Introduction to Java Programming Comprehensive Version 9th Edition Liang Test Bank

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Introduction to Java Programming Comprehensive Version 9th Edition Liang Test Bank.

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Introduction to Java Programming Comprehensive Version 9th Edition Liang Test Bank

Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9780132936521
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0132936521
  • Author: Y. Daniel Liang

Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive, 9e, features comprehensive coverage ideal for a one-, two-, or three-semester CS1 course sequence.

Daniel Liang teaches concepts of problem-solving and object-oriented programming using a fundamentals-first approach. Beginning programmers learn critical problem-solving techniques then move on to grasp the key concepts of object-oriented, GUI programming, advanced GUI and Web programming using Java.

Table contents: 

  1. VideoNotes Locations of VideoNotes
  2. Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers, Programs, and Java
  3. Objectives
  4. 1.1 Introduction
  5. 1.2 What Is a Computer?
  6. 1.2.1 Central Processing Unit
  7. 1.2.2 Bits and Bytes
  8. 1.2.3 Memory
  9. 1.2.4 Storage Devices
  10. Disks
  11. CDs and DVDs
  12. USB Flash Drives
  13. 1.2.5 Input and Output Devices
  14. The Keyboard
  15. The Mouse
  16. The Monitor
  17. 1.2.6 Communication Devices
  18. 1.3 Programming Languages
  19. 1.3.1 Machine Language
  20. 1.3.2 Assembly Language
  21. 1.3.3 High-Level Language
  22. 1.4 Operating Systems
  23. 1.4.1 Controlling and Monitoring System Activities
  24. 1.4.2 Allocating and Assigning System Resources
  25. 1.4.3 Scheduling Operations
  26. 1.5 Java, the World Wide Web, and Beyond
  27. 1.6 The Java Language Specification, API, JDK, and IDE
  28. 1.7 A Simple Java Program
  29. Welcome to Java!
  30. 1.8 Creating, Compiling, and Executing a Java Program
  31. 1.9 Programming Style and Documentation
  32. 1.9.1 Appropriate Comments and Comment Styles
  33. 1.9.2 Proper Indentation and Spacing
  34. 1.9.3 Block Styles
  35. 1.10 Programming Errors
  36. 1.10.1 Syntax Errors
  37. 1.10.2 Runtime Errors
  38. 1.10.3 Logic Errors
  39. 1.10.4 Common Errors
  40. 1.11 Developing Java Programs Using NetBeans
  41. 1.11.1 Creating a Java Project
  42. 1.11.2 Creating a Java Class
  43. 1.11.3 Compiling and Running a Class
  44. 1.12 Developing Java Programs Using Eclipse
  45. 1.12.1 Creating a Java Project
  46. 1.12.2 Creating a Java Class
  47. 1.12.3 Compiling and Running a Class
  48. Key Terms
  49. Chapter Summary
  50. Quiz
  51. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  52. Chapter 2 Elementary Programming
  53. Objectives
  54. 2.1 Introduction
  55. 2.2 Writing a Simple Program
  56. 2.3 Reading Input from the Console
  57. 2.4 Identifiers
  58. 2.5 Variables
  59. 2.6 Assignment Statements and Assignment Expressions
  60. 2.7 Named Constants
  61. 2.8 Naming Conventions
  62. 2.9 Numeric Data Types and Operations
  63. 2.9.1 Numeric Types
  64. 2.9.2 Reading Numbers from the Keyboard
  65. 2.9.3 Numeric Operators
  66. 2.9.4 Exponent Operations
  67. 2.10 Numeric Literals
  68. 2.10.1 Integer Literals
  69. 2.10.2 Floating-Point Literals
  70. 2.10.3 Scientific Notation
  71. 2.11 Evaluating Expressions and Operator Precedence
  72. 2.12 Case Study: Displaying the Current Time
  73. 2.13 Augmented Assignment Operators
  74. 2.14 Increment and Decrement Operators
  75. 2.15 Numeric Type Conversions
  76. 2.16 Software Development Process
  77. 2.17 Case Study: Counting Monetary Units
  78. 2.18 Common Errors and Pitfalls
  79. Key Terms
  80. Chapter Summary
  81. Quiz
  82. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  83. Sections 2.13–2.17
  84. Chapter 3 Selections
  85. Objectives
  86. 3.1 Introduction
  87. 3.2 boolean Data Type
  88. 3.3 if Statements
  89. 3.4 Two-Way if-else Statements
