Introduction to Criminal Justice 15th Edition Siegel Test Bank
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Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 1305261046
- ISBN-13 : 978-1305261044
- Author:
Engaging, visually dynamic, and packed with vivid illustrations, INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE, Fifteenth Edition, gives readers an exciting behind-the-scenes look at the workings of the police, courts, and correctional systems while equipping them with a solid understanding of criminal justice concepts. With its objective presentation and to-the-point writing style, the text effectively guides readers through the intricate workings of the processes of justice as well as key policy issues. The book also includes an emphasis on today’s criminal justice careers, offering insights from numerous professionals on the rewards and realities of their jobs.
Table of contents:
Part 1: The Nature of Crime, Law, and Criminal Justice
Ch 1: Crime and Criminal Justice
Ch 2: The Nature and Extent of Crime
Ch 3: Understanding Crime and Victimization
Ch 4: Criminal Law: Substance and Procedure
Part 2: The Police and Law Enforcement
Ch 5: Public Policing and Private Security
Ch 6: The Police: Organization, Role, and Function
Ch 7: Issues in Policing
Ch 8: Police and the Rule of Law
Part 3: Courts and Adjudication
Ch 9: Court Structure and Personnel
Ch 10: Pretrial and Trial Procedures
Ch 11: Punishment and Sentencing
Part 4: Corrections
Ch 12: Community Sentences: Probation, Intermediate Sanctions, and
Ch 13: Corrections: History, Institutions, and Populations
Ch 14: Prison Life: Living in and Leaving Prison
Part 5: Contemporary Challenges in Criminal Justice
Ch 15: Juvenile Justice
Ch 16: Crime and Justice in the New Millennium
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