Introduction to Java Programming Comprehensive Version 9th Edition Liang Test Bank
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Introduction to Java Programming Comprehensive Version 9th Edition Liang Test Bank.
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Introduction to Java Programming Comprehensive Version 9th Edition Liang Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 9780132936521
- ISBN-13 : 978-0132936521
- Author: Y. Daniel Liang
Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive, 9e, features comprehensive coverage ideal for a one-, two-, or three-semester CS1 course sequence.
Daniel Liang teaches concepts of problem-solving and object-oriented programming using a fundamentals-first approach. Beginning programmers learn critical problem-solving techniques then move on to grasp the key concepts of object-oriented, GUI programming, advanced GUI and Web programming using Java.
Table contents:
- VideoNotes Locations of VideoNotes
- Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers, Programs, and Java
- Objectives
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 What Is a Computer?
- 1.2.1 Central Processing Unit
- 1.2.2 Bits and Bytes
- 1.2.3 Memory
- 1.2.4 Storage Devices
- Disks
- CDs and DVDs
- USB Flash Drives
- 1.2.5 Input and Output Devices
- The Keyboard
- The Mouse
- The Monitor
- 1.2.6 Communication Devices
- 1.3 Programming Languages
- 1.3.1 Machine Language
- 1.3.2 Assembly Language
- 1.3.3 High-Level Language
- 1.4 Operating Systems
- 1.4.1 Controlling and Monitoring System Activities
- 1.4.2 Allocating and Assigning System Resources
- 1.4.3 Scheduling Operations
- 1.5 Java, the World Wide Web, and Beyond
- 1.6 The Java Language Specification, API, JDK, and IDE
- 1.7 A Simple Java Program
- Welcome to Java!
- 1.8 Creating, Compiling, and Executing a Java Program
- 1.9 Programming Style and Documentation
- 1.9.1 Appropriate Comments and Comment Styles
- 1.9.2 Proper Indentation and Spacing
- 1.9.3 Block Styles
- 1.10 Programming Errors
- 1.10.1 Syntax Errors
- 1.10.2 Runtime Errors
- 1.10.3 Logic Errors
- 1.10.4 Common Errors
- 1.11 Developing Java Programs Using NetBeans
- 1.11.1 Creating a Java Project
- 1.11.2 Creating a Java Class
- 1.11.3 Compiling and Running a Class
- 1.12 Developing Java Programs Using Eclipse
- 1.12.1 Creating a Java Project
- 1.12.2 Creating a Java Class
- 1.12.3 Compiling and Running a Class
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Chapter 2 Elementary Programming
- Objectives
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Writing a Simple Program
- 2.3 Reading Input from the Console
- 2.4 Identifiers
- 2.5 Variables
- 2.6 Assignment Statements and Assignment Expressions
- 2.7 Named Constants
- 2.8 Naming Conventions
- 2.9 Numeric Data Types and Operations
- 2.9.1 Numeric Types
- 2.9.2 Reading Numbers from the Keyboard
- 2.9.3 Numeric Operators
- 2.9.4 Exponent Operations
- 2.10 Numeric Literals
- 2.10.1 Integer Literals
- 2.10.2 Floating-Point Literals
- 2.10.3 Scientific Notation
- 2.11 Evaluating Expressions and Operator Precedence
- 2.12 Case Study: Displaying the Current Time
- 2.13 Augmented Assignment Operators
- 2.14 Increment and Decrement Operators
- 2.15 Numeric Type Conversions
- 2.16 Software Development Process
- 2.17 Case Study: Counting Monetary Units
- 2.18 Common Errors and Pitfalls
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Sections 2.13–2.17
- Chapter 3 Selections
- Objectives
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 boolean Data Type