  90. 3.5 Nested if and Multi-Way if-else Statements
  91. 3.6 Common Errors and Pitfalls
  92. 3.7 Generating Random Numbers
  93. 3.8 Case Study: Computing Body Mass Index
  94. 3.9 Case Study: Computing Taxes
  95. 3.10 Logical Operators
  96. 3.11 Case Study: Determining Leap Year
  97. 3.12 Case Study: Lottery
  98. 3.13 switch Statements
  99. 3.14 Conditional Expressions
  100. 3.15 Operator Precedence and Associativity
  101. 3.16 Debugging
  102. Key Terms
  103. Chapter Summary
  104. Test Questions
  105. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  106. Section 3.2
  107. Sections 3.3–3.7
  108. Sections 3.8–3.16
  109. Comprehensive
  110. Chapter 4 Mathematical Functions, Characters, and Strings
  111. Objectives
  112. 4.1 Introduction
  113. 4.2 Common Mathematical Functions
  114. 4.2.1 Trigonometric Methods
  115. 4.2.2 Exponent Methods
  116. 4.2.3 The Rounding Methods
  117. 4.2.4 The min , max , and abs Methods
  118. 4.2.5 The random Method
  119. 4.2.6 Case Study: Computing Angles of a Triangle
  120. 4.3 Character Data Type and Operations
  121. 4.3.1 Unicode and ASCII code
  122. 4.3.2 Escape Sequences for Special Characters
  123. 4.3.3 Casting between char and Numeric Types
  124. 4.3.4 Comparing and Testing Characters
  125. 4.4 The String Type
  126. 4.4.1 Getting String Length
  127. 4.4.2 Getting Characters from a String
  128. 4.4.3 Concatenating Strings
  129. 4.4.4 Converting Strings
  130. 4.4.5 Reading a String from the Console
  131. 4.4.6 Reading a Character from the Console
  132. 4.4.7 Comparing Strings
  133. 4.4.8 Obtaining Substrings
  134. 4.4.9 Finding a Character or a Substring in a String
  135. 4.4.10 Conversion between Strings and Numbers
  136. 4.5 Case Studies
  137. 4.5.1 Case Study: Guessing Birthdays
  138. 4.5.2 Case Study: Converting a Hexadecimal Digit to a Decimal Value
  139. 4.5.3 Case Study: Revising the Lottery Program Using Strings
  140. 4.6 Formatting Console Output
  141. Key Terms
  142. Chapter Summary
  143. Quiz
  144. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  145. Chapter 5 Loops
  146. Objectives
  147. 5.1 Introduction
  148. 5.2 The while Loop
  149. 5.2.1 Case Study: Guessing Numbers
  150. 5.2.2 Loop Design Strategies
  151. 5.2.3 Case Study: Multiple Subtraction Quiz
  152. 5.2.4 Controlling a Loop with a Sentinel Value
  153. 5.2.5 Input and Output Redirections
  154. 5.3 The do-while Loop
  155. 5.4 The for Loop
  156. 5.5 Which Loop to Use?
  157. 5.6 Nested Loops
  158. 5.7 Minimizing Numeric Errors
  159. 5.8 Case Studies
  160. 5.8.1 Case Study: Finding the Greatest Common Divisor
  161. 5.8.2 Case Study: Predicting the Future Tuition
  162. 5.8.3 Case Study: Converting Decimals to Hexadecimals
  163. 5.9 Keywords break and continue
  164. 5.10 Case Study: Checking Palindromes
  165. 5.11 Case Study: Displaying Prime Numbers
  166. Key Terms
  167. Chapter Summary
  168. Quiz
  169. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  170. Sections 5.2–5.7
  171. Sections 5.8–5.10
  172. Chapter 6 Methods
  173. Objectives
  174. 6.1 Introduction
  175. 6.2 Defining a Method
  176. 6.3 Calling a Method
  177. 6.4 void Method Example
  178. 6.5 Passing Arguments by Values
  179. 6.6 Modularizing Code
  180. 6.7 Case Study: Converting Hexadecimals to Decimals
  181. 6.8 Overloading Methods
  182. 6.9 The Scope of Variables
  183. 6.10 Case Study: Generating Random Characters
  184. 6.11 Method Abstraction and Stepwise Refinement
  185. 6.11.1 Top-Down Design
  186. 6.11.2 Top-Down and/or Bottom-Up Implementation
  187. 6.11.3 Implementation Details
  188. 6.11.4 Benefits of Stepwise Refinement
  189. Simpler Program
  190. Reusing Methods
  191. Easier Developing, Debugging, and Testing
  192. Better Facilitating Teamwork
  193. Key Terms
  194. Chapter Summary
  195. Quiz
  196. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  197. Sections 6.2–6.9
  198. Programming Exercises
  199. Sections 6.10–6.11
  200. Sections 6.10–6.12
