender Roles-Gender Roles Across Time and Cultures
-Social Institutions and Gender Role Development
-Sexism and Gender RolesGender Norms and Variance-Factors of Gender NonconformityGender Identity Rights and Sexual Well-BeingChapter 10: Sexual OrientationUnderstanding Sexual Orientation-The Spectrum of Sexual Orientation
-The Gap Between Sexual Attraction and Behavior
-Sources of Sexual Orientation
-Sexual Socialization and Compulsory Heterosexuality-Sexual Individuality and Sexual OrientationVariations in Sexual Orientation-Same-Sex Behavior Variations Across Cultures
-The Invention or Modern Gay and Lesbian Identity
-The Modern LGBTQ Movement
-10% Are Gay: Myth or Sexual Geography?
-African American Men Being on the Down Low
-Men Who Have Sex With Men
-Female Sexual Fluidity
-Queer and QuestioningHomosexuality, Discrimination, and Stigma-Sexual Prejudice and Homophobia
-Bullying and Internalized Homophobia
-Hate CrimesComing Out and Sexual Well-Being-Social Acceptance and Being Out
-Being Out—Steps Toward Well-Being
-LGBTQ Family FormationSexual OrientationChapter 11: Sexuality in Childhood and AdolescenceSexual Development in Childhood and Adolescence-Biology, Family and Culture
-Healthy Sexuality and Values in Childhood and Adolescence-Emotional Literacy in Young PeopleSexuality in Childhood-Infants as Sensual Beings
-Childhood Curiosity, Masturbation, and Sexual PlaySexuality in Adolescence-The Magical Age of 10: Development of Desire
-The Biological Changes of Adolescence: Pubertal Development-Romantic Relationships
-Sexual Identity
-Sexual Behaviors in Adolescence
-STI’s, Pregnancy, and Contraception
Sexuality in Context: The Role of Institutions-Families
-Sexuality Education in Schools
-Sexual Health in Europe and the United States
Young People’s Rights and Sexual Well-BeingChapter 12: Sexuality in Adulthood and Later LifeEarly Adulthood-Single Living
-Casual Sex and What It Means
-Early Cohabitation and Sexual Well-BeingIntegrating Marriage and Sexual Well-Being-Variations in Marriage
-Sex and Marriage
-Extramarital Relationships
-Divorce and Subsequent Marriages
-Same-Sex MarriageSexuality and Aging Populations-Sex and Well-Being at Midlife
-How Sex Shapes Mend and Women as They Age
-Female Issues with Desire
-Male Issues with Arousal
-Aging, Disability, and Sexual Well-Being
-Illness and Sexuality—Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Cancer
-Elderhood and Healthy SexualitySexuality and Well-Being In Late LifeChapter 13: Attraction, Love, and CommunicationSexual Attraction-Theories of Sexual Desire and Attraction
-Physical Attractiveness
-Beauty and Sexiness
-Chemistry and Attraction
-Psychological Attraction
-Biological Attraction
-Same-Sex Attraction
-Sexual ScriptsLove-Theories of Love
-Types of Attachment
-When Love Ends: The Dissolution of RelationshipsCommunication-Emotional Literacy: Communicating Your Needs
-Sexual Language
-Nonverbal Sexual Communication and Flirting
-Sexual Self-Disclosure: To Reveal or Not to Reveal
-Characteristics of Ineffective Communication
-Improving Communication SkillsCommunication and Sexual Well-BeingChapter 14: Sexual Coercion and ResiliencySexual CoercionRape-Date Rape
-Marital Rape
-Prisoner Rape
-Cultural Differences in Rape
-Societies Prone to Rape
-Perpetrators of Sexual Coercion
-Survivors of Rape and Other Forms of CoercionChildhood Sexual Coercion-Incest
-Child PornographyTeens and Adult Sexual Coercion-Sexual Harassment
-Teen Dating AbuseSex Work and Sex Trafficking-Different Types of Sex Work
-Sex Work and Rights
-Sex TraffickingRecovery, Resiliency, and Sexual Well-BeingChapter 15: Extreme Sexuality and ParaphiliasChanges in Acceptability of Sexual Behavior-Variations in Mainstream Sexual Behavior
-Cross-Cultural Extremes of Sexuality
-Extreme Sexual Behaviors in Contemporary Society
-Strip Clubs—Normal or Extreme?
-Gender and Extreme Sexual Behavior
-Kinky Sex
-Sex Tourism and Extreme Sexuality
-When Extreme Sexual Behavior Becomes ImpulsiveParaphilias-Clinical Criteria of Paraphilias
-Categories of Paraphilias
-Popular Culture and Media Influence
-Origins of Paraphilias
-Treatment of ParaphiliasSexual Novelty and Healthy Sexuality-Sex Toys, Vibrators, and Related Sexual Enhancements
Mainstreaming of Pornography and Sexual Well-Being
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