- 3.3 if Statements
- 3.4 Two-Way if-else Statements
- 3.5 Nested if and Multi-Way if-else Statements
- 3.6 Common Errors and Pitfalls
- 3.7 Generating Random Numbers
- 3.8 Case Study: Computing Body Mass Index
- 3.9 Case Study: Computing Taxes
- 3.10 Logical Operators
- 3.11 Case Study: Determining Leap Year
- 3.12 Case Study: Lottery
- 3.13 switch Statements
- 3.14 Conditional Expressions
- 3.15 Operator Precedence and Associativity
- 3.16 Debugging
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Test Questions
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Section 3.2
- Sections 3.3–3.7
- Sections 3.8–3.16
- Comprehensive
- Chapter 4 Mathematical Functions, Characters, and Strings
- Objectives
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Common Mathematical Functions
- 4.2.1 Trigonometric Methods
- 4.2.2 Exponent Methods
- 4.2.3 The Rounding Methods
- 4.2.4 The min , max , and abs Methods
- 4.2.5 The random Method
- 4.2.6 Case Study: Computing Angles of a Triangle
- 4.3 Character Data Type and Operations
- 4.3.1 Unicode and ASCII code
- 4.3.2 Escape Sequences for Special Characters
- 4.3.3 Casting between char and Numeric Types
- 4.3.4 Comparing and Testing Characters
- 4.4 The String Type
- 4.4.1 Getting String Length
- 4.4.2 Getting Characters from a String
- 4.4.3 Concatenating Strings
- 4.4.4 Converting Strings
- 4.4.5 Reading a String from the Console
- 4.4.6 Reading a Character from the Console
- 4.4.7 Comparing Strings
- 4.4.8 Obtaining Substrings
- 4.4.9 Finding a Character or a Substring in a String
- 4.4.10 Conversion between Strings and Numbers
- 4.5 Case Studies
- 4.5.1 Case Study: Guessing Birthdays
- 4.5.2 Case Study: Converting a Hexadecimal Digit to a Decimal Value
- 4.5.3 Case Study: Revising the Lottery Program Using Strings
- 4.6 Formatting Console Output
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Chapter 5 Loops
- Objectives
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 The while Loop
- 5.2.1 Case Study: Guessing Numbers
- 5.2.2 Loop Design Strategies
- 5.2.3 Case Study: Multiple Subtraction Quiz
- 5.2.4 Controlling a Loop with a Sentinel Value
- 5.2.5 Input and Output Redirections
- 5.3 The do-while Loop
- 5.4 The for Loop
- 5.5 Which Loop to Use?
- 5.6 Nested Loops
- 5.7 Minimizing Numeric Errors
- 5.8 Case Studies
- 5.8.1 Case Study: Finding the Greatest Common Divisor
- 5.8.2 Case Study: Predicting the Future Tuition
- 5.8.3 Case Study: Converting Decimals to Hexadecimals
- 5.9 Keywords break and continue
- 5.10 Case Study: Checking Palindromes
- 5.11 Case Study: Displaying Prime Numbers
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Sections 5.2–5.7
- Sections 5.8–5.10
- Chapter 6 Methods
- Objectives
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 Defining a Method
- 6.3 Calling a Method
- 6.4 void Method Example
- 6.5 Passing Arguments by Values
- 6.6 Modularizing Code
- 6.7 Case Study: Converting Hexadecimals to Decimals
- 6.8 Overloading Methods
- 6.9 The Scope of Variables
- 6.10 Case Study: Generating Random Characters
- 6.11 Method Abstraction and Stepwise Refinement
- 6.11.1 Top-Down Design
- 6.11.2 Top-Down and/or Bottom-Up Implementation
- 6.11.3 Implementation Details
- 6.11.4 Benefits of Stepwise Refinement
- Simpler Program
- Reusing Methods
- Easier Developing, Debugging, and Testing
- Better Facilitating Teamwork
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Sections 6.2–6.9
- Programming Exercises
- Sections 6.10–6.11
- Sections 6.10–6.12
- Comprehensive