  201. Comprehensive
  202. Chapter 7 Single-Dimensional Arrays
  203. Objectives
  204. 7.1 Introduction
  205. 7.2 Array Basics
  206. 7.2.1 Declaring Array Variables
  207. 7.2.2 Creating Arrays
  208. 7.2.3 Array Size and Default Values
  209. 7.2.4 Accessing Array Elements
  210. 7.2.5 Array Initializers
  211. 7.2.6 Processing Arrays
  212. 7.2.7 Foreach Loops
  213. 7.3 Case Study: Analyzing Numbers
  214. 7.4 Case Study: Deck of Cards
  215. 7.5 Copying Arrays
  216. 7.6 Passing Arrays to Methods
  217. 7.7 Returning an Array from a Method
  218. 7.8 Case Study: Counting the Occurrences of Each Letter
  219. 7.9 Variable-Length Argument Lists
  220. 7.10 Searching Arrays
  221. 7.10.1 The Linear Search Approach
  222. 7.10.2 The Binary Search Approach
  223. 7.11 Sorting Arrays
  224. 7.12 The Arrays Class
  225. 7.13 Command-Line Arguments
  226. 7.13.1 Passing Strings to the main Method
  227. 7.13.2 Case Study: Calculator
  228. Key Terms
  229. Chapter Summary
  230. Quiz
  231. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  232. Sections 7.2–7.5
  233. Sections 7.6–7.8
  234. Section 7.9
  235. Sections 7.10–7.12
  236. Chapter 8 Multidimensional Arrays
  237. Objectives
  238. 8.1 Introduction
  239. 8.2 Two-Dimensional Array Basics
  240. 8.2.1 Declaring Variables of Two-Dimensional Arrays and Creating Two-Dimensional Arrays
  241. 8.2.2 Obtaining the Lengths of Two-Dimensional Arrays
  242. 8.2.3 Ragged Arrays
  243. 8.3 Processing Two-Dimensional Arrays
  244. 8.4 Passing Two-Dimensional Arrays to Methods
  245. 8.5 Case Study: Grading a Multiple-Choice Test
  246. 8.6 Case Study: Finding the Closest Pair
  247. 8.7 Case Study: Sudoku
  248. 8.8 Multidimensional Arrays
  249. 8.8.1 Case Study: Daily Temperature and Humidity
  250. 8.8.2 Case Study: Guessing Birthdays
  251. Chapter Summary
  252. Quiz
  253. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  254. Chapter 9 Objects and Classes
  255. Objectives
  256. 9.1 Introduction
  257. 9.2 Defining Classes for Objects
  258. 9.3 Example: Defining Classes and Creating Objects
  259. 9.4 Constructing Objects Using Constructors
  260. 9.5 Accessing Objects via Reference Variables
  261. 9.5.1 Reference Variables and Reference Types
  262. 9.5.2 Accessing an Object’s Data and Methods
  263. 9.5.3 Reference Data Fields and the null Value
  264. 9.5.4 Differences between Variables of Primitive Types and Reference Types
  265. 9.6 Using Classes from the Java Library
  266. 9.6.1 The Date Class
  267. 9.6.2 The Random Class
  268. 9.6.3 The Point2D Class
  269. 9.7 Static Variables, Constants, and Methods
  270. 9.8 Visibility Modifiers
  271. 9.9 Data Field Encapsulation
  272. 9.10 Passing Objects to Methods
  273. 9.11 Array of Objects
  274. 9.12 Immutable Objects and Classes
  275. 9.13 The Scope of Variables
  276. 9.14 The this Reference
  277. 9.14.1 Using this to Reference Hidden Data Fields
  278. 9.14.2 Using this to Invoke a Constructor
  279. Key Terms
  280. Chapter Summary
  281. Quiz
  282. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  283. Sections 9.2–9.5
  284. Section 9.6
  285. Sections 9.7–9.9
  286. Chapter 10 Object-Oriented Thinking
  287. Objectives
  288. 10.1 Introduction
  289. 10.2 Class Abstraction and Encapsulation
  290. 10.3 Thinking in Objects
  291. 10.4 Class Relationships
  292. 10.4.1 Association
  293. 10.4.2 Aggregation and Composition
  294. 10.5 Case Study: Designing the Course Class
  295. 10.6 Case Study: Designing a Class for Stacks
  296. 10.7 Processing Primitive Data Type Values as Objects
  297. 10.8 Automatic Conversion between Primitive Types and Wrapper Class Types
  298. 10.9 The BigInteger and BigDecimal Classes
  299. 10.10 The String Class
  300. 10.10.1 Constructing a String
  301. 10.10.2 Immutable Strings and Interned Strings
  302. 10.10.3 Replacing and Splitting Strings
  303. 10.10.4 Matching, Replacing and Splitting by Patterns
  304. 10.10.5 Conversion between Strings and Arrays
