Invitation to Health Canadian 4th Edition Hales Test Bank
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Invitation to Health Canadian 4th Edition Hales Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 017653153X
- ISBN-13 : 978-0176531539
- Author: Dianne Hales
An Invitation to Health, fourth Canadian edition, provides you with information, advice, recommendations, and research, so that you can take charge of your own health. However, knowledge alone can’t assure you a lifetime of well-being. The skills you acquire, the habits you form, the choices you make, and the way you live day by day will all shape your health and your future. We hope you will embrace health and wellness so that you have the opportunity to live a fulfilling life and realize your potential. This is our invitation to you. ―Dianne Hales ―Lara Lauzon
Table contents:
An invitation to health and wellness
Psychosocial health
Personal stress management
Physical activity for fitness, health, and athletic performance
Personal nutrition
Healthy eating for weight management
Personal relationships and sexuality
Birth control choices and pregnancy
Protecting yourself from infectious diseases
Lowering your risk of major diseases
Drug use, misuse, and abuse
Alcohol and tobacco use, misuse, and abuse
Traditional and complementary health-care approaches
Staying safe: preventing injury, violence, and victimization
Healthy aging
Working toward a healthy environment
The spirit of health and wellness
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