- Chapter 7 Single-Dimensional Arrays
- Objectives
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Array Basics
- 7.2.1 Declaring Array Variables
- 7.2.2 Creating Arrays
- 7.2.3 Array Size and Default Values
- 7.2.4 Accessing Array Elements
- 7.2.5 Array Initializers
- 7.2.6 Processing Arrays
- 7.2.7 Foreach Loops
- 7.3 Case Study: Analyzing Numbers
- 7.4 Case Study: Deck of Cards
- 7.5 Copying Arrays
- 7.6 Passing Arrays to Methods
- 7.7 Returning an Array from a Method
- 7.8 Case Study: Counting the Occurrences of Each Letter
- 7.9 Variable-Length Argument Lists
- 7.10 Searching Arrays
- 7.10.1 The Linear Search Approach
- 7.10.2 The Binary Search Approach
- 7.11 Sorting Arrays
- 7.12 The Arrays Class
- 7.13 Command-Line Arguments
- 7.13.1 Passing Strings to the main Method
- 7.13.2 Case Study: Calculator
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Sections 7.2–7.5
- Sections 7.6–7.8
- Section 7.9
- Sections 7.10–7.12
- Chapter 8 Multidimensional Arrays
- Objectives
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Two-Dimensional Array Basics
- 8.2.1 Declaring Variables of Two-Dimensional Arrays and Creating Two-Dimensional Arrays
- 8.2.2 Obtaining the Lengths of Two-Dimensional Arrays
- 8.2.3 Ragged Arrays
- 8.3 Processing Two-Dimensional Arrays
- 8.4 Passing Two-Dimensional Arrays to Methods
- 8.5 Case Study: Grading a Multiple-Choice Test
- 8.6 Case Study: Finding the Closest Pair
- 8.7 Case Study: Sudoku
- 8.8 Multidimensional Arrays
- 8.8.1 Case Study: Daily Temperature and Humidity
- 8.8.2 Case Study: Guessing Birthdays
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Chapter 9 Objects and Classes
- Objectives
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 Defining Classes for Objects
- 9.3 Example: Defining Classes and Creating Objects
- 9.4 Constructing Objects Using Constructors
- 9.5 Accessing Objects via Reference Variables
- 9.5.1 Reference Variables and Reference Types
- 9.5.2 Accessing an Object’s Data and Methods
- 9.5.3 Reference Data Fields and the null Value
- 9.5.4 Differences between Variables of Primitive Types and Reference Types
- 9.6 Using Classes from the Java Library
- 9.6.1 The Date Class
- 9.6.2 The Random Class
- 9.6.3 The Point2D Class
- 9.7 Static Variables, Constants, and Methods
- 9.8 Visibility Modifiers
- 9.9 Data Field Encapsulation
- 9.10 Passing Objects to Methods
- 9.11 Array of Objects
- 9.12 Immutable Objects and Classes
- 9.13 The Scope of Variables
- 9.14 The this Reference
- 9.14.1 Using this to Reference Hidden Data Fields
- 9.14.2 Using this to Invoke a Constructor
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Sections 9.2–9.5
- Section 9.6
- Sections 9.7–9.9
- Chapter 10 Object-Oriented Thinking
- Objectives
- 10.1 Introduction
- 10.2 Class Abstraction and Encapsulation
- 10.3 Thinking in Objects
- 10.4 Class Relationships
- 10.4.1 Association
- 10.4.2 Aggregation and Composition
- 10.5 Case Study: Designing the Course Class
- 10.6 Case Study: Designing a Class for Stacks
- 10.7 Processing Primitive Data Type Values as Objects
- 10.8 Automatic Conversion between Primitive Types and Wrapper Class Types
- 10.9 The BigInteger and BigDecimal Classes
- 10.10 The String Class
- 10.10.1 Constructing a String
- 10.10.2 Immutable Strings and Interned Strings
- 10.10.3 Replacing and Splitting Strings
- 10.10.4 Matching, Replacing and Splitting by Patterns
- 10.10.5 Conversion between Strings and Arrays
- 10.10.6 Converting Characters and Numeric Values to Strings
- 10.10.7 Formatting Strings