  305. 10.10.6 Converting Characters and Numeric Values to Strings
  306. 10.10.7 Formatting Strings
  307. 10.11 The StringBuilder and StringBuffer Classes
  308. 10.11.1 Modifying Strings in the StringBuilder
  309. 10.11.2 The toString , capacity , length , setLength , and  charAt Methods
  310. 10.11.3 Case Study: Ignoring Nonalphanumeric Characters When Checking Palindromes
  311. Key Terms
  312. Chapter Summary
  313. Quiz
  314. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  315. Sections 10.2–10.3
  316. Sections 10.4–10.8
  317. Section 10.9
  318. Sections 10.10–10.11
  319. Chapter 11 Inheritance and Polymorphism
  320. Objectives
  321. 11.1 Introduction
  322. 11.2 Superclasses and Subclasses
  323. 11.3 Using the super Keyword
  324. 11.3.1 Calling Superclass Constructors
  325. 11.3.2 Constructor Chaining
  326. 11.3.3 Calling Superclass Methods
  327. 11.4 Overriding Methods
  328. 11.5 Overriding vs. Overloading
  329. 11.6 The Object Class and Its toString() Method
  330. 11.7 Polymorphism
  331. 11.8 Dynamic Binding
  332. 11.9 Casting Objects and the instanceof Operator
  333. 11.10 The Object’s equals Method
  334. 11.11 The ArrayList Class
  335. 11.12 Useful Methods for Lists
  336. 11.13 Case Study: A Custom Stack Class
  337. 11.14 The protected Data and Methods
  338. 11.15 Preventing Extending and Overriding
  339. Key Terms
  340. Chapter Summary
  341. Quiz
  342. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  343. Chapter 12 Exception Handling and Text I/O
  344. Objectives
  345. 12.1 Introduction
  346. 12.2 Exception-Handling Overview
  347. 12.3 Exception Types
  348. 12.4 More on Exception Handling
  349. 12.4.1 Declaring Exceptions
  350. 12.4.2 Throwing Exceptions
  351. 12.4.3 Catching Exceptions
  352. 12.4.4 Getting Information from Exceptions
  353. 12.4.5 Example: Declaring, Throwing, and Catching Exceptions
  354. 12.5 The finally Clause
  355. 12.6 When to Use Exceptions
  356. 12.7 Rethrowing Exceptions
  357. 12.8 Chained Exceptions
  358. 12.9 Defining Custom Exception Classes
  359. 12.10 The File Class
  360. 12.11 File Input and Output
  361. 12.11.1 Writing Data Using PrintWriter
  362. 12.11.2 Closing Resources Automatically Using try-with-resources
  363. 12.11.3 Reading Data Using Scanner
  364. 12.11.4 How Does Scanner Work?
  365. 12.11.5 Case Study: Replacing Text
  366. 12.12 Reading Data from the Web
  367. 12.13 Case Study: Web Crawler
  368. Key Terms
  369. Chapter Summary
  370. Quiz
  371. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  372. Sections 12.2–12.9
  373. Sections 12.10–12.12
  374. Chapter 13 Abstract Classes and Interfaces
  375. Objectives
  376. 13.1 Introduction
  377. 13.2 Abstract Classes
  378. 13.2.1 Why Abstract Methods?
  379. 13.2.2 Interesting Points about Abstract Classes
  380. 13.3 Case Study: the Abstract Number Class
  381. 13.4 Case Study: Calendar and GregorianCalendar
  382. 13.5 Interfaces
  383. 13.6 The Comparable Interface
  384. 13.7 The Cloneable Interface
  385. 13.8 Interfaces vs. Abstract Classes
  386. 13.9 Case Study: The Rational Class
  387. 13.10 Class Design Guidelines
  388. 13.10.1 Cohesion
  389. 13.10.2 Consistency
  390. 13.10.3 Encapsulation
  391. 13.10.4 Clarity
  392. 13.10.5 Completeness
  393. 13.10.6 Instance vs. Static
  394. 13.10.7 Inheritance vs. Aggregation
  395. 13.10.8 Interfaces vs. Abstract Classes
  396. Key Terms
  397. Chapter Summary
  398. Quiz
  399. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  400. Sections 13.2–13.3
  401. Sections 13.4–13.8
  402. Section 13.9
  403. Chapter 14 JavaFX Basics
  404. Objectives
  405. 14.1 Introduction
  406. 14.2 JavaFX vs Swing and AWT
  407. 14.3 The Basic Structure of a JavaFX Program
  408. 14.4 Panes, UI Controls, and Shapes
  409. 14.5 Property Binding
  410. 14.6 Common Properties and Methods for Nodes
  411. 14.7 The Color Class
  412. 14.8 The Font Class
  413. 14.9 The Image and ImageView Classes
  414. 14.10 Layout Panes
  415. 14.10.1 FlowPane
  416. 14.10.2 GridPane
  417. 14.10.3 BorderPane
  418. 14.10.4 HBox and VBox
  419. 14.11 Shapes
  420. 14.11.1 Text
  421. 14.11.2 Line
  422. 14.11.3 Rectangle
  423. 14.11.4 Circle and Ellipse
  424. 14.11.5 Arc
  425. 14.11.6 Polygon and Polyline
  426. 14.12 Case Study: The ClockPane Class
  427. Key Terms
  428. Chapter Summary
  429. Quiz
  430. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  431. Sections 14.2–14.9
  432. Sections 14.10–14.11
  433. Section 14.12
  434. Chapter 15 Event-Driven Programming and Animations
  435. Objectives
  436. 15.1 Introduction
  437. 15.2 Events and Event Sources
  438. 15.3 Registering Handlers and Handling Events
  439. 15.4 Inner Classes
  440. 15.5 Anonymous Inner Class Handlers
  441. 15.6 Simplifying Event Handling Using Lambda Expressions
  442. 15.7 Case Study: Loan Calculator
  443. 15.8 Mouse Events
  444. 15.9 Key Events
  445. 15.10 Listeners for Observable Objects
  446. 15.11 Animation
  447. 15.11.1 PathTransition
  448. 15.11.2 FadeTransition
  449. 15.11.3 Timeline
  450. 15.12 Case Study: Bouncing Ball
  451. Key Terms
  452. Chapter Summary
  453. Quiz
  454. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  455. Sections 15.2–15.7
  456. Sections 15.8 and 15.9
  457. Section 15.10
  458. Section 15.11
  459. Chapter 16 JavaFX UI Controls and Multimedia
  460. Objectives
  461. 16.1 Introduction
  462. 16.2 Labeled and Label
  463. 16.3 Button
  464. 16.4 CheckBox
  465. 16.5 RadioButton
  466. 16.6 TextField
  467. 16.7 TextArea
  468. 16.8 ComboBox
  469. 16.9 ListView
  470. 16.10 ScrollBar
  471. 16.11 Slider
  472. 16.12 Case Study: Developing a Tic-Tac-Toe Game
  473. 16.13 Video and Audio
  474. 16.14 Case Study: National Flags and Anthems
  475. Chapter Summary
  476. Quiz
  477. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  478. Sections 16.2–16.5
  479. Sections 16.6–16.8
  480. Sections 16.6–16.8
  481. Comprehensive
  482. Chapter 17 Binary I/O
  483. Objectives
  484. 17.1 Introduction
  485. 17.2 How Is Text I/O Handled in Java?
  486. 17.3 Text I/O vs. Binary I/O
  487. 17.4 Binary I/O Classes
  488. 17.4.1 FileInputStream/FileOutputStream
  489. 17.4.2 FilterInputStream/FilterOutputStream
  490. 17.4.3 DataInputStream/DataOutputStream
  491. Characters and Strings in Binary I/O
  492. Creating DataInputStream / DataOutputStream
  493. Detecting the End of a File
  494. 17.4.4 BufferedInputStream/BufferedOutputStream
  495. 17.5 Case Study: Copying Files
  496. 17.6 Object I/O
  497. 17.6.1 The Serializable Interface
  498. 17.6.2 Serializing Arrays
  499. 17.7 Random-Access Files
  500. Key Terms
  501. Chapter Summary
  502. Quiz
  503. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  504. Section 17.3
  505. Section 17.4
  506. Section 17.6
  507. Section 17.7
  508. Comprehensive
  509. Chapter 18 Recursion
  510. Objectives
  511. 18.1 Introduction
  512. 18.2 Case Study: Computing Factorials
  513. 18.3 Case Study: Computing Fibonacci Numbers
  514. 18.4 Problem Solving Using Recursion
  515. 18.5 Recursive Helper Methods
  516. 18.5.1 Recursive Selection Sort
  517. 18.5.2 Recursive Binary Search
  518. 18.6 Case Study: Finding the Directory Size
  519. 18.7 Case Study: Tower of Hanoi
  520. 18.8 Case Study: Fractals
  521. 18.9 Recursion vs. Iteration
  522. 18.10 Tail Recursion
  523. Key Terms
  524. Chapter Summary
  525. Quiz
  526. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  527. Sections 18.2–18.3
  528. Section 18.4
  529. Section 18.5
  530. Sections 18.6–18.10
  531. Chapter 19 Generics
  532. Objectives
  533. 19.1 Introduction
  534. 19.2 Motivations and Benefits
  535. 19.3 Defining Generic Classes and Interfaces
  536. 19.4 Generic Methods
  537. 19.5 Case Study: Sorting an Array of Objects
  538. 19.6 Raw Types and Backward Compatibility
  539. 19.7 Wildcard Generic Types
  540. 19.8 Erasure and Restrictions on Generics
  541. 19.9 Case Study: Generic Matrix Class