- 10.11 The StringBuilder and StringBuffer Classes
- 10.11.1 Modifying Strings in the StringBuilder
- 10.11.2 The toString , capacity , length , setLength , and charAt Methods
- 10.11.3 Case Study: Ignoring Nonalphanumeric Characters When Checking Palindromes
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Sections 10.2–10.3
- Sections 10.4–10.8
- Section 10.9
- Sections 10.10–10.11
- Chapter 11 Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Objectives
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 Superclasses and Subclasses
- 11.3 Using the super Keyword
- 11.3.1 Calling Superclass Constructors
- 11.3.2 Constructor Chaining
- 11.3.3 Calling Superclass Methods
- 11.4 Overriding Methods
- 11.5 Overriding vs. Overloading
- 11.6 The Object Class and Its toString() Method
- 11.7 Polymorphism
- 11.8 Dynamic Binding
- 11.9 Casting Objects and the instanceof Operator
- 11.10 The Object’s equals Method
- 11.11 The ArrayList Class
- 11.12 Useful Methods for Lists
- 11.13 Case Study: A Custom Stack Class
- 11.14 The protected Data and Methods
- 11.15 Preventing Extending and Overriding
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Chapter 12 Exception Handling and Text I/O
- Objectives
- 12.1 Introduction
- 12.2 Exception-Handling Overview
- 12.3 Exception Types
- 12.4 More on Exception Handling
- 12.4.1 Declaring Exceptions
- 12.4.2 Throwing Exceptions
- 12.4.3 Catching Exceptions
- 12.4.4 Getting Information from Exceptions
- 12.4.5 Example: Declaring, Throwing, and Catching Exceptions
- 12.5 The finally Clause
- 12.6 When to Use Exceptions
- 12.7 Rethrowing Exceptions
- 12.8 Chained Exceptions
- 12.9 Defining Custom Exception Classes
- 12.10 The File Class
- 12.11 File Input and Output
- 12.11.1 Writing Data Using PrintWriter
- 12.11.2 Closing Resources Automatically Using try-with-resources
- 12.11.3 Reading Data Using Scanner
- 12.11.4 How Does Scanner Work?
- 12.11.5 Case Study: Replacing Text
- 12.12 Reading Data from the Web
- 12.13 Case Study: Web Crawler
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Sections 12.2–12.9
- Sections 12.10–12.12
- Chapter 13 Abstract Classes and Interfaces
- Objectives
- 13.1 Introduction
- 13.2 Abstract Classes
- 13.2.1 Why Abstract Methods?
- 13.2.2 Interesting Points about Abstract Classes
- 13.3 Case Study: the Abstract Number Class
- 13.4 Case Study: Calendar and GregorianCalendar
- 13.5 Interfaces
- 13.6 The Comparable Interface
- 13.7 The Cloneable Interface
- 13.8 Interfaces vs. Abstract Classes
- 13.9 Case Study: The Rational Class
- 13.10 Class Design Guidelines
- 13.10.1 Cohesion
- 13.10.2 Consistency
- 13.10.3 Encapsulation
- 13.10.4 Clarity
- 13.10.5 Completeness
- 13.10.6 Instance vs. Static
- 13.10.7 Inheritance vs. Aggregation
- 13.10.8 Interfaces vs. Abstract Classes
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Sections 13.2–13.3
- Sections 13.4–13.8
- Section 13.9
- Chapter 14 JavaFX Basics
- Objectives
- 14.1 Introduction
- 14.2 JavaFX vs Swing and AWT
- 14.3 The Basic Structure of a JavaFX Program
- 14.4 Panes, UI Controls, and Shapes
- 14.5 Property Binding
- 14.6 Common Properties and Methods for Nodes
- 14.7 The Color Class
- 14.8 The Font Class
- 14.9 The Image and ImageView Classes
- 14.10 Layout Panes
- 14.10.1 FlowPane
- 14.10.2 GridPane
- 14.10.3 BorderPane
- 14.10.4 HBox and VBox
- 14.11 Shapes
- 14.11.1 Text
- 14.11.2 Line
- 14.11.3 Rectangle
- 14.11.4 Circle and Ellipse
- 14.11.5 Arc
- 14.11.6 Polygon and Polyline
- 14.12 Case Study: The ClockPane Class