  542. Key Terms
  543. Chapter Summary
  544. Quiz
  545. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  546. Chapter 20 Lists, Stacks, Queues, and Priority Queues
  547. Objectives
  548. 20.1 Introduction
  549. 20.2 Collections
  550. 20.3 Iterators
  551. 20.4 Lists
  552. 20.4.1 The Common Methods in the List Interface
  553. 20.4.2 The ArrayList and LinkedList Classes
  554. 20.5 The Comparator Interface
  555. 20.6 Static Methods for Lists and Collections
  556. 20.7 Case Study: Bouncing Balls
  557. 20.8 Vector and Stack Classes
  558. 20.9 Queues and Priority Queues
  559. 20.9.1 The Queue Interface
  560. 20.9.2 Deque and LinkedList
  561. 20.10 Case Study: Evaluating Expressions
  562. Key Terms
  563. Chapter Summary
  564. Quiz
  565. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  566. Sections 20.2–20.7
  567. Sections 20.8–20.10
  568. Chapter 21 Sets and Maps
  569. Objectives
  570. 21.1 Introduction
  571. 21.2 Sets
  572. 21.2.1 HashSet
  573. 21.2.2 LinkedHashSet
  574. 21.2.3 TreeSet
  575. 21.3 Comparing the Performance of Sets and Lists
  576. 21.4 Case Study: Counting Keywords
  577. 21.5 Maps
  578. 21.6 Case Study: Occurrences of Words
  579. 21.7 Singleton and Unmodifiable Collections and Maps
  580. Key Terms
  581. Chapter Summary
  582. Quiz
  583. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  584. Sections 21.2–21.4
  585. Sections 21.5–21.7
  586. Chapter 22 Developing Efficient Algorithms
  587. Objectives
  588. 22.1 Introduction
  589. 22.2 Measuring Algorithm Efficiency Using Big O Notation
  590. 22.3 Examples: Determining Big O
  591. Example 1
  592. Example 2
  593. Example 3
  594. Example 4
  595. Example 5
  596. Example 6
  597. Example 7
  598. 22.4 Analyzing Algorithm Time Complexity
  599. 22.4.1 Analyzing Binary Search
  600. 22.4.2 Analyzing Selection Sort
  601. 22.4.3 Analyzing the Tower of Hanoi Problem
  602. 22.4.4 Common Recurrence Relations
  603. 22.4.5 Comparing Common Growth Functions
  604. 22.5 Finding Fibonacci Numbers Using Dynamic Programming
  605. 22.6 Finding Greatest Common Divisors Using Euclid’s Algorithm
  606. 22.7 Efficient Algorithms for Finding Prime Numbers
  607. 22.8 Finding the Closest Pair of Points Using Divide-and-Conquer
  608. 22.9 Solving the Eight Queens Problem Using Backtracking
  609. 22.10 Computational Geometry: Finding a Convex Hull
  610. 22.10.1 Gift-Wrapping Algorithm
  611. 22.10.2 Graham’s Algorithm
  612. Key Terms
  613. Chapter Summary
  614. Quiz
  615. Chapter 23 Sorting
  616. Objectives
  617. 23.1 Introduction
  618. 23.2 Insertion Sort
  619. 23.3 Bubble Sort
  620. 23.4 Merge Sort
  621. 23.5 Quick Sort
  622. 23.6 Heap Sort
  623. 23.6.1 Storing a Heap
  624. 23.6.2 Adding a New Node
  625. 23.6.3 Removing the Root
  626. 23.6.4 The Heap Class
  627. 23.6.5 Sorting Using the Heap Class
  628. 23.6.6 Heap Sort Time Complexity
  629. 23.7 Bucket Sort and Radix Sort
  630. 23.8 External Sort
  631. 23.8.1 Implementing Phase I
  632. 23.8.2 Implementing Phase II
  633. 23.8.3 Combining Two Phases
  634. 23.8.4 External Sort Complexity
  635. Key Terms
  636. Chapter Summary
  637. Quiz
  638. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  639. Sections 23.3–23.5
  640. Section 23.6
  641. Section 23.7
  642. Section 23.8
  643. Comprehensive
  644. Chapter 24 Implementing Lists, Stacks, Queues, and Priority Queues
  645. Objectives
  646. 24.1 Introduction
  647. 24.2 Common Features for Lists
  648. 24.3 Array Lists
  649. 24.4 Linked Lists
  650. 24.4.1 Nodes
  651. 24.4.2 The MyLinkedList Class
  652. 24.4.3 Implementing MyLinkedList
  653. Implementing addFirst(e)
  654. Implementing addLast(e)
  655. Implementing add(index, e)
  656. Implementing removeFirst()
  657. Implementing removeLast()
  658. Implementing remove(index)
  659. 24.4.4 MyArrayList vs. MyLinkedList
  660. 24.4.5 Variations of Linked Lists
  661. 24.5 Stacks and Queues
  662. 24.6 Priority Queues
  663. Chapter Summary