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Sections 14.2–14.9
- Sections 14.10–14.11
- Section 14.12
- Chapter 15 Event-Driven Programming and Animations
- Objectives
- 15.1 Introduction
- 15.2 Events and Event Sources
- 15.3 Registering Handlers and Handling Events
- 15.4 Inner Classes
- 15.5 Anonymous Inner Class Handlers
- 15.6 Simplifying Event Handling Using Lambda Expressions
- 15.7 Case Study: Loan Calculator
- 15.8 Mouse Events
- 15.9 Key Events
- 15.10 Listeners for Observable Objects
- 15.11 Animation
- 15.11.1 PathTransition
- 15.11.2 FadeTransition
- 15.11.3 Timeline
- 15.12 Case Study: Bouncing Ball
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Sections 15.2–15.7
- Sections 15.8 and 15.9
- Section 15.10
- Section 15.11
- Chapter 16 JavaFX UI Controls and Multimedia
- Objectives
- 16.1 Introduction
- 16.2 Labeled and Label
- 16.3 Button
- 16.4 CheckBox
- 16.5 RadioButton
- 16.6 TextField
- 16.7 TextArea
- 16.8 ComboBox
- 16.9 ListView
- 16.10 ScrollBar
- 16.11 Slider
- 16.12 Case Study: Developing a Tic-Tac-Toe Game
- 16.13 Video and Audio
- 16.14 Case Study: National Flags and Anthems
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Sections 16.2–16.5
- Sections 16.6–16.8
- Sections 16.6–16.8
- Comprehensive
- Chapter 17 Binary I/O
- Objectives
- 17.1 Introduction
- 17.2 How Is Text I/O Handled in Java?
- 17.3 Text I/O vs. Binary I/O
- 17.4 Binary I/O Classes
- 17.4.1 FileInputStream/FileOutputStream
- 17.4.2 FilterInputStream/FilterOutputStream
- 17.4.3 DataInputStream/DataOutputStream
- Characters and Strings in Binary I/O
- Creating DataInputStream / DataOutputStream
- Detecting the End of a File
- 17.4.4 BufferedInputStream/BufferedOutputStream
- 17.5 Case Study: Copying Files
- 17.6 Object I/O
- 17.6.1 The Serializable Interface
- 17.6.2 Serializing Arrays
- 17.7 Random-Access Files
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Section 17.3
- Section 17.4
- Section 17.6
- Section 17.7
- Comprehensive
- Chapter 18 Recursion
- Objectives
- 18.1 Introduction
- 18.2 Case Study: Computing Factorials
- 18.3 Case Study: Computing Fibonacci Numbers
- 18.4 Problem Solving Using Recursion
- 18.5 Recursive Helper Methods
- 18.5.1 Recursive Selection Sort
- 18.5.2 Recursive Binary Search
- 18.6 Case Study: Finding the Directory Size
- 18.7 Case Study: Tower of Hanoi
- 18.8 Case Study: Fractals
- 18.9 Recursion vs. Iteration
- 18.10 Tail Recursion
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Sections 18.2–18.3
- Section 18.4
- Section 18.5
- Sections 18.6–18.10
- Chapter 19 Generics
- Objectives
- 19.1 Introduction
- 19.2 Motivations and Benefits
- 19.3 Defining Generic Classes and Interfaces
- 19.4 Generic Methods
- 19.5 Case Study: Sorting an Array of Objects
- 19.6 Raw Types and Backward Compatibility
- 19.7 Wildcard Generic Types
- 19.8 Erasure and Restrictions on Generics
- 19.9 Case Study: Generic Matrix Class
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Chapter 20 Lists, Stacks, Queues, and Priority Queues
- Objectives
- 20.1 Introduction
- 20.2 Collections
- 20.3 Iterators
- 20.4 Lists
- 20.4.1 The Common Methods in the List Interface
- 20.4.2 The ArrayList and LinkedList Classes
- 20.5 The Comparator Interface
- 20.6 Static Methods for Lists and Collections
- 20.7 Case Study: Bouncing Balls
- 20.8 Vector and Stack Classes
- 20.9 Queues and Priority Queues
- 20.9.1 The Queue Interface
- 20.9.2 Deque and LinkedList
- 20.10 Case Study: Evaluating Expressions
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Sections 20.2–20.7