  664. Quiz
  665. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  666. Chapter 25 Binary Search Trees
  667. Objectives
  668. 25.1 Introduction
  669. 25.2 Binary Search Trees
  670. 25.2.1 Representing Binary Search Trees
  671. 25.2.2 Searching for an Element
  672. 25.2.3 Inserting an Element into a BST
  673. 25.2.4 Tree Traversal
  674. 25.2.5 The BST Class
  675. 25.3 Deleting Elements from a BST
  676. 25.4 Tree Visualization and MVC
  677. 25.5 Iterators
  678. 25.6 Case Study: Data Compression
  679. Key Terms
  680. Chapter Summary
  681. Quiz
  682. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  683. Sections 25.2–25.6
  684. Chapter 26 AVL Trees
  685. Objectives
  686. 26.1 Introduction
  687. 26.2 Rebalancing Trees
  688. 26.3 Designing Classes for AVL Trees
  689. 26.4 Overriding the insert Method
  690. 26.5 Implementing Rotations
  691. 26.6 Implementing the delete Method
  692. 26.7 The AVLTree Class
  693. 26.8 Testing the AVLTree Class
  694. 26.9 AVL Tree Time Complexity Analysis
  695. Key Terms
  696. Chapter Summary
  697. Quiz
  698. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  699. Chapter 27 Hashing
  700. Objectives
  701. 27.1 Introduction
  702. 27.2 What Is Hashing?
  703. 27.3 Hash Functions and Hash Codes
  704. 27.3.1 Hash Codes for Primitive Types
  705. 27.3.2 Hash Codes for Strings
  706. 27.3.3 Compressing Hash Codes
  707. 27.4 Handling Collisions Using Open Addressing
  708. 27.4.1 Linear Probing
  709. 27.4.2 Quadratic Probing
  710. 27.4.3 Double Hashing
  711. 27.5 Handling Collisions Using Separate Chaining
  712. 27.6 Load Factor and Rehashing
  713. 27.7 Implementing a Map Using Hashing
  714. 27.8 Implementing Set Using Hashing
  715. Key Terms
  716. Chapter Summary
  717. Quiz
  718. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  719. Chapter 28 Graphs and Applications
  720. Objectives
  721. 28.1 Introduction
  722. 28.2 Basic Graph Terminologies
  723. 28.3 Representing Graphs
  724. 28.3.1 Representing Vertices
  725. 28.3.2 Representing Edges: Edge Array
  726. 28.3.3 Representing Edges: Edge Objects
  727. 28.3.4 Representing Edges: Adjacency Matrices
  728. 28.3.5 Representing Edges: Adjacency Lists
  729. 28.4 Modeling Graphs
  730. 28.5 Graph Visualization
  731. 28.6 Graph Traversals
  732. 28.7 Depth-First Search (DFS)
  733. 28.7.1 Depth-First Search Algorithm
  734. 28.7.2 Implementation of Depth-First Search
  735. 28.7.3 Applications of the DFS
  736. 28.8 Case Study: The Connected Circles Problem
  737. 28.9 Breadth-First Search (BFS)
  738. 28.9.1 Breadth-First Search Algorithm
  739. 28.9.2 Implementation of Breadth-First Search
  740. 28.9.3 Applications of the BFS
  741. 28.10 Case Study: The Nine Tails Problem
  742. Key Terms
  743. Chapter Summary
  744. Quiz
  745. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  746. Sections 28.6–28.10
  747. Chapter 29 Weighted Graphs and Applications
  748. Objectives
  749. 29.1 Introduction
  750. 29.2 Representing Weighted Graphs
  751. 29.2.1 Representing Weighted Edges: Edge Array
  752. 29.2.2 Weighted Adjacency Matrices
  753. 29.2.3 Adjacency Lists
  754. 29.3 The WeightedGraph Class
  755. 29.4 Minimum Spanning Trees
  756. 29.4.1 Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms
  757. 29.4.2 Refining Prim’s MST Algorithm
  758. 29.4.3 Implementation of the MST Algorithm
  759. 29.5 Finding Shortest Paths
  760. 29.6 Case Study: The Weighted Nine Tails Problem
  761. Key Terms
  762. Chapter Summary
  763. Quiz
  764. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  765. Chapter 30 Multithreading and Parallel Programming
  766. Objectives
  767. 30.1 Introduction
  768. 30.2 Thread Concepts
  769. 30.3 Creating Tasks and Threads
  770. 30.4 The Thread Class
  771. 30.5 Case Study: Flashing Text
  772. 30.6 Thread Pools
  773. 30.7 Thread Synchronization
  774. 30.7.1 The synchronized Keyword
  775. 30.7.2 Synchronizing Statements
  776. 30.8 Synchronization Using Locks