- Sections 20.8–20.10
- Chapter 21 Sets and Maps
- Objectives
- 21.1 Introduction
- 21.2 Sets
- 21.2.1 HashSet
- 21.2.2 LinkedHashSet
- 21.2.3 TreeSet
- 21.3 Comparing the Performance of Sets and Lists
- 21.4 Case Study: Counting Keywords
- 21.5 Maps
- 21.6 Case Study: Occurrences of Words
- 21.7 Singleton and Unmodifiable Collections and Maps
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Sections 21.2–21.4
- Sections 21.5–21.7
- Chapter 22 Developing Efficient Algorithms
- Objectives
- 22.1 Introduction
- 22.2 Measuring Algorithm Efficiency Using Big O Notation
- 22.3 Examples: Determining Big O
- Example 1
- Example 2
- Example 3
- Example 4
- Example 5
- Example 6
- Example 7
- 22.4 Analyzing Algorithm Time Complexity
- 22.4.1 Analyzing Binary Search
- 22.4.2 Analyzing Selection Sort
- 22.4.3 Analyzing the Tower of Hanoi Problem
- 22.4.4 Common Recurrence Relations
- 22.4.5 Comparing Common Growth Functions
- 22.5 Finding Fibonacci Numbers Using Dynamic Programming
- 22.6 Finding Greatest Common Divisors Using Euclid’s Algorithm
- 22.7 Efficient Algorithms for Finding Prime Numbers
- 22.8 Finding the Closest Pair of Points Using Divide-and-Conquer
- 22.9 Solving the Eight Queens Problem Using Backtracking
- 22.10 Computational Geometry: Finding a Convex Hull
- 22.10.1 Gift-Wrapping Algorithm
- 22.10.2 Graham’s Algorithm
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- Chapter 23 Sorting
- Objectives
- 23.1 Introduction
- 23.2 Insertion Sort
- 23.3 Bubble Sort
- 23.4 Merge Sort
- 23.5 Quick Sort
- 23.6 Heap Sort
- 23.6.1 Storing a Heap
- 23.6.2 Adding a New Node
- 23.6.3 Removing the Root
- 23.6.4 The Heap Class
- 23.6.5 Sorting Using the Heap Class
- 23.6.6 Heap Sort Time Complexity
- 23.7 Bucket Sort and Radix Sort
- 23.8 External Sort
- 23.8.1 Implementing Phase I
- 23.8.2 Implementing Phase II
- 23.8.3 Combining Two Phases
- 23.8.4 External Sort Complexity
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Sections 23.3–23.5
- Section 23.6
- Section 23.7
- Section 23.8
- Comprehensive
- Chapter 24 Implementing Lists, Stacks, Queues, and Priority Queues
- Objectives
- 24.1 Introduction
- 24.2 Common Features for Lists
- 24.3 Array Lists
- 24.4 Linked Lists
- 24.4.1 Nodes
- 24.4.2 The MyLinkedList Class
- 24.4.3 Implementing MyLinkedList
- Implementing addFirst(e)
- Implementing addLast(e)
- Implementing add(index, e)
- Implementing removeFirst()
- Implementing removeLast()
- Implementing remove(index)
- 24.4.4 MyArrayList vs. MyLinkedList
- 24.4.5 Variations of Linked Lists
- 24.5 Stacks and Queues
- 24.6 Priority Queues
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Chapter 25 Binary Search Trees
- Objectives
- 25.1 Introduction
- 25.2 Binary Search Trees
- 25.2.1 Representing Binary Search Trees
- 25.2.2 Searching for an Element
- 25.2.3 Inserting an Element into a BST
- 25.2.4 Tree Traversal
- 25.2.5 The BST Class
- 25.3 Deleting Elements from a BST
- 25.4 Tree Visualization and MVC
- 25.5 Iterators
- 25.6 Case Study: Data Compression
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Sections 25.2–25.6
- Chapter 26 AVL Trees
- Objectives
- 26.1 Introduction
- 26.2 Rebalancing Trees
- 26.3 Designing Classes for AVL Trees
- 26.4 Overriding the insert Method
- 26.5 Implementing Rotations
- 26.6 Implementing the delete Method
- 26.7 The AVLTree Class
- 26.8 Testing the AVLTree Class
- 26.9 AVL Tree Time Complexity Analysis
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Chapter 27 Hashing
- Objectives
- 27.1 Introduction
- 27.2 What Is Hashing?
- 27.3 Hash Functions and Hash Codes
- 27.3.1 Hash Codes for Primitive Types
- 27.3.2 Hash Codes for Strings
- 27.3.3 Compressing Hash Codes
- 27.4 Handling Collisions Using Open Addressing
- 27.4.1 Linear Probing
- 27.4.2 Quadratic Probing
- 27.4.3 Double Hashing
- 27.5 Handling Collisions Using Separate Chaining
- 27.6 Load Factor and Rehashing
- 27.7 Implementing a Map Using Hashing
- 27.8 Implementing Set Using Hashing
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Chapter 28 Graphs and Applications
- Objectives
- 28.1 Introduction
- 28.2 Basic Graph Terminologies
- 28.3 Representing Graphs
- 28.3.1 Representing Vertices
- 28.3.2 Representing Edges: Edge Array
- 28.3.3 Representing Edges: Edge Objects
- 28.3.4 Representing Edges: Adjacency Matrices
- 28.3.5 Representing Edges: Adjacency Lists
- 28.4 Modeling Graphs
- 28.5 Graph Visualization
- 28.6 Graph Traversals
- 28.7 Depth-First Search (DFS)
- 28.7.1 Depth-First Search Algorithm
- 28.7.2 Implementation of Depth-First Search
- 28.7.3 Applications of the DFS
- 28.8 Case Study: The Connected Circles Problem
- 28.9 Breadth-First Search (BFS)
- 28.9.1 Breadth-First Search Algorithm
- 28.9.2 Implementation of Breadth-First Search
- 28.9.3 Applications of the BFS
- 28.10 Case Study: The Nine Tails Problem
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Sections 28.6–28.10
- Chapter 29 Weighted Graphs and Applications
- Objectives
- 29.1 Introduction
- 29.2 Representing Weighted Graphs
- 29.2.1 Representing Weighted Edges: Edge Array
- 29.2.2 Weighted Adjacency Matrices
- 29.2.3 Adjacency Lists
- 29.3 The WeightedGraph Class
- 29.4 Minimum Spanning Trees
- 29.4.1 Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms
- 29.4.2 Refining Prim’s MST Algorithm
- 29.4.3 Implementation of the MST Algorithm
- 29.5 Finding Shortest Paths
- 29.6 Case Study: The Weighted Nine Tails Problem
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Chapter 30 Multithreading and Parallel Programming
- Objectives
- 30.1 Introduction
- 30.2 Thread Concepts
- 30.3 Creating Tasks and Threads
- 30.4 The Thread Class
- 30.5 Case Study: Flashing Text
- 30.6 Thread Pools
- 30.7 Thread Synchronization
- 30.7.1 The synchronized Keyword
- 30.7.2 Synchronizing Statements
- 30.8 Synchronization Using Locks
- 30.9 Cooperation among Threads
- 30.10 Case Study: Producer/Consumer
- 30.11 Blocking Queues
- 30.12 Semaphores
- 30.13 Avoiding Deadlocks
- 30.14 Thread States
- 30.15 Synchronized Collections
- 30.16 Parallel Programming
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Sections 30.1–30.5
- Sections 30.8–30.12
- Section 30.15
- Section 30.18
- Comprehensive
- Chapter 31 Networking
- Objectives
- 31.1 Introduction
- 31.2 Client/Server Computing
- 31.2.1 Server Sockets
- 31.2.2 Client Sockets