  777. 30.9 Cooperation among Threads
  778. 30.10 Case Study: Producer/Consumer
  779. 30.11 Blocking Queues
  780. 30.12 Semaphores
  781. 30.13 Avoiding Deadlocks
  782. 30.14 Thread States
  783. 30.15 Synchronized Collections
  784. 30.16 Parallel Programming
  785. Key Terms
  786. Chapter Summary
  787. Quiz
  788. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  789. Sections 30.1–30.5
  790. Sections 30.8–30.12
  791. Section 30.15
  792. Section 30.18
  793. Comprehensive
  794. Chapter 31 Networking
  795. Objectives
  796. 31.1 Introduction
  797. 31.2 Client/Server Computing
  798. 31.2.1 Server Sockets
  799. 31.2.2 Client Sockets
  800. 31.2.3 Data Transmission through Sockets
  801. 31.2.4 A Client/Server Example
  802. 31.3 The InetAddress Class
  803. 31.4 Serving Multiple Clients
  804. 31.5 Sending and Receiving Objects
  805. 31.6 Case Study: Distributed Tic-Tac-Toe Games
  806. Key Terms
  807. Chapter Summary
  808. Quiz
  809. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  810. Section 31.2
  811. Sections 31.3 and 31.4
  812. Section 31.5
  813. Section 31.6
  814. Section 31.7
  815. Chapter 32 Java Database Programming
  816. Objectives
  817. 32.1 Introduction
  818. 32.2 Relational Database Systems
  819. 32.2.1 Relational Structures
  820. 32.2.2 Integrity Constraints
  821. Domain Constraints
  822. Primary Key Constraints
  823. Foreign Key Constraints
  824. Enforcing Integrity Constraints
  825. 32.3 SQL
  826. 32.3.1 Creating a User Account on MySQL
  827. 32.3.2 Creating a Database
  828. 32.3.3 Creating and Dropping Tables
  829. 32.3.4 Simple Insert, Update, and Delete
  830. 32.3.5 Simple Queries
  831. 32.3.6 Comparison and Boolean Operators
  832. 32.3.7 The like, between-and, and is null Operators
  833. 32.3.8 Column Alias
  834. 32.3.9 The Arithmetic Operators
  835. 32.3.10 Displaying Distinct Tuples
  836. 32.3.11 Displaying Sorted Tuples
  837. 32.3.12 Joining Tables
  838. 32.4 JDBC
  839. 32.4.1 Developing Database Applications Using JDBC
  840. 32.4.2 Accessing a Database from JavaFX
  841. 32.5 PreparedStatement
  842. 32.6 CallableStatement
  843. 32.7 Retrieving Metadata
  844. 32.7.1 Database Metadata
  845. 32.7.2 Obtaining Database Tables
  846. 32.7.3 Result Set Metadata
  847. Key Terms
  848. Chapter Summary
  849. Quiz
  850. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  851. Chapter 33 JavaServer Faces
  852. Objectives
  853. 33.1 Introduction
  854. 33.2 Getting Started with JSF
  855. 33.2.1 Creating a JSF Project
  856. 33.2.2 A Basic JSF Page
  857. 33.2.3 Managed JavaBeans for JSF
  858. 33.2.4 JSF Expressions
  859. 33.3 JSF GUI Components
  860. 33.4 Processing the Form
  861. 33.5 Case Study: Calculator
  862. 33.6 Session Tracking
  863. 33.7 Validating Input
  864. 33.8 Binding Database with Facelets
  865. 33.9 Opening New JSF Pages
  866. Key Terms
  867. Chapter Summary
  868. Quiz
  869. MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
  870. Appendix 1
  871. Appendixes
  872. Appendix A Java Keywords
  873. Appendix B The ASCII Character Set
  874. Appendix C Operator Precedence Chart
  875. Appendix D Java Modifiers
  876. Appendix E Special Floating-Point Values
  877. Appendix F Number Systems
  878. F.1 Introduction
  879. F.2 Conversions Between Binary and Decimal Numbers
  880. F.3 Conversions Between Hexadecimal and Decimal Numbers
  881. F.4 Conversions Between Binary and Hexadecimal Numbers
  882. Appendix G Bitwise Operations
  883. Appendix H Regular Expressions
  884. H.1 Matching Strings
  885. H.2 Regular Expression Syntax
  886. H.3 Replacing and Splitting Strings
  887. Appendix I Enumerated Types
  888. I.1 Simple Enumerated Types
  889. I.2 Using if or switch Statements with an Enumerated Variable
  890. I.3 Processing Enumerated Values Using a Foreach Loop
  891. I.4 Enumerated Types with Data Fields, Constructors, and Methods
  892. Index

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