- 31.2.3 Data Transmission through Sockets
- 31.2.4 A Client/Server Example
- 31.3 The InetAddress Class
- 31.4 Serving Multiple Clients
- 31.5 Sending and Receiving Objects
- 31.6 Case Study: Distributed Tic-Tac-Toe Games
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Section 31.2
- Sections 31.3 and 31.4
- Section 31.5
- Section 31.6
- Section 31.7
- Chapter 32 Java Database Programming
- Objectives
- 32.1 Introduction
- 32.2 Relational Database Systems
- 32.2.1 Relational Structures
- 32.2.2 Integrity Constraints
- Domain Constraints
- Primary Key Constraints
- Foreign Key Constraints
- Enforcing Integrity Constraints
- 32.3 SQL
- 32.3.1 Creating a User Account on MySQL
- 32.3.2 Creating a Database
- 32.3.3 Creating and Dropping Tables
- 32.3.4 Simple Insert, Update, and Delete
- 32.3.5 Simple Queries
- 32.3.6 Comparison and Boolean Operators
- 32.3.7 The like, between-and, and is null Operators
- 32.3.8 Column Alias
- 32.3.9 The Arithmetic Operators
- 32.3.10 Displaying Distinct Tuples
- 32.3.11 Displaying Sorted Tuples
- 32.3.12 Joining Tables
- 32.4 JDBC
- 32.4.1 Developing Database Applications Using JDBC
- 32.4.2 Accessing a Database from JavaFX
- 32.5 PreparedStatement
- 32.6 CallableStatement
- 32.7 Retrieving Metadata
- 32.7.1 Database Metadata
- 32.7.2 Obtaining Database Tables
- 32.7.3 Result Set Metadata
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Chapter 33 JavaServer Faces
- Objectives
- 33.1 Introduction
- 33.2 Getting Started with JSF
- 33.2.1 Creating a JSF Project
- 33.2.2 A Basic JSF Page
- 33.2.3 Managed JavaBeans for JSF
- 33.2.4 JSF Expressions
- 33.3 JSF GUI Components
- 33.4 Processing the Form
- 33.5 Case Study: Calculator
- 33.6 Session Tracking
- 33.7 Validating Input
- 33.8 Binding Database with Facelets
- 33.9 Opening New JSF Pages
- Key Terms
- Chapter Summary
- Quiz
- MyProgrammingLab™ Programming Exercises
- Appendix 1
- Appendixes
- Appendix A Java Keywords
- Appendix B The ASCII Character Set
- Appendix C Operator Precedence Chart
- Appendix D Java Modifiers
- Appendix E Special Floating-Point Values
- Appendix F Number Systems
- F.1 Introduction
- F.2 Conversions Between Binary and Decimal Numbers
- F.3 Conversions Between Hexadecimal and Decimal Numbers
- F.4 Conversions Between Binary and Hexadecimal Numbers
- Appendix G Bitwise Operations
- Appendix H Regular Expressions
- H.1 Matching Strings
- H.2 Regular Expression Syntax
- H.3 Replacing and Splitting Strings
- Appendix I Enumerated Types
- I.1 Simple Enumerated Types
- I.2 Using if or switch Statements with an Enumerated Variable
- I.3 Processing Enumerated Values Using a Foreach Loop
- I.4 Enumerated Types with Data Fields, Constructors, and Methods
- Index
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